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The Army is Assembling

While I’m having some storm related power and connectivity issues, I figured I’d catalog and re-group my collection of minis.

I’ve recently switched over to the Pathfinder Pawns collection; cardboard minis and separate stands are a heckuva lot easier to pack and transport. Yet, I don’t want to let any of these guys go as each one (it seems) speaks to an adventure of old…

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A bit of a snag….

Sorry to everyone, but the mobile WordPress App has been failing to post my updates, I have just found out….

I’m working with technical support to attempt to overcome this.

Please allow me to summarize the past few weeks since my last successful update:

  1. April 16 – PFRPG updates are coming along well.  Play testing has shown me a few gaps that I’m shoring up.
  2. April 23 – PFRPG updating will include Monster and NPC stats as appendices rather that me trying to cram stats in-line in the adventure text.  I hope this makes it easier to read the adventure and manage the inhabitants.
  3. April 30 – Publication target of June 28 (just in time for some Friday Night Table Sessions and weekend testing) has been set.
  4. May 14 – World Map crafting is coming along swiftly.  The newest version of Hexographer (by Inkwell Ideas) is amazingly awesome and making my life sooooo much easier!

Well, I guess that about sums up one month in the life of a part-time world builder 🙂