At The Leafy Seadragon Inn, we partner with story masters who endeavor to bridge the divide between their desire to play and the preparation needed to fluidly guide a party of eager adventurers.
First and foremost, I too am a story master – a Dungeon Master, Game Master, or whatever you call the role – and I will be for many years to come. I welcome your feedback on the adventures, settings, and tools found on this site and on our DriveThruRPG Site.
On this site, you will find adventures and campaigns, but also campaign settings. Maybe you’ve got your own great adventures, but just don’t have the right context for them. Look to my campaign settings as a catalyst to let your imagination run wild, dreams to live free, and adventurers to live out their fantasies.
I also am publishing the game aids that arise through our playing. These are sheets I create to assist with encounters, from the mundane to the difficult. There are the House Rules that I’ve found made play a lot easier in many instances.
Divided between desire and time

How many times have you found yourself wanting to RPG an adventure, but not having the engrossing amount of time needed to prepare? By prepare I mean, to get out 4 to 10 different books and flip madly through them looking for monster stats, trap stats, poison effects, diseases, et cetera. Then you do the XP math and get out the GM guide to figure out how much it’s all worth. Then you start to realize that you need to expand on the physical layout of the world, the rooms, the doors, the creatures.
Yep, I’ve been there myself. So many published adventures are no more than a randomly generated dungeon map overlaid with the barest of information. These adventures were my enemy; stealing time I would rather have spent with my party (and my sanity).
Here is where we step in, with rich, thought-out, reasonable, and affordable adventures, campaigns, and campaign settings. Room are well described, providing enough detail for the party to see for themselves. Each adventure includes pre-computed XP and treasure per encounter. And because we publish against the OGL, using the SRD and PFRD for sources, each adventure or campaign setting includes all of the data you need to work with it. No extra bestiaries, no extra source books. This means, if you’re new to RPG gaming, you can pick up one of our adventures and run it without needing to invest heavily in several hundred dollars worth of books right out of the gate.
Fluid guidance
How does one move the party from encounter to encounter – especially when your party favors turning left instead of right? Fluidly, as every room has the context and detail contained within its entry. There is no need to flip back and forth through the guide to piece things together.

We also answer the age-old questions, such as “How did a dragon come to be in the basement of a casino in the busiest city in the realm?” There’s a reasonable explanation for that. There won’t be a Storm Giant trapped in a 5×5 room behind a locked 5′ doorway; unless, of course, I can come up with a reasonable explanation (message me if you think of one). Campaigns run a coherent story-line, adventures in a campaign setting adhere to the rules of the setting.
Eager adventurers
The diversity of encounters in the adventures lends to PCs being more well-rounded. Campaigns include a mix of creature types, puzzles, traps and secrets. While a broad-shouldered, high hit point PC may take the lead down this hallway – if the Rogue started getting an itchy feeling – he might find himself leaning against the door jam during the diplomatic court affairs; unless he sank a few points into Knowledge(Nobility) and is the only one to realize that scar could only have come from a duel with Count Hortisque.
By publishing content that reduces the story master’s preparation time, leads easily from point A to point B, and that is grounded in a consistent reality, everyone can enjoy more table time.