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New Year, end of New Year, New Goals

I’ve set some new goals for 2020, as 2019 is coming to a close.

Firstly, I’ll be setting a goal of 10 new maps by July 31, 2020. (I’ve already got seven, and they stream out of me whenever I sit down for a few minutes). Once I reach this milestone, I’ll be starting to promote this site. I feel that these maps are all stored in my head, and am looking forward to getting them on paper (okay, PNG or JPGs) and seeing them realized.

Secondly, I’m setting a goal of 10 adventures by December 31, 2020. Many of these will be “one off”, the adventures that I, or my daughters, arrived at that don’t necessarily fit in to a campaign but could… you know, if you want.

Thirdly, I’m applying to nursing school. What does that have to do with this site? Simple. I’m setting up a success path where when I meet an academic goal I get to work on a map or an adventure. The “not academia” breaks will hopefully allow me great inspiration!