Happy New Year, 2021! In an effort to reach more people, be more efficient, and do less work, we are now partnering with DriveThruRPG to bring all of The LeafySeaDragon Inn’s visions to life.
DriveThruRPG is a one-stop shop for all things RPG related, and as such it feels like a natural partnership for us and our goals. You can visit our DriveThruRPG Store by clicking on the DriveThruRPG Image below. Some of the first assets we are bringing to the DriveThruRPG store are the assets for the Hyebrenia and Shalannan Campaign settings.
Be sure to stop in here for publisher or development news, but also please visit our DriveThruRPG Site for maps, adventures, campaigns, and campaign settings. They will begin populating over the next few months.