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Wait for it…..

So my replacement laptop (oh, right, yeah, my old one died on February 5) should arrive this week and I can get back to editing the final pass for the first three adventures and I can move a step closer to publication.

The biggest hold up is the map editing since the map editing software is licensed to my Mac. Oh, crud… I need to get that reissued!

So while I’ve been waiting we’ve been retesting some of the adventures and finding a few more tweaks to cover.

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Another run?

While it’s always fun to run my created adventures and listen to my bards spin the tales of my stories, there is also a great deal of joy and excitement running other adventures to carry us away from a rainy cold weekend.

So this weekend we brushed off “The Burning Plague” and sent three parties into the mines to solve the dilemma of the nearby town. Two were lost themselves in barrages of crossbow bolts, but the third seems to have a more tenable grasp on the requirements of “survival”.

The story continues to unfold; where will this one end?

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It’s Been a Funny Sort of Week

So, things have been slow here since my venerable 2011 MacBook Pro has started exhibiting very odd behavior; instability bordering on being unusable.

Hopefully, very soon, I’ll have a resolution to that and get back to writing and editing.

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Another Thursday Night

It’s coming down to the wire for the final revisions of our first adventure to be posted. Be on the lookout for the adventure to be added to the shop as a freebie download for anyone who wants to start to learn about our lands and the campaign at large.