I’m writing as fast as I can, I swear!

Well, it’s starting to come together. So far I’m up to about 100 pages, and that’s just the macro-level headlines and outlines. I will (with a tailwind and a concerted low level of chaos) be able to publish the primer “The Lands of Hyebrenia” which will include the background of the entire world, and the sub-citizen beginnings of the realms.

My goal in this first pass is to create, to the best of my ability, a document that allows those willing to walk into the world I have created from my mind, my experience, and my soul. It will present the timeline of creation and world events, the variety and cause for the differing races, their homelands, and introspective into some key NPCs of the realms.

Based on its success, I will then embark on refactoring all of the adventures I have written over the past 30+ years. That, in of itself, is no small task, but my intention with this refactoring is to make the adventures a framework shell of prose, paradigm, and danger while keeping them somewhat version agnostic. My hope is that I will create the story and concepts and then allow anyone playing 3.5E, PF1.0, PF2.0, or 5E to take the stories and adventures, as written, and utilize them in their play.

Okay, enough procrastinating. Back to Scrivener…..

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