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Overview B. Prologue C. Controls D. Walkthrough 1. Beginning 2. Faron Woods 3. Journey to Hyrule 4. A Blighted Village 5. Faron Woods' Twilight 6. Forest Temple 7. Kakariko Village's Twilight 8. Up Death Mountain 9. Capture! 10. Back up Death Mountain 11. The Goron Mines (Fire Temple) 12. Melting the Frozen Core 13. Hylia River's Twilight 14. Escort the Sick Prince 15. The Water Temple 16. Midna's Expulsion 17. The Master Sword 18. Gerudo Desert 19. Arbiter's Grounds (Desert Temple) 20. Zora's Monster 21. Snowpeak Ruins (Ice Temple) 22. Back into the Sacred Grove 23. The Temple of Time 24. Rescuing the Forgotten Village 25. Filling the Ancient Book 26. Shad's Guide to the Sky 27. The Sky Palace 28. Twilight Mirror Completed 29. Palace of Twilight: Sol 30. Hyrule Castle E. Items F. Enemies G. Bosses H. Minigames I. Secrets 1. Special Abilities 2. Kakariko Village/Lake Hylia Warp 3. Finishing Stance 4. Fragment from the History of Hyrule 5. Heart Piece Locations 6. Item Upgrades 7. Controlling a Cucco 8. Throwing Goats! J. Glitches 1. Game-Ending Glitches 2. Miscellaneous K. Version History L. Copyright Information M. Special Thanks + Tip for exploring the FAQ... use Ctrl + F to open a search bar, and type in the heading of a walkthrough section to find it. +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ A. Overview +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Finally! The walkthrough has been completed! I am glad to have finally largely finished what I consider a tribute to one of my favorite video game series... and to everyone who has helped me get this far with the guide, thank you very much. There are still many updates to be had in the future, but they will too come in time. This FAQ has been largely kept as spoiler free as I can manage, as to keep people from seeing things they didn't necessarily want to read about ahead of time. If there are any problems that you have with the walkthrough, you have a better way of wording sections or a different method of doing things and would like to share, feel free to email me things you see are wrong with the FAQ: Email - jam003@marietta.edu Be warned ahead of time that emails that are not appropriately addressed I will probably disregard as spam and accidentally delete... just be sure to mention "Twilight Princess" or something along those lines in the title of your email, and I'll be sure to check it out. Another concern of mine is that if you have questions about the game in general, please check to make sure that your question wasn't answered in the FAQ first. That is what the guide is for, and it may sound silly to you, but I have gotten several emails from people asking questions about parts of the game that were already clearly stated within the guide. Thank you for checking out this guide, and enjoy! +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ B. Prologue +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Deep in the southernmost region of the kingdom of Hyrule lies a village by the name of Ordon. Cradled in the scenic beauty of pristine farmland, the villagers of Ordon make a living by raising livestock. Among the villagers is a boy known as the most skillful rider in all the land. A boy who, it is expected, will one day take over the responsibility of leading Ordon as the village chief. His name is Link... Trusted and liked by all the villagers, Link is especially loved by the other children of Ordon, among whom he holds unofficial status as the leader of the pack. Link spends his days as a ranch hand and learns the ways of the sword from the village's lone swordsman, Rusl, in his spare time. He often displays his newly honed skills to the village youths, which makes him even more popular. One day Link is showing off his swordsmanship as usual, when a monkey appears. "Hey! That's the monkey that's been causing trouble all over the village! Let's get him," cry the children. They run after the monkey into the forest. Link rushes into the heart of the woods after them and is shocked to find that the dark thickets are teeming with countless monsters. After fighting his way through their ranks, Link rescues the child and the monkey from the cage where they are held captive. Until now, the forest had always been a safe place... The next day, after much encouragement by Rusl, Link prepares to set out and deliver the village's tribute to Hyrule Castle. Having never visited the castle before, Link is in high spirits as he prepares for his journey, but when his childhood friend Ilia notices a wound on Epona's haunch, she gives Link an earful for being so careless with his horse. In a huff, Ilia leads Epona away. Link tracks down Epona and Ilia at the mystical spring nearby and attempts to apologize for injuring Epona. But no matter how many times he says he's sorry, Ilia simply refuses to forgive Link. Then Colin, a young boy from the village who idolizes Link, steps forward to mediate the situation. Thanks to Colin's explanation, Link is finally able to get Ilia to drop her guard and talk with him. Having warmed back up, Ilia tells Link, "Come back safely, and don't do anything reckless!" Just then... A monster astride a huge boar comes crashing out of the forest. The fearsome monster and its mount break through the gate to the spring and attack the youths. Caught off guard by the sudden assault, Link is helpless to stop the monster from delivering a blow that renders him unconscious. Through the fog of his half-conscious mind, Link watches Colin and Ilia get swept off by the monster... +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ C. Controls +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ The controls for this game are surprisingly simple, but they can be weird since there really hasn't been this kind of control scheme for any game before, and take a few hours of playing to get used to. Anyway... onward! Nunchuck: Analog Stick - Moves your character around, whether it be Link or Cucco. C Button - Allows you to look around in first person. Z Button - Allows for all manner of Z targeting, and has a few uses besides that, including actions such as combining bombs and arrows on the menu screen. Remote: D-Pad - Up on the D-Pad allows Link to talk to Midna. If Link is in wolf form, he can use his "sense" ability. In Link's normal form, he can assign weapons to the D-Pad, and switch them to the B Button at any time. B Button - Link's item button. In wolf form, this is the ability that allows Link to attack several enemies at once. A Button - Allows Link to make evasive maneuvers while holding Z and a direction on the analog stick. (A and Z does something different altogether, see "swordplay" below) The A Button also allows you to put away weapons, like the torch to keep it from wasting fuel. (-) Button - Brings up the item menu screen. (+) Button - Brings up the equipment screen. 1 Button - Allows you to view your map. 2 Button - Toggles the minimap on and off. Swordplay: Horizontal Slash - Swing the Remote side-to-side Vertical Slash - Swing the remote while Z targeting Stab - Stab with the remote while Z targeting and holding up on the analog stick Jumping attack - Hold Z and press A Spin Attack - Swing the nunchuck from side to side +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ D. Walkthrough +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ The title screen pans out on Link riding his horse across the plains of Hyrule... he rides off screen, and when the camera refocuses back on the hero of time, a wolf is seen facing a waterfall, and bellows out a long, deep howl. 1. Beginning ------------ You start the game with the choice of renaming Link and Epona... for the sake of keeping confusion down, both the hero of time and his horse will be referred to as their classic names. When the screen first opens up, Link is having a conversation with his uncle. He wants you to make a delivery to Hyrule Castle in a few days. After the talk, are standing outside of your house in a forest in some regular, townspeople-esque clothes. The Ordon Village rancher named Fado is there, and he wants you to help him herd his goats. You're going to need Epona to do this, and Ilia had just led her away. Head down the path that is to the left of your house and walk north on the path you find yourself on. There's a spring on your right-hand side where Ilia is washing Epona. She asks to you play "the melody that Epona likes" from some horseshoe-shaped reeds on the ground. Note: These reeds can be played to call Epona if she isn't around. Ride Epona south and keep going until you pass through town and make it to Ordon Ranch. You will need to get the goats inside of the barn, so just circle around them and run them toward the barn. Whenever you get near a goat it will run away from you, so just circle around them and press A once they're running in the general direction of the barn doors. After finishing up, you will be thanked and a day will pass. You get woken up the next morning by a trio of annoying kids named Talo, Malo and Beth. Climb down the ladders of your room to the outside to find them talking about how they wish they had a slingshot. Colin is also there, who has made you a fishing rod, but doesn't have it on him. Head back to Ordon Village. Once you are into town, you have a whole bunch of problems going on. You are supposed to get a fishing rod from Colin's mother who is pregnant and has lost her baby's basket... the woman named Sera at the shop has lost her cat and refuses to serve customers, and there's an old man on your left who wants to get a beehive out of the tree he's staring at. First thing's first... knocking the beehive down out of the tree. Walk to your right and there's a guy who calls to you to talk to him using Z targeting. Just climb the vines up to him, and on top you will find some grass that gives you the option to pick up. Do so, and blow on the grass to call a falcon. He lands on your arm, and you can now throw the falcon, so aim for the beehive. The falcon will hit the hive, which will fall and the bees, (now homeless, good job) fly away. If you talk to the old man, he just remarks how he was going to do that anyway. More importantly, 15 rupees await you at the top of the tree, and you need 30 to buy the slingshot. Climb to the top of the tree by the vine next to the beehive remains and collect. Head back to the reeds that called the falcon... now jump across the roof of the house and a few more platforms to a second set of reeds. Call the falcon again, and look down the river. See that monkey? Throw the falcon at him to get the basket that belongs to Colin's mother. Bring the basket back to her, and then run to her house to be given the fishing rod. Find the shopkeeper's cat next to the river's dock, (conveniently opposite side of the town from the shop) and fish right next to him. He's a hungry cat, so after you catch your first fish and throw it back in the river, he'll start to pay attention to you. Catch a second fish and he'll grab it and run back to his house. Make sure you have 30 rupees before continuing. Search tall grass and throw pumpkins out of the pumpkin patches if you need to... but 15 extra rupees outside of the 15 you found above the beehive shouldn't be difficult to come across. Head inside the shop and buy the slingshot. You will also be given a bottle half-full of milk. Milk recovers three hearts, so save it for a time of need. Now move back to the clearing that has your house. Your uncle will be there, letting you know that he's left you a present. Kill the spider on the ladder with your slingshot and go inside your house. Of course you couldn't possible be handed a wooden sword, he had to throw it inside of a treasure chest. Head back outside and talk to Talo and gang. Show them your impressive new equipment, and they'll make you practice on targets and scarecrows with your sword and slingshot. After completing their little games (you have to do them, I tried to get out of the swordplay one but it doesn't work), a cutscene will occur and you will find yourself chasing the kids into the woods. Hop on Epona and charge in. 2. Faron Woods -------------- Charge into the forest on Epona. You'll first see Beth and then Malo, who neither of which made it very far. Keep galloping north, and you'll come to a gate. Jump the gate with Epona and ride her until the path splits. When it does, dismount Epona and take the left path first. This leads to a man who gives you a lantern. Go back to the split in the path, and take the right split, and enter the dark forest. Inside you will see a torch you can light. Head up some stairs killing bats and lighting torches. Link will pass some cobwebs... burn those and keep on moving. Bats will annoy you the whole way through, but it will get worse. Just target them and beat them with your stick. Right before the exit the path will split again. Take the right path first to find a chest with 10 rupees inside. Now take the other split to exit the cave. Link will find himself in a large field full of bokoblins, keese and deku babas. After crossing the field, you'll find yourself in a smaller field with a locked door to the east and a path to the north. Take the path to the north, and you'll walk into a cave. Lay waste to all of the bokoblins inside of the cave, and open the treasure chest to find a small key. While you are here, light the torches on either side of the chest to make a chest containing a heart piece inside of it. Run back to the field and go east to get to the door and unlock it. Two bokoblins are waiting outside of the gate, and a third is right inside of the gate, just waiting for you to open it. When you enter the next area, a shop is on your right, run by a bird. He sells red potions (that recharge life) and oil fuel. BE WARNED! You have to manually drop money in the bird's basket. If you buy something from him then just try to leave, he'll fly at Link's head and try to peck him to death. I just dropped 3 rupees in his basket even though the oil cost twenty and he left me alone... regardless of how badly I ripped him off, haha. A rock path past the shop leads to more bokoblins guarding a cage. The cage holds a monkey Talo, captured. After you kill everything in sight, hack open the cage with your sword to rescue the pair. After you do, you will find yourself back in town. You uncle runs to you and chats for a few moments. 3. Journey to Hyrule -------------------- Head back to Ordon Ranch, and help the rancher re-corral the stray goats. After you do so, it will finally be time to leave Ordon Village! However, Ilia realized that Epona is hurt, and wants to take her to the stream to fix her up. Follow her into the woods. Your path will be blocked by the trio of kids... just give in and give them the sword, they might just wind up poking an eye out regardless of what you do, heh. Head into the woods and crawl through the tiny hole on your right. It'll turn left and lead you into the pool of water. Colin and Ilia will be there with Epona. The following cutscene is a little nuts, so brace yourself. After you transform into the wolf and get dragged away, you wake up in prison. Dig at the shackles at your feet, and you will be confronted by a mysterious being named Midna. She taunts you to see if you can possibly escape your prison. You can attack as a wolf just the same way that you can attack with Link, so attack the crate leading out of your jail cell and then dig right at the hole. For future reference, you can dig at entrances of places to get in and out of buildings. Now you can execute commands with Midna, such as using her to jump up high places. This is going to be a bit of an adventure, so bear with it. You are in a sewer system... getting out of the sewers is by no means difficult at all, and follows a fairly linear path, but just proceed with caution. There are some baby shadow monsters, and these guys will be able to jump up onto ledges, so don't think that running away from them will really solve much. Walk around the first hallway and discover your senses ability. Talk to the first spirit, and open the first sewer grate. You will start using some of Midna's abilities to open sewer grates by pulling the chains, so get very used to them. At one point in the sewers you and Midna get split up. There is a hole RIGHT next to the gate on the left side that you can crawl in. Walk up the path after you crawl in and down a hallway that veers to your right, and you will meet her on the other side. You will open another hatch and come to a spot in the hallway that has the floor covered in spikes. No, do not step on them... unfortunately Link is still limited even in awesome-world with what he can do, and walking on metal spikes isn't one of his abilities. There's a lever within sight of the spikes that can be pulled, and it will open some doors that raises the water level. Now you can swim over the spikes. When you get to the other side, open another grate and search for a lever to lower the water level. You'll find three to four more spirits around if you use your senses, and the shadow monster attacks with grow more frequent. There are NO treasure chests or anything special in this dungeon, so worry less about exploring it and worry more about getting through to the other side. After you lower the water level you'll be able to find a door that leads to a round room. The round room leads up a round staircase, and in parts the staircase breaks and has huge gaps in it. At this point you will have to hit up on the D-pad to get Midna to teleport to the next part in the staircase, and then Z- target her and press A at the same time. There are times you will have to teleport four or five times in a row, so when that happens, just hold the Z-targeting down and repeatedly press A. I found that if you don't do it quickly enough, you'll fall back to the beginning and have to endure the long, arduous climb again. When you reach the top of the staircase, you get outside, and it seems Link and Midna have come to the rooftop of a large castle. Talk to the ghost as Midna suggests, and you find out you're really on top of Hyrule Castle... just a Hyrule in ruins. Walk to your left then turn right... you're going to have to teleport multiple times, then you're going to be walking along the rooftops. It is easy to fall off into the void, and if you do you lose a heart and have to start over. Avoid the shadow crows as much as you can possibly help, because those birds can be a pain. After a little bit of careful footing, you will come to a part of the roof that is very steep and shingled. Take care here! It is raining outside, the edge is steep and slippery. You're going to have to fight the crows, so try to avoid using your shadow attack. Stay in the middle of the rooftop if you possibly can as well. When you make it to the tower, enter it. Climb to the top, and there will be a cutscene with a familiar face. After learning much about your situation and what has been happening lately, head back down the stairs only to be almost caught be the guards. Midna will drag you outside, and after another short and again shocking scene, you're back in the pond outside of Ordon Village. 4. The Blighted Village ----------------------- You find out that Ordon Village has been covered in Twilight as well. Head for the village. When Link gets outside of his house, he will be assaulted again by more baby shadow monsters. Take them out, and a squirrel will thank you. He will also go on to tell you that you can talk to the other animals in the village, and that you should use them in order to help you proceed. Midna demands that you get a sword and shield. Go into town, and find two townspeople talking. If they see you they will scatter, because they think that you're a monster. Talk to the dog, and he'll suggest sneaking up on them. Do so, and they'll spill the location of the sword and shield being kept in the town. Apparently one of the townspeople are going to try bravery on for size and see if they can get some rescuing of the kids done. Hmm... well head for the house that has the shield. It is next to the river, and when you get close, one of the townspeople calls down the falcon to attack you. Run off to the side, and get help from the cat this time. The cat tells you to sneak up on her. Jump up the roof of the nearest house, and run straight at the woman from behind. She'll freak and run, and the falcon swoops down to talk to you. The falcon tells you how to summon him, and recognizes you as Link, in wolf form or not. You're first chance to howl! Yay! Now use Midna to get inside of the house with the open door, and steal the shield. The shield is on a wall... attack the wall twice and the shield will fall off of its hangings. It's a wooden shield, and as incredibly stupid as it looks, it is even more useless in the fact that if it burns, it disappears. Head out of the house, and head up the hill of the house that has a woman and a man standing outside of it. The man apparently wants to go back into town to look for the kids. Don't go near the woman, she will scream and the man comes back to guard the house. Instead, head around the right side of the house and talk to the chicken. After a fairly entertaining conversation that sounds as if the chicken wants to ask you out for a night on the town, she gives you a slight hint. Walk up to the wall and turn on your senses to see the ground where the light is shining. You will be inside of the villager's house, and the sword will be sitting on the couch. After getting both of them, head out of town and head north toward Faron Forest. It is time to clear the forest and get your human form back, once and for all. 5. Faron Woods' Twilight ------------------------ After crossing the door, a short, funny cutscene follows where Midna nearly clears your head with your sword. She keeps your items safe for now (since you can't use them), and your journey into the darkness begins. (My this is quickly turning into a very dark game!) Heading north you will come to a field where a trio of shadow monsters are roaming a field. After killing two of them, the third brings the dead monsters back to life, and Midna realizes that more needs to be done. Now, if you hold B, Midna will make an aura around you that covers any hostile creatures in the ring with a pink substance, and when you let go of the B button, Link rushes and kills everything at once. Use this ability to kill the monsters all at once. Keep heading north until you find the waterfall. The light spirit of the Ordon area will come forth, and tell you of the plight that Faron Forest is in, and give you a thing called the "Vessel of Light", which looks like a string of grapes. It seems that the energy that keeps the world from falling into shadow has turn into teardrops, and taken the form of invisible bugs that have spread themselves throughout the forest. Lucky enough for you the bugs can be seen if you hit left or right on the D pad by entering your sense mode. Even better, all the locations of the bugs are marked on your map by a white square. So! To begin looking. Your first set of bugs is northward on the path in front of you, so head that way. Kill a couple of the plants you find, and then search around the first set of squares. A white bug will appear... they can shock you, so be warned and look out for pink electricity. Pounce on the bug and turn it into a tear and collect it. Keep running down the path, and turn right to find the lantern merchant. His house has a bug on the side of it... run into the wall to force the bug to drop down. Kill it and take the tear. Walk around the other side of his house and up a ledge, and Midna will call you to jump up to the merchant's house. Enter his house and find another tear. Go back to the split in the path and head north, entering the cave. Make sure if you come near a spot on the map that has a square you sense and look for more bugs. The cave entrance has one or two, and you can find more spread out on your path. When you reach the split in the cave's path, head left and exit the cave. Upon exiting the cave, turn to your left and sense again. On the rock wall will be two more tears. Again, run into the wall to make them fall off, and rush them for more dead bugs and the sweet blue light that fills the vessel. Run northward still, and come to a lake of a nasty, purple mist. Running into it will cause you to pass out and start backward, so don't do that. Instead, on your left side is a dock that extends a little bit into the mist. Stand on that, and Midna will ask you to call her services again. Here comes a long chain of jumps... be fairly quick about it, and watch your map closely! There's a bug at one of the places that you come to rest between your chain jumping, so make sure you don't miss the tear. When you make it to the opposite "shore", you'll notice the presence of two more bugs. Turn on sense, and look for their shadows in the ground. Tricky jerks, they're trying everything to trip you up. Dig to pull them out of the ground, wait for the pink electricity to subside, and take them out. Keep going northward to find another trio of shadow monsters. Remember to kill at least two of them with Midna's B move, and then continue onward. Link will arrive at the rock path that leads to the hostage site of Talo and the monkey from earlier in the game. Find the last tears, and enjoy the coming cutscene about the dangers of the forest and how Faron Forest needs to be purged. Run back to the oil merchant, who gives you a key to the locked path. BUY THE BOTTLE FROM HIM! It's 100 rupees, but seeing as how bottles are infinitely useful, make sure you get your hands on that. Unlock the gate and head through the cave and go to the poisonous lake. Link approaches the lake, no longer in wolf form, and thus no longer able to enjoy Midna's help across. Help comes regardless in the form of monkey, who steals your lantern from you while you aren't looking, and leads you through the fog. Follow him as he uses the lantern to disperse the fog to reach the other side, at which point he returns it to you. Head north, still carving great chunks out of the monsters infesting the Faron, and run past the bird's shop until the hills where you run into a cutscene. A white wolf approaches you and turns into what looks like a skeleton warrior, who gives you your first special ability, Ending Blow. Yay! Enjoy this moment, because it is the only time your special abilities are given to you for free, hah. Keep going on this path until you come to the entrance to your first dungeon, the Forest Temple. Kill the monsters and burn the web with your lantern to enter the temple, and prepare for a lot of monkey howls before you exit. 6. Forest Temple ---------------- Mmm... smell that rotten, vine and wet bug-filled air. Walk forward, cutting down the returning lizard men and bats, replenish your slingshot stores by killing the plants, and keep moving forward until you find a monkey trapped in a cage. Slice and dice the contraption to free the poor furball, and look around. Vine walls are all around you. Kill any spiders you find with your slingshot, and head up the left vine wall to reach a chest with a yellow rupee inside of it. Now head up the other vine wall next to you to enter the next room. Inside you will find a spider... kill it and light all of the torches in this room. After they are lit, a staircase will appear. Head up the stairs to get the dungeon map, then walk through the door to the next room. You'll see a monkey with a pretty boomerang that just screams "this is Link's" that gets thrown at the rescued monkey. The bridge in this room falls apart, and Midna appears to point out the obvious. Follow your monkey friend back into the previous room and onto the center platform. Jump onto the monkey's hands and get across the gap to the western door, and enter it. Link is now in a hallway... head right and attack the bulbous monster that stands up and goes at you to cause him to start blinking red. It's a bomb. Place it by the rocks behind it to clear them out, and rescue Ooccoo, a weird little man that will warp you to the beginning of this dungeon if you feel you need to. As a note, Ooccoo needs to be found in every single dungeon if you want to use him for that dungeon. Turn around and go down the other direction in this hallway. Let the web burning commence, and continue to follow the monkey through this room while experiencing a little ledge climbing. The only door you can enter is the northern one, so go through it and open the chest for a small key. Exit and backtrack until you get to the platformed room again with the locked door. Unlock the door and go inside. In here you will find a large round room, filled with a bridge and stairs that lead to a recess where a pillar is set up. At the top of that pillar is another monkey inside of a cage. Cross the bridge and let it collapse, then roll into the pillar twice to cause it to fall and break. After releasing the second monkey, a few monsters will show up. Slice and dice, then follow the monkeys up the path. Using both monkeys you can cross the gap that is left by the destroyed bridge, and go through the door that you came into the room with. Time to do more backtracking... something that I'm sure you're going to get very used to in here. Move back to the room where you lit the four torches and found the map. Now with your second monkey, you can move east across the gap and enter the door on that side of the room. This room has red plant monsters that can detach from the ground and come after you. Kill those, and notice the large red plants swelling on the ground. They cannot be killed with anything you possess right now... and you guess it, bombs! Search around to find a few bomb monsters. Kill them, and throw the bombs into the giant red plants to kill them. Also, there's a bombable pile of rocks if you walk up the ramps. Behind that wall is a door, but ignore it for the moment. Instead, walk to your right side. There is a vine wall with two little spiders on it. Slingshot them to death, and jump the gap and climb up to a door. Inside is a third trapped monkey, who is behind a locked door. A huge plant eats the key, and then starts raging. Z target its head with the slingshot until the head dies, and then throw another bomb into the center plant. After the plant is dead, get the key and free the monkey. Head back into the previous room and NOW enter the door that was behind the rock wall. Inside this room you will see a number of new sights. First, run into the pole with the chest on top of it. Open it to get the key, and then cross the bridge. The bridge has monsters hiding underneath some of the tiles, so walk around them. If you stand on top of a tile, they'll throw you up into the air. You don't have the means to kill them just yet, so for right now they just have to be ignored. Once across the bridge there is a uncompleted staircase. Light the two torches, and the staircase will rise to completion. Kill the spider hovering at the top of the stairs, and unlock the door in this room that leads to another monkey. Now it is time to backtrack again... woot. You have to head back to the four-torch room again at the beginning of the temple. They now want you to follow them. Head to the room with the bridge that was destroyed by the monkey with the boomerang. With so many monkeys, you can now cross the gap to the other side. On that side you will find the monkey himself. ------------------ Mini Boss - Monkey ------------------ This room is staged with pillars all over the place. The monkey will jump from pillar to pillar, throwing the boomerang at you as enemies pop up from around you. Let the monkey jump until he stops on a pillar, and run into the pillar. He will fall off, at which point you can tear him to pieces with your sword. If enemies are around you also, just use your spin attack to throw them off and hurt him at the same time, and keep hacking. Rinse and repeat until the monkey gives up, and you kill the thing that was controlling his mind. You get the Gale Boomerang for winning the battle. Look up at the pillars. There are some propellers on top of them, so ready your boomerang and lock onto them all. Chuck the boomerang at them to spin them around enough that the door to this room opens. Back outside, take a note that your boomerang can change the direction that the rotating bridges are facing. Head up and cross the bridge outside to lead to another captured monkey. Rescue him by throwing the boomerang at the cage, and Midna pops out to let you know that maybe you should look for more captured monkeys. Now continue crossing bridge until you're back inside of temple, and work your way back to the four-torch room. Once here, you can hit the webs suspending the treasure chest and pots to get a few rupees and the compass. Head through the western door of this room and follow the path until you reach the room. There's a wooden cliff that you can reach... get to it and follow it up to a chest that is blocked by a large gate. In front of the gate are four large columns, each with propellers on top of them. On the dirt is a Z... lock onto the torch propellers in that order with the boomerang, and release it to open the gate. Open the chest, and you finally get the big key! Now to get to the boss's lair. From this room, enter the northern door and keep going straight through to the next room after that. Now that it is possible for you to manipulate bridges, you can cross this room as well. Using your boomerang to hit the propellers on the bridges, cross to the door on the eastern side of this room. There be spiders afoot. Kill them, mercilessly. On the left side of the room from the angle of where you entered through the door, there's a hole in the ground near the wall covered by a web. Burn it with your torch, and fall. Link will land on top of a monkey's cage, which after you chop it open the monkey will climb the vines to get back to the first floor and exit the room. Follow him out of this room. This time, go through the northern door, and you will see an interesting sight. All of the monkeys that you have rescued have found their own ledges to sit on... which means you can see how many you have left to get. Move your way to the eastern platform, hacking and slashing your way to the vine wall. When you get there, shoot down the little spiders hanging out on the wall, and climb the vines to get to another door. Inside are a few plants, and a ledge with a rock wall sitting on top of it. Time for some ingenuity. Target the bomb monster first and then the rock wall second with your boomerang. The boomerang will pick up the bomb and carry it to the wall, blowing it to pieces. Climb onto the ledge and clear out a bunch of red flowers and monsters, then walk to the edge of the ledge. Get another bomb with your boomerang, and it will carry the bomb to you. Turn around and blast open the rock pile to free another monkey. Now head down and cross the bridge and summon another bomb. Clear the giant red plant out of your way, and open the chest to get a key. Head back out to the room with all of the monkeys. Rotate all of the bridges again so you can move through the southern door, backtracking yet again. Now enter the west door with your sweet new key. Head to the back of the room, killing enemies. The tile enemies are in here again, and they can be flipped over with the boomerang. Once they are, kill them with your sword. At the back, right hand side of the room there's a tile enemy blocking your path. Kill it and keep moving, fighting your way through more spiders. Come to the vine wall and kill the spiders on it via slingshot, then climb up to the top to find the last trapped monkey. The Gale Boomerang will take care of the pillars on either side of his captivity, and once you release him backtrack back to the room where all the monkeys are waiting. When you walk in, the monkeys form a huge monkey chain that you can use to cross the large gap to the boss's door. After making sure your boomerang is equipped, enter inside and prepare to face the boss. ---------------------------- Forest Temple Boss - Diababa ---------------------------- The boss starts out as two baba plants (di means two, if that explains this boss's name) hovering above a pool of water. There are bomb monsters laying around the place. Lock onto the plants, and pull the bombs to you. Run up to the shore and the baba plants will try to eat you... throw the bombs into their mouths. After blowing up both plants, they will sink into the lake and the true boss will come out. It has both arms, but a very large, very angry center to the plant that opens with an eyeball that protrudes. All of the bomb plants at this point are gone, but the red- butted baboon returns, carrying bombs with him. Stand out of the plant's reach, and lock onto the bomb the monkey carries first and then the body of the monster. When the bomb hits, the plant will fall and expose the eye of the plant. Hit it with your sword until the Diababa regains control, and continue until Diababa is dead. As a sidenote, the first time Diababa is knocked down, it will spit a purple acid at Link in a zigzag pattern. It is fairly easy to dodge this acid, so do so if you can. After the battle Midna will collect the Fused Shadow, then tell you to pick up the heart piece (thanks for the obvious) and that she can warp you out of the dungeon. Once you defeat the boss, another cutscene ensues and Midna notifies Link that he needs to help her find the last two Fused Shadow pieces, because she needs them. 7. Kakariko Village's Twilight ------------------------------ Now you can leave the Ordon province! Hurray! The mayor of Ordon Village tells you to keep a lookout for the kids of the village, because apparently they were all captured and taken away. Head north out of the Village and exit out of the path that branchs off of the left side of the map. Once you do, you'll find yourself on Hyrule Field, with only a _very_ small portion of it being accessible to the player character. Head northwest until you find the border of the Twilight that is covering the land. You are asked if you would like to enter the Twilight, knowing that it will probably be a little while before human Link is playable again. Say yes, and a hand drags Link through the door, where you get to watch his transformation take place for a second time. Once in Kakariko Village, and after killing another shadow monster trio, you are greeted by the second light spirit. The spirit is nice enough to tell you that the village and Death Mountain are all covered in Twilight, and that again, Link, you must do something about it. You are given another Vessel of Light, and once again the locations of all of the bugs are listed on your map... it is time to go collecting bugs. Head north to the first house on the map that shows a location for some of the bugs. Here you will see a mill-looking house, and Midna will call to you. Jump to the top of the house, and find the weak spot on the roof. Fall through the ceiling of the house, and turn your sense on. Watch the cutscene that ensues. Since the family cannot see you, the smartest thing to do would be to grab that stick laying on the ground, light it with the fire, and light all the torches around the wall to open up the cellar. They'll freak out because they can't see you, but tough cookies to them. Fall into the cellar, make sure your sense is on, and go murder bugs. When you exit the cellar, (using Midna to climb the scaffolding) Link finds himself in a graveyard being swarmed by crows. Kill them or ignore them, and search for bugs digging in the ground. You know what to do... stand over their shadows, dig them up, and take the tear. Run out of the graveyard and back into the village once you've collected. Run to the right on the map, and you will find a general store. The store has a hill that is on its right, and a space you can crawl into to get inside of the store. Enter the store and get the next tear. Head back out of the store, but this time run up the hill that is behind the store. When you reach the top of the cliff, hop across a little ledge to find the entrance of the inn. Inside you will find a few more tears, one of which is hiding inside of the fireplace. Light a torch to burn the sucker out to win yourself another bit o' tear. Go back outside when all of the tears are gone, and look to the western side of town. There's a few houses in a row, and you need to get inside one of them. Look at the westernmost house... there are several ledges on the left side that you can climb. Climb up the ledges to get to the roof of the house, and cross two roofs to get to a house that has a weak ceiling. All for forcing the townspeople to remodel, fall through the roof. Inside is a pushable block with a tear hiding inside of it. Collect and exit the house. Now run to the bomb shop. Actually, pass up the bomb shop... once you do, you will find a huge mess of garbage between the store and a hill. Climb the boxes there, and look at the side of the store... there's a window that you can jump through. Do so, and again use your sense to kill and collect the tear inside by knocking over a dresser. Exit through the top of the building using Midna. When you do, a bug will be scurrying away from you, (smart bug) so give chase. It runs inside of a building filled with explosives. (Not dangerous) Get inside, and light the fireplace with a torch. When you do, a mini cutscene occurs, and Link finds himself facing a pile of rubble and several dead bugs. Collect the tears left from the explosion, and keep heading up the cliff by running to your right. Another building is further up the cliff, and there's a space between dirt and wall on one side of the building. Dig underneath that space, and find yourself inside ready to hunt. Sense and destroy, then exit the building. You're almost done... the most annoying part of tear collecting has just past, in my opinion. Now you need to head out to Death Mountain. Jump off of the ledge you're on, then head for the top of the map where it splits off, and take the left path. This path is VERY linear, so it is nigh impossible to get lost and/or miss a tear along the way. Midna begins by pointing out the very obvious, that this path is impossible to pass through. She helps you jump up the huge wall though, so it's ok. As you run down the path you will come to ledges you need to climb up and steam geysers. When your first steam leak arrives, Link should be getting close to his first tear on Death Mountain. As a note, the steam doesn't do damage, it just can be annoying. When you collect your tear, look for the statue that has a hole in it... that is also the first technique stone that you can call upon. Activate it, and perform the given howl to have the skeleton warrior mark on your map where he is going to meet you to give out Link's next ability... the meeting place is marked as the Ordon Village spring, where you were attacked at the beginning of the game. Continue onward, and eventually you will come to a clearing with yet again, more shadow monsters! Hurray! They're trying to be tricky now... one of them is hidden behind a wall. Kill him first, then round the mini maze and combo kill the other two. Beware of trying to kill them too close to the wall, because I had Link run into it twice and only one died, which meant the first two got revived. After killing the beasts, check the walls of the cliff on the upper part of the map for another bug. Run into the wall to make it fall off, kill and collect your second-to-last tear. Almost there! Keep running along the path, climbing ledges and avoiding more steam geysers. Finally you will be overlooking a large crater. Jump down into the crater, kill the monsters you find, and then look around for the last tear. After you collect it, you will meet the second Light Spirit Eldin and another cutscene will commence. 8. Up Death Mountain -------------------- After being thanked for being the big, brave hero that you are, head back north to Death Mountain. It is time to realize what a pain the Gorons are being. Climb the wall, and wait for the Goron to roll at you. Press A at just the right time to... get thrown off of the cliff. Don't bother trying again, Link gets crushed time and time again. Run back into town and a cutscene will begin with Renado telling you that only one man has ever been able to face the Gorons... and that man is, Bo! The mayor of Ordon Village has a secret, and you must master that secret. As you finish talking to him, Epona storms in being hassled by some monsters. Jumping on her, Link tries to get hold. This is where you come in... press left and right when told from the bottom of the screen (directions appear), and after riding around for awhile it will tell you to press A to subdue Epona. Do so, and gain control of her again. Now it is time to mosey on back to Ordon Village. When you get back to Ordon Village, ride Epona south until you meet the mayor. He'll call you over and invite you to his house. Follow him, and he'll teach Link the basics on sumo wrestling. (Sumo wrestling controls in the Minigames section) Beat Bo twice, and after the second time he gives you the REAL reason he was able to best the Gorons... iron boots! Sweetness. It's about time for a rematch. Note: Before leaving town, don't forget to meet the skeleton warrior at Ordon's spring. 9. Capture! ----------- Link comes back into Kakariko... to find that Colin was being brave, but you have to chase him down because he's been stolen by a slew of mounted orcs. Take Epona and now instead of heading left to Death Mountain, head northeast instead and jump the fence to find yourself in the western part of Hyrule Field. (It looks very north to you now, but wait until more of your map is explored later) A large group of orcs are riding with their leader, who has Colin tied to a pole. Draw steel and prepare to take some orcs down. Honestly, this battle was done very quickly for me... I chased the leader orc down, being careful never to use my last spur to speed up Epona with, because that way they recharged faster. All the while if any orcs got close to me I just used spin attack. When I came upon the leader, I used spin attack on him and hacked away on him while I was waiting for my spin attack to recharge. You will have to endure flaming arrows and swords while chasing the leader, so just keep yourself cautious while fighting within this battle. After hitting the lead orc a few times, he heads across a bridge, at which point Link follows him. Now you've got a bit of jousting to do. As the monster charges at you, directions are displayed along the bottom of the screen, telling the player what they need to do. At the last second the player will have to turn suddenly to either the left or right and slash at the same time, knocking the orc off of his steed. If the orc hits you instead, Link falls off of the bridge and you have to start the battle again, but with one less heart. Following victory, Link will rescue Colin and bring him back to town, much to the delight of the villagers. (And Colin as well I'm sure) Another cutscene follows, where Colin realizes what it is like to be brave. Head to the shop to buy a Hylian Shield, seeing as you're going into a level filled with lots and lots of fire, and get whatever else you need, because it is time to scale Death Mountain for a second time. 10. Back up Death Mountain ------------------------- Climb the wall, and once at the top don the iron boots. A goron will start rolling toward you. Press and hold A at the right time, at which point Link will grab and chuck the Goron off of the cliff! Continue up the path that leads further into the mountain, stopping to throw the occasional rolling Goron. After a bit o' journeying, Link will once again arrive at the steam geysers. Prepare to run, because there's a spot coming up where tons of enemies are shooting at you with flaming arrows. After passing through the gauntlet, and stopping monsters and Gorons everywhere, you'll find the second crater area where wolf Link found the last tear. Gorons are more plentiful here, but now they'll actually fight you. Put up your shield to avoid getting hit by them and fight back. If you have your shield attack, use that when they hit you. If you don't, either stab or use your jump attack when you can find an opening. Either way, after beating a Goron it will shell up into a ball, and you can stand on its back and get thrown into the air. See all those ledges going all the way up? You're going to have to fight a bunch of Gorons to get to the top. There's a point where steam is blowing across a ledge close to the top of the mountain, and it won't stop blowing. To walk through the steam, put on your iron boots and it won't knock you off of the cliff. The only other trouble spot I can think of is near the very top, where as soon as you get chucked off of a Goron onto a ledge you have to immediately face another Goron. All I have to say for this part is, be prepared! After reaching the top of the mountain, Link will come into a cave and face another cutscene. Gor Coron and his flunkies are inside, and he'll challenge you to a sumo wrestling contest. Link immediately loses, and of course gets laughed at. It's time for round 2. Put on your iron boots and challenge him again, and after you beat him, he'll realize that you're a person of a good heart. Gor Coron then will tell you of the troubles that the Gorons are facing, and let you into the Goron Mines. Make sure you have your Hylian shield equipped at this point if you don't already, and then enter the level. 11. The Goron Mines (Fire Temple) --------------------------------- Upon entering the mines, note the lava flying around the room. Yeah, don't run into that. Head down the path that leads from the door to the edge of the lava. Platforms will lead across the lava, with occasional magma geysers flaring into the air. Timing your jumps accordingly, jump across the lava and reach the ledge on the other side. Cut apart the wooden boards that block your path, and on your left side not too far into the metal cage-tunnel will be a switch. Don your newly fashioned iron boots and step on the switch to activate it, timing it right with the lava spurting from the floor. After pressing the switch, take your boots off and run up quickly. Pass the lava and come to a second switch. Hit that switch as well, and move northward. Turn around quickly, and jump another gap spewing lava, and look for a ladder. Climb the ladder and turn south (on the minimap). Keep an eye out for torch slugs... they have a tendency to fall from the ceiling, and now is the time for the level to break you in. Run in the general southwest direction, and hop across a few more platforms. Another switch will be in front of you, hit it and backtrack your steps, running north, northeast instead. When you come to the door, another switch will be on your right. Hit the switch and enter the door to reach the second room. The path Link finds himself on splits. Go left first, and kill the lizard men you find and get the small key. Retrace your steps and go down the right path instead. You'll find some platforms that rotate every few seconds. Time it right so you aren't thrown into the pit, and make it to the locked door. Open it with the key you found and enter. Down this hallway you will find your first dodongo! It still faces you and breathes fire and its tail is still vulnerable, so take it out in classic OoT fashion. Hop across the platforms suspended in magma to reach the north "shore", and kill the enemies you find here. There's a large chain stuck to a section of wall. You're going to have to pull it back to be able to move through the hallway it is blocking. Turn around and look... there are some platforms that lead to the opening of this hallway also entrenched in lava. The most annoying part is the gesyers of flame leaping into the air. Now, pick up the chain and pull the wall section back, and when it won't move any further, look to the pit of lava. Right when the flame geyser is about to recede back into the lava, let go of the chain and hop across the lava pit to reach the hallway. Head down the hall and into the door at the opposite end. You'll be in a large room with a pool of water. (Water?) Jump into the pool and use your boots to sink below the chain fence halfway through the pool. There's a switch on the other side that can be stepped on. Do so, and what looks like a tractor beam from Star Wars will pull Link to the ceiling. The boots can stick to walls and ceilings that have this material on its surface, so be prepared to play around with this new feature some. Link will be on the ceiling, so walk him so he's over the floor. Take off your iron boots to fall to the floor below you, and go through the door. In the next room a Goron elder will greet you. His name is Gor Amoto, and he'll give you a third of the Master Key that you need to get into the boss room. Search the room to find a treasure chest that hold the map inside. Climb the ladder and walk around the path to the door that leads into the upper part of the room you just came from. (On the way out, get Ooccoo, he's in a pot up here) Stick to the wall in here, and walk along the side of the wall. Another tidbit about torch slugs, since they can walk on walls and ceilings, they're going to get annoying on the cavern ceiling. Across the wall there's a ledge to fall on. Unequip the iron boots, and enter through this door. Hit a switch and get sucked onto the ceiling. There's a piece of heart to be found at the northwest corner of the room, and a miniature maze that can be navigated using the minimap, that eventually leads the walkable path on the ceiling to the northwest corner of the room. This is hard to describe, but EASY to find, so for the first time the explanation for finding this door will be poor. The path ends in the western part of the room... when it does, drop down and enter the door next to you. The next room has giant rotating platforms held by cables with magnets on the bottom of them. Upon entering the room there should be a switch right in front of you. Step on it and stand underneath the moving platform. The platform stops at specific times, so find a time that it stops, and let it carry you to the northernmost "stop" on the minimap, and fall off. Again, the cycle repeats, and more monsters are standing around a switch. Search for this huddle, take them down and activate the second moving platform of its suction power. Stand underneath and let it carry you to the stop that is closest to the northern door in this room. Fall from the top and enter the next room. This next room has some cool features, but for being a dungeon primarily represented by fire, it is sporting the sweet pools of water again. On the left side of the room on the minimap is a place to sink with your iron boots, because underneath the water's surface is a chest containing a small key. Open the treasure chest, then move to the right side of the pool this time. Sink a second time, and push the block out of the way you can get behind the linked fence and search for the top of the water. Upon climbing out of its depths, search for another magnet. It will pull you to the ceiling again, at which point Link will have to walk to the end, fall down onto the ledge and mess with another switch. Upon doing so, a blue magnetic beam is activated below the ledge, which means only one thing... put on the iron boots and jump off of the ledge! It'll drag you to the wall, to a path that is quite linear. Follow the path to the end, and following routine thus far, fall off, hit a switch to open the door nearby, and enter into the next room. This next room is filled with beamos statues, something from the days of the SNES. On the right side of the room is a magnetic wall that splits at the top... the path on the right side leads to a piece of heart, while the path on the left side leads you to the next ledge Link has to fall to. Walk to the end of the ledge and look for the rope holding a drawbridge up against the wall. Cut the rope, and drop onto the bridge and the door to the next room will be opened. Link will find himself in a long hallway. As you move our hero through the passages, flaming arrows will rain down from overhead. Following the wooden barricade, there's a split in the path. Run to your right to find a chest with a small key inside. Head back to the path split and take the opposite route, which leads to a locked door. This next room is quite linear, and there really aren't any other options in terms of directions to go in. There is one special part of it though... remember the spinning platforms from earlier on in the level? Well those are back again, but this time they're much longer. Luckily for you and your boots, there are magnetic patches on the platforms themselves. Run to each patch and put your boots on. The platform will turn around with you hanging upside down. Wait until the platforms realign themselves before donning your normal boots and continuing to either the next magnetic patch or the ledges on the far ends. At the very end of this cavern-room, there's a door that leads to another one of the elders, and indeed the second piece of the boss key. There's also a chest in here filled with a stupid amount of rupees. (10, if you're curious) Again, climb the ladder next to the elder, wind your way around to the door in the back of the room, and begin backtracking again. After going through the door look for another patch of magnetic material. Walk along it to the very end and drop down for another chest of rupees and the door to the mini boss room. ----------------- Mini Boss - Goron ----------------- Like my generic names for the minibosses? Upon entering this room, you'll immediately find that the platform you're standing on moves. The goron, being of considerable weight, will make the platform rock back and forth. Keep your iron boots ready at all times, because at any moment the platform may slip to the point where Link starts sliding into the lava. The goron will approach you, and when he raises his guard, attack his stomach. If you take too long he'll hit you and send you flying. After hitting him, he'll start rolling around the room. This is a good time to put on the iron boots... because when he comes near, you can press A to stop him and throw the boss into the lava behind you. Try to position yourself that when he approaches, Link is standing fairly close to the edge and the boss is rolling from the middle. Besides trying to effectively use the iron boots and regular footwear, this boss isn't too tough. After he gets tossed into the lava three separate times, you win! Go into the next room that opens up after the goron gets his mind back. You'll find a chest filled with the Hero's Bow and some arrows! Yay! Looking around, you'll see a place on your map that is an extension of the room you are in now. Blocking your path to reaching the other half of the room is another drawbridge. Shoot the rope of the drawbridge with your new toy, and cross it to find a room of beamos statues. Shoot the "eyes" of the statues to kill them. Now there are pullable statues in the left and right sides of the room. The right side of the room contains a chest with the compass inside, and the left side of the room has a door behind the statue. Enter the door to find the last elder, who commends your bravery and gives you the last piece of the boss key. Exit the door back into the room with the moveable statues. Now, behind the southern statue on the minimap is another door. Enter the next room. This next room is VERY straightforward but kind of long. There are platforms that move over lava, as well as all sorts of monsters blocking your path to the end. The first part of the room has keese with a fence that is broken by rolling into it. Dodongos and torch slugs inhabit the rest of the room... when crossing the lava pits via platforms, check the ceilings for slugs that could possible fall on your head. Take them down with your bow, and hop platforms to get to the other side. When you find the locked door, look around for a switch on the ground. Step on it with your iron boots, and get pulled to the ceiling. After a bit of walking around you'll see a switch. Fire at it with your bow and the door out of this room will open. Walk back across the ceiling to just above the door, and drop down to enter it. The next room has a treasure chest to your right filled with 50 rupees. At this time of the level I was getting frustrated because my wallet was full, and the rupee chests were continuously taunting me. Look for the drawbridge, and fire at it with the bow. Then activate another switch to stick to the ceiling with your boots and walk until the path ends just above the bridge. Fall down and go through the door. The next room has a few select monsters inside of it. Hit the switch up on the ledge above your head with the bow, and enter the now-opened door. Another room with beamos statues. *Sigh* Kill them if you see fit, but just get to the door at the northern end of the room. The path in this next area splits... so head to your right first. There's another killable beamos statue, kill the statue and enter the door behind it. Run down the path you're on, and activate the switch in front of you. Another crane is brought to life. Get yourself stuck to the bottom of this crane, and pull out your bow. Look for the drawbridge nearby, and fire at the rope of the bridge. Fall onto the bridge, and enter the next door that was behind it. This final room is just full of monsters. Fight your way to the drawbridge, moving across the room slowly. Shoot the rope holding the bridge up, then cross it cutting a path through more baddies. At the end of the room is the boss door. Make sure you've got the health needed to take on the boss, and enter the door. ------------------------ Goron Mines Boss - Fyrus ------------------------ The boss battle takes place in a circular room with pillars near the walls. There's a large beast chained up on the opposite side of the room from you, with shackles on his ankles and wrists. The following cut-scene shows him breaking free (big surprise!) and the battle begins. Make sure you have the "Hero's Bow" equipped and the "Iron Boots" equipable (on the D-pad). As soon as the battle begins, pull out your Hero's Bow and shoot him in the jewel on his forehead. He will hold his head and run around. Run at him and when you are close enough to the chains, equip the iron boots and grab a chain. (If you are near a chain, you should have an on-screen option with the A-button). Once you are holding the chain, tighten it by backing up in the opposite direction from the one Fyrus is pulling. This will cause the boss to trip and fall. Drop the chain with A-button, unequip the iron boots, pull out your sword, and run toward his head. Z-target the jewel on his forehead and have at it. You will get about 3-4 good swipes in before the boss stands up and shakes it off. The only real moves that you need to watch out for are an area attack of fire that the boss throws out at you, as well as a sweep he makes with the chain. The chain can be avoided by rolling... but just hope you aren't near him when he expels the fire. Honestly, you should be okay as long as you stay FAR away from him when he isn't stunned by your bow. 12. Melting the Frozen Core --------------------------- Midna will warp you all the way back to Kakariko Village. A cutscene will commence, involving Colin and the rest of the people in the town. After the scene ends, head to the bomb shop in the village, and buy the premium kit of bombs plus the bomb bag for 120 rupees. Call Epona and jump the gate at the northern end of town. Cross Hyrule Field, heading to the northwestern part of the map. When you cross the bridge, the bridge will disappear and three shadow monsters will fall out of the sky. Kill the shadow monsters, and ignore the fact that you can't head backwards for now. DON'T SAVE YOUR GAME HERE! (See glitches section) Keep running north, and bomb the rock wall that blocks your path forward. Run down the path to arrive at the third section of twilight. You will be here for a little while, because it's a complete pain in the hind end to find the third set of tears to lift the last bit of darkness. Not far into the Twilight you find a backpack laying on the ground. Enter your sense mode and learn Ilia's scent. Put on your sense and follow the scent for a LONG way across the map. The path will lead you in a general south, southeastern march across Hyrule. The path will lead to Hyrule Castle Town... so follow it into town. Talk to the first two spirits that you see, and they mention a girl and a Zora child being brought into the city. The scent will go west to the town square, then south and left. Enter the bar. You'll see Ilia and the Zora child, as well as several guards and people around the bar. Learn a bit about what has been going on through the guards, and check the map on the table. A spot will be marked on your map that leads to the center of Lake Hylia, apparently something that needs to be checked out. Forgetting about Ilia momentarily, exit the bar and leave the Castle Town from the eastern side of the map. Continue heading east for a long while, and following a split in the path, one side of which is blocked, begin heading south. You'll come to a giant bridge that crosses the entire expansion of the lake below you. Upon walking across you can see a large expanse of oil covering the bridge... and halfway across, a jerk fires a flaming arrow onto either side of the bridge. With flames approaching on both sides, climb onto the crate nearby that's on the edge of the bridge, and take a dramatic leap from the top of the bridge into the lake below you. Looking around, the area is quite desolate. Almost no water is in the lake, which the few Zora's around here will comment on. Find the building at the edge of the lakebed, and a man is trembling because of a nearby monster. Approach the monster and he'll summon down a massive bird. Flaming arrows will be fired at you, but just dodge them until the bird gets within reach of you. Attack the bird a couple of times and Midna will wrestle control of him. The bird will pick you up and carry you to Zora's Domain... kind of. What follows is a little minigame that is kind of annoying honestly. This actually becomes a minigame later, but right now, it's survival. Avoid hitting rock walls and ledges, as well as the archers firing arrows at you in flight. You can press A to dash forward momentarily every few seconds, so take advantage of that when you get about one third of the way down the path, and rock from the ceiling begins collapsing all around you. Controlling this giant bird is a bit iffy... because of the large size he has a tough time moving around, so make sure that you enter all your commands in ahead of time. I found it useful to stay low near the water; because the rock takes so long to fall, these practically become obsolete in terms of endangering you. Getting hit by falling rocks or by running into a wall forces you to start all over, so be careful. Upon getting to the other side will bring you to Zora's domain, which is frozen over. Find some Zoras says Midna, so find Zoras you shall. Climb your way up the side of the ledges. This is a fairly straightforward climb... just look for places where Midna warps you upward and follow the paths until you make it to the huge mouth of the cavern that is the Zora throne room. Inside, you get attacked by shadow monster. Kill them to set up another warp, and look down to see something that resembles that of a horror flick. Roughly most of the Zora population lies below you, frozen solid in the ice. Midna, in all her genius, comments that having something to melt the ice would be nice. Warp to Death Mountain, and head to the giant molten rock that appeared earlier in the game. Go up to it and have Midna warp it to the warp point you just created in Zora's Domain. The rock will fall, melting the ice and setting all of their people free. The river is running very quickly now, so begin to ride it out of the cavern. The spirit of the Zora queen stops you, and tells you that her son is in danger. Of course, if you rescue him she will gratefully give you the ability to breathe underwater. Not to be a hero to deny someone in help, especially since they hold storyline-continuing items in their possession, agree to help her and ride the river all the way back down to Lake Hylia. 13. Hylia River's Twilight -------------------------- It's time... to restore light to the lands. You'll find yourself right in front of a cave after floating all this way downstream. Enter it to find Lanayru, the Light Spirit of this realm, who gives you the Vessel of Light to fill. This one is far more annoying than the previous two tear collections that you had to undergo, simply because this collection spans the entire length of the Lanayru Province of Hyrule, which is literally half of the entirety of Hyrule. Exit the cave and run to your right. Across the first bridge is a bug, sense for tears. Keep going across another bridge, and create another warp point by fighting more shadow monsters. Run northeast to the building on the map, and your second tear will be floating in midair. Kill and collect, then head about as far south as you can on the map, jumping ledges until you are standing right above it. Use your sense and look down to find its shadow. Dig it up and kill the bug. Now all the way to the western part of the map is another dot. The tear is on a little island. Swim to the island and kill the bug, and then find the grass to summon the giant Midna- controlled shadow bird. Hop onto it and begin the flight upstream to Zora's Domain. Along this path are four tears. Kill the bugs along the way, and if you can't get all four in your first run-through, you can always run into the wall to start over. I never had a problem getting them in one go though, so it is doubtful that you will mess up more than once or maybe twice. You will land in Upper Zora's River. Talk to the spirit guy standing by his house, and another bug will appear. After you get your ninth tear, run eastward until you get to Zora's Domain. Within the waterfall room of the domain there are three tears. Two are in the middle of the pond here, and one is on the western part of the map on dry land. Kill the three tears, then use your warp to enter the throne room. Once inside, look to the side of the room that has the bug's dot and run into the wall there. The bug will fall off and try to fly around. Use your sense to knock the bug off and kill him for another tear. Now follow the water's current all the way back to the upper river again, and continue down to the southeastern exit that leads to Hyrule Field, right next to Hyrule Castle. Get out of the river and head toward the gate of Hyrule Castle from the southern end. Probably the most useful and most used warp point will appear, after defeating another batch of shadow monsters of course. Yay! Enter Hyrule Castle Town and run back toward the bar. You'll see the location of the bug on your map... after killing it Midna will appear and say oh my, there's another tear that appeared in Lake Hylia! We should go there! Warp back to the lake and swim to the middle of it. There will be some boards floating in the water. Climb onto one of them, and a pink mass of electricity will fly into the air. Turn on your sense to see one of the most bloated, disgusting bugs you've ever seen in your life. This monster is pretty easy to kill. First off, make sure you always have Link's left side next to the water. The giant bug will rush at you, so when he does jump to your right side. After the second time you get rushed, he'll be low enough in the air for you to jump on him and repeatedly attack with A. After doing this a few times, the bug will fall into the water on his back. Swim out to his body and stand on his stomach. Hold B to open a field and target all of his legs at once, then attack them all to kill him. (If you try to kill one leg at a time, they regenerate) After killing the bug, he explodes with a satisfying boom and you get the last tear. Collect the tear and witness one of the neatest, most ridiculous, and probably the creepiest cutscene Nintendo has put out through one of their games yet... it is quite interesting. 14. Escort the Sick Prince -------------------------- After watching the twisted cutscene, leave Lake Hylia by heading to the large house in the center of the lake. There's a guy there that will fire you out of his cannon for 10 rupees, so pay him and get shot up to another house in the cliffs. Exit the door to get to Hyrule Field. Find some horseshoe shaped grass to summon Epona, then make your way back to Hyrule Castle Town. Go back to the bar where you last saw Ilia and the sick Zora prince, and an entertaining cutscene will follow. You are now going to have to guard the caravan as it makes its way to Kakariko Village... the route isn't all that rough, but it is possible to lose if you wind up doing something silly and lose control of the situation. I would recommend the following item setup: Arrows, the Gale Boomerang and bombs. What you have in your last item slot really doesn't matter. All you need to do now is follow the caravan as it makes its way to the village. The way is going to be blocked with ogres riding their pigs, firing fire arrows at the caravan... crows attack from the sky and bokoblins will annoy you from the ground. Just play it smart, and for most of the ride you're going to want to keep your boomerang in the B slot. The first thing that you have to do is go through another jousting match with one of the ogres. He'll charge at you, but this time you get no directions. This time, there's no slicing. Instead, get out your bow and fire an arrow directly head on into his body. If you hit too far to the left or right from his center, the arrow won't hit him. After two shots, he falls off of his steed and you get the key to the locked doors on Hyrule Field. Now the journey begins. The path leads halfway across Hyrule, so the total journey probably takes about ten minutes or so. The further you get, the rougher the ride is. Kill everything around you, and get quick with switching arrows for your boomerang. You will need to use arrows to kill the crows more quickly, then switch to swordplay to knock the orcs off of their mounts. If the caravan gets set on fire, use the boomerang to put it out. Trust me, it will burn at one point during the trip or another. (Especially if this is your first time through the game) At two points you will come to locked doors. The caravan stops and waits while you dismount Epona and go to unlock the door. Monsters will be coming at you, so the caravan is a sitting duck while you're unlocking the door and may still decide to target Link as well. When you are trying to unlock the door that leads into Kakariko Village it becomes even more difficult to keep your sanity in check, because ogres are everywhere. Just keep putting out the caravan's fire and hunt down enemies one by one until you've got enough clearance to finally dismount and unlock the door. Once the caravan enter Kakariko Village, another cutscene follows. You will find yourself being led by the Goddess of the Zoras... follow her and she will give you the Zora Tunic. Now it is finally time to head back to Lake Hylia and enter the Water Temple. (Or in this game, is called the Riverbed Temple) First, go to the bomb shop. If you've gotten a new bomb bag, fill it up with water bombs... if not, sell all of your "normal" bombs and buy a bunch of water bombs... they're going to be useful. Once you're stocked up, ride Epona to the door that leads to the cabin in the cliffs, and pay 20 rupees to fly a chicken down to the lake. Drop into the lake, and swim to the part of the lake that has a dark purple spot in the center of it. Put on your Zora Tunic and Iron Boots, sink to the bottom of the lake and enter the temple. 15. The Water Temple -------------------- Swim through the water-filled tunnel, avoiding (or killing) clams and jellyfish. Just remember, you cannot fight unless you're wearing your iron boots. The first room you come to is filled with chu's. If you have a spare bottle, kill a red chu and fill your bottle with one their remains, because their jelly refills eight hearts. Jump off of the staircase and pull the switch to open the door at the end of the room. The next room is a large cavern. As you walk in, a giant stalactite falls from the ceiling as an icicle and lands on the cavern floor. Midna suggests finding a way to break the rest of them down. Combine your arrows with bombs (pressing Z in the (-) menu screen) and shoot the rest of the stalactites down and make stepping stones to the door at the opposite end of the room as you. As a precautionary note, avoid the armored beetles in here. As the door shuts behind you in the next room, you get a visual of this next area. It is a large round room, and you are standing in a hallway that leads to a center cavern. Head down this hallway and go through the door. This room is a large, circular room with levers that turn the large staircase you see in the middle. At the bottom of this cavern is a pool of water with piranha fish waiting for any passing hero to make a mistake and fall into the depths of the water. Walk down the stairs in front of you, and turn right. You will see a ledge on your right-hand side with a lever that is only a couple of feet in front of it. Jump off to grab that lever, then walk up the stairs in front of you. On your left side is a pot with Ooccoo, just in case you feel you need his help. Now go to your right again, and look for another lever off of the ledge. Once you grab it, now go down the stairs and get the dungeon map on your right side. Now head through the door next to the treasure chest. Inside there are two geysers, one that gushes up every few seconds, and another geyser of water that just continually gushes forth. Above both of them are two more hanging stalactites that need shot down with your bow/bomb combination. Do so, then walk to your right into the mini cave and then across the ledge. Once you're on the middle pile of rocks that's at the center of the room, hop onto the geyser that springs upward, and jump to the treasure chest. Open it up and get a small key. Exit this room and climb the stairs. Turn left and look for another lever. After you pull the lever, don't go down the stairs! Instead, keep walking toward the left, and look for the locked door. Unlock it and go into the next room. Run to your left side and open the treasure chest there for five bombs. Turn around and look up. Shoot the left stalactite down, and use it to reach the vines running along the wall. Climb the vines and land ON the wall. Now turn and jump to reach the lever hanging in front of you. The door underneath you will open... for later. Hop down and keep going to see a split. On your right side is a rock wall, and sort of to your left is a door. Bomb the right wall but head through the left door instead. You'll find yourself on top of a very large gear, and a lizard monster is going to attack you. Take him down by using your finishing strike (this move makes so many fights so much shorter), break open the pots for health if you need it, and then go through this door. There's a little monster in this room that jumps into a big bubble of water. It is possible to hurt him using the waterbomb- arrow combination... either kill him or ignore him and unlock the door you see on the opposite side of the room; there's another way to kill these monsters later in the dungeon that doesn't require Link wasting bombs. You'll find yourself in another room with a rock in the middle that you can't get to just yet. Instead, look to your right, and find a vine that snakes its way up the wall next to you. Jump to that vine, and climb up it to find yourself on the opposite side of the chasm. Now run up the path, which leads you quite a ways up the cavern and moves in a very large circle. There are a few monsters here but nothing serious. When you reach the top of this room, you will find a ledge you can climb onto, and a lever you can jump to. After pulling the lever, water will gush down the path you just came up... creating a little waterslide! Jump onto this slide, and when you reach the bottom swim to the now accessible rock in the middle of the room. Climb onto the rock and jump for the lever hanging over the water. When you pull the lever, a door will open that you can't actually get to. However, you have started cycling water throughout this whole level, and the gears that you saw in the first couple of rooms have begun turning. Head back to the room where you fought the lizard on top of the gears, and drop down to the room below you. Climb the rocks until you can jump onto the circular platforms spinning in circles. Now, there are two doors with single ledges that you can jump to in this room, and both of them are relatively close to one another. Enter the door on the right first. Inside there's a treasure chest with a key inside of it. Take the key and exit the door, and jump back onto a moving platform. This time you're going to enter the left door. Do it and the path is going to end in a water tunnel on your left. Put on your boots and enter. The first time the path splits, there are two treasure chests. There's one on your left that's filled with bombs, and one on your right that has 20 rupees inside. Keep going down the hallway, and you'll see a coral formation that looks like cobwebs with a rock on the lower right-hand side. Bomb the rock and go through the hole that is left behind. You'll finally surface on a giant round room. Go further inside of it, and a giant frog jumps down to challenge you. ---------------------- Mini Boss - Giant Frog ---------------------- This boss is relatively easy. He starts off by spitting a bunch of tadpoles at you that swim toward you and cause damage. Use your spin attack and horizontal swipes, and even a bomb or two if you'd like to get creative. After you kill off of his "babies", he/she/it jumps to the ceiling and tries to land on you. Just roll in circles and move away from the very large, very dark shadow that the frog leaves underneath it. After the frog falls, the shock from hitting the ground stuns it, and his tongue rolls out of his mouth. Get as many swipes in on his tongue before he recovers and starts spawning more tadpoles. Keep cycling through this pattern until the boss dies, leaving behind a treasure chest. An added tidbit that speeds the length of this battle was submitted by Jibraeel: "After you hit its tongue it'll sort of scream at the air and open its mouth. You can fire a bomb arrow into the mouth (and you can even lock on to it) he will swallow the bomb arrow and then fall over and roll his tongue out again. This just makes the fight go much, much quicker." The chest contains the Clawshot. Move to the door with the broken staircase, and look up. Hook the red switch you see hanging there, and the door not only opens, but when you drop down you'll be in front of the door. Go through the door, cross the little room and find yourself back in the geyser room. Either hookshot your way through this room or climb the vines, but reach the door across the room that leads back into the main rotation room. Head to your left and Clawshot the switch that's hanging there. The staircase will turn, forming another waterslide. Ride the slide down, enter the door, and walk underneath the now- rotating wheel. Head through the door at the end of the hallway and look around the next room. Yes, it is kind of ugly. Hookshot the red dot above you and drop to the ledge underneath it. Turn to your left and look to the wall. There are some vines that you should aim for. Hook those as well, then move to your right on the vines and land on the ledge. Look above you and again hook those vines. Turn around and face the wall again, and hook a third set of vines. Crawl across the vines to the ledge containing the door, and go in the door. On the left end of the hallway there are two geysers. Get out your bow/arrow dual combo again, and shoot the stalactite on the right. Ride the geyser and jump to grab the ledge in front of you. Drop down and kill the couple of enemies flitting about, and look up. There's another red switch above the door in front of you. Hook the switch and get pulled up to the door. Drop down and go in. Now you can finally kill those bubble monsters! Hookshot them to pull the monsters out, then stab the monster that you dragged to yourself to kill it. I'd recommend killing them both now because of how much space they take up, and you're going to have to come here later. On the left side of the wall that you face when you walk into this room there's a vine on the ceiling that you can hook. Cross the wall and drop down, and you'll see a columned room that looks remarkably similar to the room that you were in earlier in the temple. Yes, you must walk around and around to the top again. This time there are broken holes in the ramp, so more hooking must be done. Be sure that when crossing the first hole you look out for a geyser rushing up... it can knock you down. Once Link is at the top of the column, there's a treasure chest that you can get to with the Clawshot. It contains the compass, in case you might find that worth your while. Whether you choose to get the compass or not, climb the little ladder on the left wall and pull the switch to let the water out again. Slide back down the now-created water slide, and swim to the middle island and once again pull the lever. (There are piranha in the pool of water that bite) Now, swim to the ledge where you came in and hook the vines above your head and cross over the wall. This time, exit out of the left door instead. Link will be in a long hallway with a pool of water in it. There's a treasure chest at the bottom of the pool filled with 20 rupees if you're interested, but my guess is that you might have your wallet completely filled at this point in the temple. Head to your right and exit through that door. You'll find yourself on top of gears again, and there's a door to your left on the wall. Cross the gears to get into that door and enter. On your left there's another chest filled with rupees. If you open it, several Chu Jellies fall from the ceiling, which is useful if you have an empty bottle and want a free red potion. Head toward the right side of that hallway when you're done (or if you skipped the rupees altogether) and look up. Hit the switch above you and go through the door, and now you want to head all the way back to the center rotation room. From the direction that you entered this room, you should be on the top floor of the room. Now would be a good time to hook the switches above the chandelier and drop down to get the treasure chest on top of it... there's a heart container inside of the chest. Now, jump into the water below you, and come up on the shore OPPOSITE direction that you came into the room. Move to the right and enter the door on the wall. The door will be on the bottom floor of doors all the way on the right side on your minimap if you got confused. We're almost done here! There's another chasm to cross. Hook the empty switch on the first rotating gear, and drop down to one of the ledges suspended in darkness. Now hook a switch on the second gear, hopefully avoiding the birds while you do, and let the gear drop you off as close to the opposite door as possible. After some magic with the Clawshot, Link will be on the opposite side of the room. Enter the door there. Once inside, you'll be in an underwater cavern filled with water. Dive in, and swim around the wall and underwater until you find a bombable wall. Bomb this wall; there's even an explosive fish outside the wall almost begging you to use him as an explosive. :) Swim through the hole in the wall, and look for another bombable wall near the base of the wall you just swam through. Put on your iron boots and bomb this wall as well... now you can take your boots off and swim through this hole in the wall. Swim up and to the door that you surface by. Head through the door and into a room with some monsters and a hole in the ground that has a metal seal over it. Hookshot the ceiling, and the metal latch opens. However, you need to be _holding onto_ the switch in order for the latch to stay open. So, if you press down on the analog stick, Link extends the Clawshot's chain and falls down it. Neatness? Once you are below the latch you can let go of the Clawshot, and you'll find yourself in front of the treasure chest that contains the Master Key. Use Ooccoo to warp back to the beginning of the dungeon (because swimming back through the chambers and trying to recross that chasm is a royal pain) and then make your way back to the rotation room. Jump into the middle pool of water, and then swim to the ledge that is in the middle of the water. The door that you will find is the door that leads to the dungeon boss. Unlock the door and head inside. There are two pots near the wall... one contains faeries and one has three hearts inside. Take what you need and drop down the hole. ---------------------------- Water Temple Boss - Morpheel ---------------------------- Link starts with his head bobbing at the top of what seems to be a large column of water. Dive into it, (if you wait too long, Midna comes up and complains) and keep diving... and diving... in fact, just put on your iron boots. When you hit the bottom, you see a tentacle sticking up from above the ground. The boss emerges its head, and the fight begins. Basically if you get too close to Morpheel, he'll throw out his tentacles and grab Link and eat him. If he does eat you, which is might happen a couple of times, he will spit you out of his mouth. Take off the iron boots at this point! Otherwise you'll sink back down into his mouth. He also expels explosive fish to come at Link after the first time you damage him. But this is nothing serious, since they move slowly. To deal damage, Z target the eyeball inside of his tentacle, and then use the Clawshot to drag it close to you. Swing your sword, you will only get one hit. After about two or three hits, the boss pulls himself out of the sand and starts swimming around knocking over pillars throughout the room. Take off your iron boots and start chasing the boss. When you get close to his head, Z target the eyeball and hook it with your Clawshot to drag you close. Start stabbing it when you get on top of him, and after a few stabs he'll shake you off and keep swimming. Honestly, I didn't get hit the entire time he swam around, and I was kind of confused as to what the danger was around me. Regardless, after a few hits Morpheel runs into the wall and all the water drains out of the tub. You get a piece of heart and the last Fused Shadow. 16. Midna's Expulsion --------------------- After beating the Water Temple and collecting your piece of heart and Fused Shadow, Zant appears. He beats the crap out of Link and Midna, and expels her from Twilight. The Light Spirit informs Link that the only way to revert his wolf form and to help Midna is to try and find Princess Zelda as soon as possible. Run across the field to the northeastern exit and keep working your way around Hyrule until you get back to the castle town. Now move to the bar, which is so frequently the continuation of the storyline, where you get kicked out for being an animal. In fact, all the townspeople are very afraid of you... no big surprise. Regardless, upon getting kicked out, a cat named Louis befriends you, and tells you to jump through a window he opens, saying that there's a path that leads to the castle from there. Push the crate by the wall toward the stack of crates underneath the window, then climb up and go inside. Once there, crawl across the ropes stretch near the rafters of the bar. On the third rope, which is right before the exit on the opposite side of the room, there are three people chatting about you, which you may have met earlier. If you did, they made fun of you for your clothing and said you were a mock adventurer, which now they're talking about how impressed they are of you instead. Cross the rope and go through the door to find yourself in a room with a poe. Kill the ghost, and a man is sitting upon a pile of treasure. His name is Jovani, and he sold his soul for pure greed. The poe ghosts across Hyrule hold his soul, and if you can release all 20 the curse will be dispelled for him. More importantly, he opens a treasure chest which actually leads to the sewers underneath Hyrule Castle. Drop into the chest. Once down there, on your left side against the wall there's a chain hanging. Get near it, Z target the chain then bite it to open the door next to you. There are going to be monsters in here, mostly bats and other creatures of that sort, so be on your guard. In the next room there are a few spiders against the back wall. Kill the two of them, then pick up one of the sticks lying around and light it using the torch next to you, and burn the spiders' web with it. Run into the next room, still with the lit torch, and light the torches in here. Kill the monsters you find, and then use one of the sticks to burn the web up on the back wall. Enter that tunnel, and kill the monsters you find in the next room. There's a repression on the floor that you can see in this room, so dig to fall into another waterway below this one. Go down the hallway you're in and kill the two rats on your right. This room is circular, and has stairs going up around the sides of the walls. Parts of the staircase are broken, and rope is tied to connect staircases. To make it even better, monsters wielding clubs and fire arrows are there to make your time climbing the stairs very annoying. Climb to the very tip-top of the staircase. Once you do reach the end, a castle door will be against the wall. Go through the door, and Link will be on top of the roof of the castle. There aren't any monsters really, besides maybe a few birds that you can definitely take care of. Walk across the roof, and you'll come to a point where you can see Zelda's tower in front of you, and the roof of the castle is underneath you. Drop down to the roof and enter Zelda's tower. Once inside, ascend the spiral staircase into Zelda's chambers. Another cutscene occurs, and when you try to walk away from Hyrule Castle, the entire castle will become shrouded in a large, brownish-gold crystal. 17. The Master Sword -------------------- Warp to Northern Faron Woods. Once there, head to the swamp. Run to the left and jump through the trees with Midna as before. As a slight warning, this path is a little bit more difficult than you may have found it from last time, because swinging tree trunks and Deku Babas line the treetops ready to knock you off. When you land on the opposite side, a monkey comes tearing through the forest chased by monsters. Kill the monsters to save the monkey, and he will tell you of a very pretty grove he found. Run to the right and Midna will activate again. Now jump across the gaping pits to reach the other side, and then there will be some rope to cross. Time it right, because the logs that are swinging can and will knock you off just to be a pain, and you'll have to start further back than you may want to. On the other side of the pit is another howling stone statue... and the song you have to howl sounds remarkably like the Serenade of Water from OoT. (Sentimental... ahh) After getting the location marked on your map, continue your journey into the woods. Next up, the Sacred Grove. Inside you will find a symbol on the ground that looks remarkably like the Triforce. In wolf form, follow along and play Zelda's Lullaby from Oot. A skull kid will appear, with a horn and many annoyances for you and the next ten minutes of your time. He basically runs around this grove, summoning monsters for you to kill, and you have to find him and hit him. It is pretty easy to find him... you can follow the light of his lantern, and you know you are getting close because the melody he is playing gets louder when you get closer to him. Run up to him and attack him, and after he gets attacked he'll run off summoning monsters again. After being attacked five or six times he'll run to a grove that has stumps all over the place. He'll warp from stump to stump every time you hit him now, still summoning monsters. Since he doesn't leave his post, I just stood on one side of the room with my bow and shot him wherever he appeared. If you take too long with the bow, the monsters will catch up to you and block your shooting range, so just pull out your sword at that point and attack him. After being hit a few more times, he'll take off. Run into the next section of the grove to see another Triforce symbol in the ground. Howl the lullaby again, and a little game appears. Several floating blocks show up in the shape of a heart, with two statues standing on blocks. They are relocated onto two different spots on the grid, and your job is to make sure they wind up in their original locations. The pattern in order to get them back to where they started is: Left, Down, Right, Right, Up, Left, Up, Up, Left, Down, Down, Right and Up. I will be honest, first time I did this puzzle it took me quite awhile to finish, and I would like to thank Sunni Brar for giving me this information. After completing the puzzle the door will open, so walk inside. In here, shining upon its pedestal, as was decreed by a Link to the Past, is the Master Sword. Let the following cutscene commence, and take advantage of your new ability, turning into your wolf form whenever you feel like! So, warp to the outside of Hyrule Castle Town. 18. Gerudo Desert ----------------- Running toward the entrance of the castle, the postman will stop you. Head to Telma's Bar, (as a human of course, don't scare the villagers!) and inside talk to just about everyone. There are a few people willing to help you with your cause, part of which is finding the mystical Mirror of Twilight. They will point you in the direction of a man named Auru who is investigating Gerudo Desert. Warp to Lake Hylia and turn into your human form. Run as far to the right as possible and climb until you find the large tower in the right-most part of the map. Climb to the top of the tower to find Auru, who will give you a note. Show the note to the guy who runs the cannon, who will agree to fire you into Gerudo Desert. After a short talk with Midna, run southwest until you find a ledge you can climb onto by firing your Clawshot onto the flying device that moves over the cliff edges. After climbing up onto the cliff, fight another bunch of shadow monsters to open another warp point. There is also the Eldin Bridge, which you can warp back to repair the hole that was stolen so long ago at the point north of Kakariko Village. Warp back into the desert, and now head northeast. After you run far enough you'll run into an entire horde of monsters protecting a massive wooden gate. Take them all down, and after a large battle get on top of one of the massive boars. The boars can knock down wooden structures of all types, so rush the gate to get through and head into the cliffs. There's an enemy camp up here just SWARMING with enemies. I really don't have any advice for you... if you have the hawkeye combined with your Hero Bow, you can sneak in at night and take people out one by one. However, I charged in at broad daylight swinging my sword, and nearly died a couple of times. Arrows flying from the guard towers, club-wielding beasts charging across the plains, there's chaos everywhere. Head around the side past the campfire, fighting and killing your way toward the most built-up structures. Along your path of nonstop killing you'll find a guard that drops a key. This key area is the last corner of the camp thus far, and you probably saw the locked gate you passed up getting here. Turn around and backtrack some until you unlock the door. Head through the door and get locked in within a massive arena. There's a mighty ogre mounted atop one of his beasts. He has a massive ax that he fights with... use your sword skills to fight him, and before too long he'll start to make the walk of shame, before deciding to set fire to the entire campground. Hop on top of the boar nearest to you, and break through every gate toward the dungeon they are guarding... home of the Twilight Mirror, city of rustic technology, the Arbiter's Grounds. 19. Arbiter's Grounds (Desert Temple) --------------------- Sand, sand, sand. As you walk in, notice that stepping in the sand will cause you to sink slowly. Walking in it is slow, and if you sink too low, you'll black out and start back at the beginning of rooms instead. Sinkholes drag you in automatically of course, so try to avoid contact with the sand as much as possible. Run into the first room and face the wall on your right. There's a red grate with a small fire burning behind it on the right wall. Grab it with your Clawshot and drop down onto the platform over the sand. Hop to the platform in the middle of the sinkhole, and than cross to the other side by jumping across platforms. There's a closed door that needs to be opened here. Turn to your left and fact the fence. Run around it and on the other side sand larvae will hop out to attack you along with a few skeletons. Hack away, and when they're dead use the Clawshot to grab the chain in the sand and pull it to you. Pull back on the chain until the door at the northern entrance of the room opens. Run through that door and up the stairs, then turn and look to your left side. There's a wooden barricade set up, so hack through the door and cross the sand pit to get the key in the treasure box. The sand pit is filled with locusts, just keep chugging to the other side; when you get onto the stones of the level, use your spin attack to throw them off of you. Equip your lantern to B, use the key to open the northern-most door in this room, and proceed to the next room. You need your lantern, and now you see why. Or can't see. Whatever the correct terminology, it's dark in here. Skeletons o- plenty as well, so ready your sword for spin attack as well. At the opposite end of this room is a closed door with two unlit torches on either side. Light the torches and walk through the door. Now we're in a room that I am going to refer to for the rest of this level as the Central Chamber. Reason being, you'll backtrack quite a bit through this room. As you walk in, four lanterns come and whisk away the flames from the four torches. For those Zelda enthusiasts that have seen this before, you know what needs to be done... recollect the fire from the ghosts! After the cutscene, immediately turn into wolf form and throw on your scent. The ghost you see now is still a Poe, but this time he looks more like the grim reaper. Attack with repeat presses of A to kill him, and rip out his soul to restore the first lamp. Learn the wolf scent, and then look around. At the northern end of the room there's a staircase with the three remaining unlit torches, and on either side of that staircase you will see a treasure chest across pits of sand. Hop across the platforms to get the chests... the chest on the left is a heart piece, and the chest on the right contains the dungeon map. Alright, after collecting the chests, turn into the wolf and then turn on your wolf sense. On the left side of the room is a Poe trail that disappears into a patch of sand. Dig into the sand to discover a chain hiding inside of it. Pull on the chain to make a staircase appear beside you, and go down the stairs and open the door to enter the next room. There will be a pillar that has a portion that you can shove. Turn into human Link and shove the pillar. One side of the wall will now be exposed with a ReDead behind it... upon killing him take the small key in the chest behind the monster. Look up to see a patch in the ceiling, and another grate you can hook with your Clawshot. Do so, and enter the door on your northern side. Once inside, turn into wolf form, and sense out the Poe hiding in here. Once you kill him, go into the previous room and fall back into the hole and push the pillar back again. Go through the door and into the Central Chamber to find the second torch restored. Now, go through the west door into the room you just came from, and find the locked door on the far side of the room. Unlock the door and go in. Inside you'll find more sandpits. On your right there are some suspended platforms that will get you through the sand, but when you try to go certain routes, spikes shoot up from underneath. Take the right platform first, then turn to your left and jump on the main platform. Now take the left platform instead of the right one, and then turn right, left and climb onto the other "shore". Here you will find a block that looks like a metal grate. Pull it out a little bit, and then push it to the east some. You will see another opening that is a perfect fit for this block, so push it in there. Now climb up a level that is opposite of the creepy, rusted-looking chandelier to find another chain. Grab onto the chain and pull. As you pull the chain backward, the chandelier will rise. Keep pulling until it locks, then let go and run down the now-opened path left by pulling that thing into the air. Run up a flight of stairs and into a room of monsters. After disposing of the monsters, find the compass in a treasure chest in an opening at the northern end of the room. Now look around. The pillar in the room can turn, so turn the darned thing! The western and eastern paths will open... break down the barricade blocking the room that is west on your minimap, and run inside. A treasure chest with a ReDead is in here... kill him and open it up to find a small key. Open the locked door down the eastern path, and come into a room that serves as a long hallway. Pots containing arrows are in here, so if you're low, stock up. Skeletons are everywhere as well, so cut them down and keep moving. Roughly halfway down this twisting hall, two ReDeads will be right next to each other surrounded by skeletons. Clear your path with bomb-arrows, or suffer the wraith of their swords and the pokes of the little skeletons while Link is frozen from their glares. Behind where you first saw the second ReDead is another square patch of sand that resembles the one in the Central Chamber. Turn into wolf Link and dig through the sand, and pull on the chain you find underneath it. The wall to your left will recede. Look inside the room you opened and turn on your sense. Kill the Poe you find inside, and continue running down the hallway. At the opposite end is a door. Go through it, and hop down the ledge you are on. On your right side is a chest with a small key. Open it, then turn into wolf form if you aren't in it already. Run up the side of the room and toward the locked door at the far end of the room. Suddenly Midna will start grunting, and you'll slow down. Turn on your sense. Ghost rats will be crawling all over you... use your spin attack to throw them off, and keep running until you reach the door. Unlock it and go through. You'll be on the second floor of the Central Chamber, and a short scene will ensue of the third torch being lit. Only one more to go! Jump onto the chandelier in front of you, run around the rim and jump off the other side and go through the door at the opposite end of the room. Run to your left and jump off of the small broken staircase to find another pushable block. Push it until it falls into its groove. If you need a red rupee, there's a chest with one in it on your left side. Climb up the block and pull on the chain. The chandelier behind you will rise. As a note, sand larvae will jump out and try to attack you, so either kill or ignore them while pulling the chain back, whatever works for you. I just ignored them, and leaned away from the sand pits. Now, let go of the chain when you pull the chandelier all the way up and stand in the MIDDLE of where the chandelier will fall and there's no shadow, so the metal giant falls down around you. Climb up onto the chandelier, and face the eastern wall. Jump off the metal rim onto the broken staircase, and head through this door. The next room is round and has wooden barricades lining the room. Upon entering it all the doors are gated. There are two treasure chests in the room filled with bombs. To get out of the room, you must kill a stalfos! Yay! For those that are unfamiliar with this infamous baddies, swordfight the skeleton until he crumbles, then drop a bomb on his remains to finish him off for good. If you spend too much time fighting him, Midna gives you a hint. After killing the knight, enter the next room. Roll across the sand pit, then face the torches. These torches have to be lit in a specific order to make the next room accessible. If you do it incorrectly, monsters appear. So, take out your torch and light the middle torch right in front of you first, then the torch all the way on the right side of the room in the corner. A part of the wall will recede on the left side of the map... proceed through the now-accessible door. In this room is the last Poe. Turn on your sight and run up to the ghost. When you do, he splits into four different parts. To be fair, the game lets you run through the fake ghosts while if you approach the real ghost however, the lot of them start spinning quickly. Wait until all of the ghosts turn transparent, and the real ghost turns purple and prepares to strike you. Then, make your move. After a couple of hits he goes down and you free the last soul. Run through the door to find Link standing atop a ledge in here. On your left is a grate you can hook... do so and drop down in front of a door that leads back into the Central Chamber. Watch a short scene where the door that has been closed since entering this dungeon, and go through the opening. In the next room is an interesting sight. There's a broken wall in front of you and weird shapes literally carved into the floor. To your right is a pit where you can see a treasure chest on the other side of it. Don't try to reach it, your path will cross that of the treasure chest before too long. Instead, look to your left. There's another pit with a giant pillar rising into the air. The pillar has ridges that resemble a screw. Fall down into the pit. There's another little wall that sticks out of the pillar that can be used to turn it. This time, turning the pillar raises or lowers the floor. Lowering the platform will lead you to a locked door, so let's ignore that for right now. Instead, push on the wall counterclockwise twice to move the floor up two levels, and now the floor will be level with two openings. The right side has a treasure chest that isn't accessible because of spikes that come up from the floor when you get close. So, run through the other opening and arrive at the chest anyway. Inside is a small key. Head back out of this room and turn the wall clockwise three times to find a locked door. Unlock it and enter. The next room is more frustrating than you might realize. Switch to wolf form, because ghost rats are everywhere and will try to slow you down. A ReDead in the far opposite left corner of the room from where you are standing when you first come in. Sand pits are everywhere, and spikes come out of the floor in specific patterns. So, what to do. First, run left over a sand pit and then move forward in the room until you're stopped by spikes. Then run all the way to the right wall and then forward again until you find the end of the room. You're standing behind the wall that if you look over, you can see the door to the next room. In front of you should be a chain that pulls out the wall that is blocking that door. Pull it out, then run backward a bit, turn right, run to the left wall, and around the impeding spikes and to the doorway. Go through the door. You'll be in a long hallway with sand pits everywhere. What's the best thing in the world when you only have a limited amount of time to cross sand? Locusts! Yay! This hallway is nothing special, and you'll see more like them in time. For now, just cross to the other end and open the door. If you're interested, there's a pot with Ooccoo at the far end of this hallway across from the door to the next room. Enter the following room to find a giant machine spinning spikes around a round room. You can only run clockwise through this room, so do so, running past the first sealed door to the area opposite of you. In that next room are three stalfos. Kill and bomb them, then head back to the round room and through the opening. You'll be in a hallway that slopes upward, with plenty of sand rolling downward and locusts that come out of the sand to drag you down. I've made it through this hallway as human Link, but traditionally I've found that wolf Link has more success here because the locusts have a hard time of grabbing onto him. When you make it to the top, jump the pit on your right and enter the door at the northern end of the room. ---------------- Mini Boss - Lich ---------------- Run into the room and slice the vines wrapped around the sword in the middle of the room. Turn into wolf Link, and sight the monster. Wait until he attacks you, and jump to the left or right to avoid it. The attack will be a downward strike with the sword. After it gets stuck in the ground, the boss will be vulnerable. Attack him, and he'll become visible. Turn back into human Link. Now the boss will float in the air and occasionally fire purple blasts at you. If you wait for the blasts they can be reflected with Shield Attack. However, to make the battle go MUCH faster, pull out your bow and arrow and shoot the boss. He'll start flying around you very fast. Pull out your sword, and try to Z target the boss. All of a sudden he'll slow down, probably behind you, and if you Z target him when he does, attack him before he attacks you, because he'll be readying his sword. Hit him and he'll fall to the ground, and let loose all manner of jumping strikes and spin attacks. After a few hits the miniboss will begin flying in the air again. Rinse and repeat your strategy, and after knocking him out of the air several times, he'll die. Note: There is a small chance that the boss will turn invisible again. If he does, just switch to wolf form and pretend like you're starting the battle from the beginning. After beating the boss, run into the back of the room and get the spinner! Even though this item is rather impractical, when you do get to use it, it's quite fun. Equip it and turn around. A ridged track runs to your left and right off of the platform of where you are standing. Press B to get on the spinner, then run into the track and let it carry you back to the beginning of the room. Press B to jump off and go through the door. Look to your left, and there's another track. Get on the track and then after riding it for a bit, spot the track on your right and press B to jump from the track you are on to the other one. The track lining the right wall will take you to the door above the before-unbreachable pit of sand. In the next room you'll see lots of tracks... lots of them. Ride walls until you reach the far end of the room where a track leads up out of the sand. This track lines the right wall and then pulls you upward. Ride the track and don't jump off, let it carry you. It will throw you onto a red floor with a giant swinging mace trap above you. Get off the spinner and run to your right. There's a piece of heart in the chest up the ramp. Right next to the chest is another track. Ride the track (moving clockwise), timing it so the swinging trap doesn't hit you. Ride the track until it throws you off of it, and hold forward on the analog stick to clear the fence. Ride this next track and let it carry you upward... when it throws you off, ride it until you see a ramp sloping upward. Get off your spinner until you reach, more tracks! Hurray! There are TONS of spin traps that are connected to the tracks up here, so when they get close hit B to jump from one trap to the next. It isn't too hard, but if you aren't paying close attention it could be easy to get knocked off. Ride these dual tracks to get to the door at the opposite end of the room. Go inside, and open the chest to find the boss key. Cross the pit using your spinner, and you find yourself with the weird ridges and holes in the floor. Interestingly enough, there's a hole shaped just like a spinner! Turn your spinner on and navigate it to its hole. Fall in, and repeatedly press B to open the wall in front of you. Ride up the track you see on the left side of this circular room, and right before you get to the top, jump off and land on top of the pillar in the middle of the room. Another indentation shaped like the spinner is on the floor. Sink into it and repeatedly press B to make another large track rise. Ride the track to the top of this room, where it will end right in front of the door to the end boss, Stallord. Hop off your spinner, unlock the door, and walk into the boss room. --------------------------------- Arbiter's Grounds Boss - Stallord --------------------------------- This boss is nothing short of EPIC! Of course the use of the spinner is going to be a must, so have that equipped. Depending on what type of player you are, this may or may not be your first challenging boss. You find yourself in a large, round room with spinner tracks running along the edge of the room. When the boss appears, immediately head to the tracks and clip onto them with your spinner. Beware of the spin traps that work their way around the room, attempting to knock you off of the track. When you see one coming, dislodge yourself from the track and either reconnect or attack the boss. Your target is the base of the boss's skull. His spinal cord is his weakness, so your job is to ram the spinner into his spine by jumping the moment before you slam into the bone. Stallord will be kind enough to release fire from his mouth, as well as summon skeletons from the ground to block your advance. After you hit him the first couple of times, you may find it difficult to get to his spine due to the sheer number of skeletons he's pulling out of the ground. Be careful, your spinner will lose momentum if you don't spend time riding the track, so if it is clear that you won't reach his spine, retreat to the wall and prepare to move in a second time. After three hits, he pitches a fit and raises the ground in the middle and creates a much larger arena, and his head takes flight. Now there are several sets of tracks... a spiral track that moves up the middle of the room, and many layers of horizontal tracks that line the outside wall. So, this means that it is impossible to gain height by staying on the track around the outside wall. Use your spinner and fit it into the middle track. Use it to gain height, but watch for spin traps that are moving down the track. Right when they get near you, use B to jump to the other track, then quickly jump back. You want to get as much height as possible before the boss appears next to you, because you can count on falling a little ways every time you try to jump from track to track. Before long Stallord's floating skull appears before you. He'll fire a couple of fireballs at you, so jump tracks when he does. After a couple of shots, he'll float right next to you and point his face at the wall to shoot at you. Jump at him, and use the spinner to deal damage. You'll fall back down to the ground after hitting him. Start up the spinner and repeat the process. After a few hits, Stallord finally goes down. 20. Zora's Monster ------------------ Warp to Hyrule Castle Town and go back to Telma's Bar. The adventurers will mark out on your map the location of Ashei, who is at this point in the game exploring the mountain outside of Zora's Domain, which has apparently been cause of the major and recent cold spells occurring in that area. Warp to Zora's Domain, and jump down the waterfall. Follow the mark on your map, and look for the bombable wall on the side of the pond's bank. Run up the path to find yourself in the midst of a blizzard. Ashei is there, and he'll say that as of present, there's no way to get through the blizzard. He'll also give you a sketch of a monster that has been plaguing the Zora's. Run back into the tunnel, and show the sketch to the guards. They tell you that the fish the monster is holding is that of a reekfish, a fish that only prince Ralis was ever able to catch. Warp to Kakariko Village and go the graveyard. Crawl into the hole and talk to the prince, who will give you the Coral Earring... tied to the end of your fishing pole it can be used to catch reekfish. Warp back to Zora's domain, and stand on the bank nearest to the giant rock emitting from the water at the bottom of the waterfall. Cast and be patient, these fish take a little bit longer to catch. When you do, throw the fish onto the ground and transform into your wolf form, and pick up the reekfish scent. Run back to where Ashei was, and transform into the wolf. Turn on your scent, and follow the scent onto the mountain. Along the way you'll be attacked by crows and white wolfos... just be patient and follow the scent up rocks and across the mountain trails. The first cliff you come to has a path behind it, so run around to the backside to find stairs. The second time you find an impassable wall, run into it to make a bunch of snow fall. Climb up the snow to get on top of the ledge and keep going. The scent will suddenly disappear underground, so sense out a hole you can dig into, then enter it to find a cavern of ledges. Turn into your human form to navigate this dungeon, avoiding the ice blocks that you can't run into. (They'll freeze you and take health) Ice keese are also swarming this room, so avoid them as well... they're such a pain. When you're back out of the cavern, keep your sense on, but before too long you'll run into a bunch of shadow monsters. Make your warp point up here, and keep going to find the Yeti himself. Transform into human form, and approach him. He'll ask you a couple of questions, so just keep saying yes, and he'll show you how to make a snowboard for yourself. Do so, and hop onto the ice block and follow him down the hill. Pressing A allows you to jump, so get ready to cross chasms and kill monsters with your sword simultaneously. When you finally make it to the bottom of the hill, you find the mansion that the snow monster calls home. Prepare for the fifth dungeon, the Snowpeak Ruins, looming right in front of you... walk up the stairs and go inside. 21. Snowpeak Ruins ------------------ Guess what? The Snowpeak Ruins dungeon is the Yeti's house. No surprise eh? It's a giant mansion. The first thing you see is a Poe floating, not so menacingly I might add, in front of you. Transform into wolf form and take his soul, then enter the northern door. Inside here is apparently the wife of the Yeti. She gives you the dungeon map, and tells you to talk to her husband. Go through the left door, which as of right now is also the only door open. Inside is her husband stirring a giant bowl of soup. You can go ahead and fill any empty bottles that you're carrying on your person if you feel the need... this soup will only refill two hearts, but give it time. Ooccoo is hiding in a pot in here, bust him out if you feel the need to. Now, head through the northern door and see if you can't find where the Yeti family hid the mirror you're looking for. There's a simple puzzle in here that will get a little more complicated later. Basically, you have this to deal with: _________ [ B] [ ] [ B ] [ ] [___ ___] [S] B - Frozen blocks that you cannot move. Don't run into them, they take away hearts. S - The switch you would like to take care of. 1 and 2 - Moveable Blocks Push the two moveable blocks until you have them on either side of the switch, S, in the middle of the room: _________ [ B] [ ] [ B ] [ ] [__1 2__] [S] Now, just push block 2 to the left and down as such: _________ [ B] [ ] [ B ] [ ] [__1 2 ___] [S] _________ [ B] [ ] [ B ] [ ] [__1 ___] [2] After completing the puzzle, the door to the next room will open. In the next room, turn into your wolf form and look for a spot that you can dig at right next to the wall. After the dig Link will find himself in a small, snowy courtyard, filled with white wolfos and giant blocks of ice lining some of the walls. (And blocking openings... grr) Kill the white wolfos. As a general rule for most of this dungeon though, ignore the majority of the enemies you come across. This dungeon requires going through many of the same rooms again, and monsters like white wolfos and freezards respawn constantly. If you're maxed out on rupees, ignore the 20 rupee chest laying out in the open. Instead, search for the chest half- buried in the snow. Dig it out, it contains a small key. Another note: In places like this courtyard, walking around as human Link is disadvantageous to you, because not only is it harder to fight the wolfos in your human form, but Link sinks in the snow and it makes walking around, let alone fighting, much more difficult to do. Open the door on the left side of the minimap. Run past/kill the freezards in the next room to the northern locked door. Open it with the small key you found in the snow and enter. In here three freezards are "patrolling" the ice. Kill them with whatever means you see fit, but I find attacking one and spin attacking on the rebound generally keeps Link from getting hit by them bouncing around. After killing them, the door to the next room opens. The camera pans through and voila! A treasure chest! Knowing every dungeon you've been in so far, it can't be this easy. As you approach the chest, two ice lancers pop out of the ground. They aren't hard to kill... actually, they're fairly fun to fight. Don't be upset by losing the sight of these unique monsters, you'll see more later. Enter the jail cell that the lancers were protecting to find the Ordon Pumpkin. Retrace your steps all the way back to the third room, and offer to add the wonderful taste of pumpkin to the soup the Yeti is cooking up. He'll make a "Good Soup", which will replenish four hearts when bottled and eaten. Head back to the Yeti's wife, and explain her amnesia, and she'll offer the location of what she thinks is the correct location of the mirror shard. She'll open another door at the northern end of this room. You'll be in another end of the courtyard with more wolfos. At the far end of the room is a giant ice monster blocking a doorway. Follow the right wall until you come to a window that you can climb through. On the other side is a doorway... open the door and enter the next room. Right at the beginning of the room you'll see a cannonball laying on the floor. Pick it up and avoid the freezards spinning slowly on the ice. There are also huge ice walls that I would avoid as well, running into any of these will mean being momentarily frozen as well as losing part of a heart. Make your way around the room until you come to a cannon. Point the cannon so it's facing to the LEFT on your minimap, and put the cannonball in the back of the cannon. Drop in a bomb behind it, and the ball will launch, clearing out all of the ice in its path. At the end of the path is a treasure chest containing a few bombs. Grab the cannonball and drop it back in the cannon, and this time point it south. Fire the cannonball a second time to reveal another doorway. Enter the doorway to find a room full of wooden beams, almost as if you were crawling along a bunch of rafters. Freezards inhabit the wooden beams as well, so use your Clawshot to clear them off of the wood in front of you. Make your way across to the treasure chest containing the compass at the other end of the room. With the compass in hand, retrace your steps back to the courtyard, and find the relative area containing a treasure chest symbol in the northeastern part of your minimap. In your wolf's sense form, dig up the treasure chest buried underneath the snow. The chest will contain a small key. Get the key and unlock the door with iron bars on the east side of the courtyard. Behind it are a few cannonballs. Load one of them onto the arm that transfers the cannonballs back and forth from one room to another. Go back to the courtyard and take the cannonball to the cannon and point it at the ice monster. Fire the cannon, killing the monster and leaving some freezards behind. Enter the now- accessible door to the miniboss's room. --------------------------------- Mini Boss - Ball and Chain Knight --------------------------------- I remember this boss being the easiest fight I ever had in a Link to the Past. Now, because the first time I went up against him I had no idea how to hurt him, this was the only thing in this entire game that killed me. The room seems lifeless when you first enter it. Run to one end of the room to initiate the fight though, and turn to meet your enemy. The knight's weak spot is his tail that is protruding from underneath his mail behind him. The ceiling can be grabbed anywhere with the Clawshot, so if he backs you into a corner, use the Clawshot to steer yourself from trouble. Since the hallway is so small, he'll be able to hit you pretty easily. He'll slowly swing the chain, and after a few moments of getting the flail up to speed, he'll toss the entire hunk of iron at you. Try to time the Clawshot's attachment to the ceiling with him throwing the ball and chain at you. When he does throw it, get around to his backside as quickly as possible and attack his tail. After several assaults the boss finally goes down, leaving you the Ball and Chain as a reward for beating him. (Quite possibly one of the coolest items in this game) Head through the northern door and use the Ball and Chain to break the ice wall down to reveal a chest behind it. Once again the Yeti's wife got it wrong... instead of what you're really looking for, you found Ordon Cheese instead. Bring the cheese back to the Yeti, and he'll make some Superb Soup for you, which is actually worth dipping your bottle into. This particular soup now replenishes eight hearts per drink. Go back into the adjacent room and talk to the Yeti's wife, and she'll open the door on the eastern end of this room, pointing out a place on the second floor that she's pretty sure contains a part of the Twilight Mirror that Link is searching for. Enter the next room to find yourself on a path that spirals upward, and wraps around two cages, both filled with ice giants spraying their icy breath everywhere. Kill the giants through the holes in their cages with your new weapon, and blast apart the large wall of ice on your right side as well. Keep going to the top of the room, and go through the door. There's an ice lancer in here... kill him and break apart the ice block next to him that's covering a mark for your Clawshot. Run back to the door and face the massive square chandelier hanging from the ceiling. Use your Ball and Chain to hit the chandelier so it moves back and forth, then jump across the pit using the swinging platform to get the small key on the other side. Now you can use your Clawshot to get back to the previous platform. Retrace your steps to the previous room and enter the locked door on the left side of the room with your newly found small key. In the next room you can destroy another block of ice to make a Clawshot target that connects the first floor with this one. Now hit the square platform in here to reach other door at the opposite end of this room. The next room is just filled with ice blocks and freezards. Fight your way to the northern end of the room and go through that door. The next room is actually the puzzle room you were in before. Drop down to the ice "rink" and use your flail to bust the ice covering on the third block in the corner, as well as the ice block covering the middle switch. The setup of the blocks should look like this: _________ [ 3] [ ] [ S ] [ ] [__1 ___] [2] Obviously you want to get a block on top of the switch in the middle of the ice to open the closed door in this room. First thing's first... push block 2 up, THEN push block 3 down and to the left: _________ [ 2 ] [ ] [ S ] [ ] [__1 3 ___] [S] Now, push block 3 up: _________ [ 2 ] [ 3 ] [ S ] [ ] [__1 ___] [S] Now, push block 2 to the right, down, left, then up: _________ [ ] [ 3 ] [ 2 ] [ ] [__1 ___] [S] Now that the middle switch is covered, push block 3 to the right, down, left and then down to make sure that both switches (and indeed both doors are open) are pressed down. The setup should look something like this: _________ [ ] [ ] [ 2 ] [ ] [__1 ___] [3] After this puzzle is completed, climb the boxes to get back to the second floor, and enter the door on the right side of the room that is now opened. Head down the winding path, ignoring monsters you meet along the way. At the very end of the path, look around to see a Clawshot mark that leads you to a door on the western side of the map in this area. Go through the door and into the next room, so see more square chandeliers. Hit the ice block on the side of the room covering another Clawshot mark, then cross the chandeliers using the Ball and Chain. At the southern end you'll find a chest with a small key. You should know what door this unlocks, and will take a bit of backtracking to find. Exit the door on the side of the room that you found the key, and recross the block puzzle room. You're heading back to the room that served as a might ice skating "rink" with freezards floating the surface, because there's a locked door at the northeastern end. Heading through this locked door there are two more ice giants. Break them to pieces with the Ball and Chain, and head past the freezards they drop and look for the moveable boxes at the right side of the room. Push them down and drop down the path that they fall into. Keep following the path as it moves downward to the door at the very end of the path. In this next room there's another block you can push downward to create another shortcut, so do so, and look for three cannonballs lying on the ground. Pick them up and there's another slot on the wall next to a door. Drop a cannonball into the slot and pull the lever so it rolls to the next room, then head through the door and pick the cannonball up. Run up the path in front of you, and you'll see a cannon near the top of the path. Turn the cannon so it is facing west on your minimap... then drop the ball in and then a bomb to fire it. After doing so, scramble up the bunch of blocks and to the area that you fired your cannonball. Pick it up and put it in the slot that's in the wall, and go through the door to the next room. Take the cannonball out of the slot again, and turn the cannon that is in front of you so it's facing the ice giant blocking the ladder in the northeastern corner of the room. Kill it with the cannonball, then follow the path that leads to that ladder. Turn around and follow the right wall, dropping down into the pit with the cannonballs, then climb up the ladder to where the giant used to be. Right next to you now will be a door on your right side. Enter the door to find yourself in a sort of church. After crossing to the far side of the room, ice lancers aplenty start appearing all around you. Great Spin them into oblivion until they finally take away some health, or simply stand at one end of the room and take them out one by one. Simply running in circles swinging your sword is a surefire way to get yourself killed, so don't start doing that the minute you get hit... just keep calm and keep your shield up. After the fight you're awarded with the boss (bedroom) key. After you exit the church, the Yeti's wife is standing outside the door waiting for you. She's feeling much better thanks to that soup (if you're low on health, I'd suggest getting some, this is one of the bosses that may take away a few hearts), and would like to show her thanks and forgiveness by personally escorting you to her bedroom where she keeps the second mirror shard. Follow her up the path to the bedroom, unlock the door and enter the boss chamber. ------------------------------ Snowpeak Ruins Boss - Blizzeta ------------------------------ Blizzeta begins the battle by encasing herself in a large block of ice. The entire room will look like a skating rink... pull out the Ball and Chain and hit the ice block with it. She'll bounce around the room like an oversized freezie. It's pretty easy to hit her because she's such a large target, and I killed her first form so fast I'm not entirely sure what she's capable of. I know that she does at random points in the battle expel freezies from her block, but if you hit her with the Ball and Chain they disappear. After taking several hits from your mace, she'll have herself covered in a large coffin of ice and rise into the air, summoning very large icicles as she flies. She attacks at this point in a pattern: first she will drop all of the icicles flying around her on Link in a line, so just run/roll away from her as the icicles are dropped behind you. You can destroy the icicles with your mace if you choose to, so get rid of them with the spare few moments that you have. The icicles will be pulled back into the air, and Blizzeta will drop all of the icicles in a ring around you instead. Roll out of the way and immediately turn around when this happens, because her coffin of ice falls moments later, in the center of the ring. Pull out the Ball and Chain and swing it at her ice block. Repeat this three times and the ice coffin will break, and you'll get the second mirror piece and another heart container. 22. Back into the Sacred Grove ------------------------------ After you collect the second mirror shard, warp back to outside Hyrule Castle. While running inside you will get some mail from the already lonely couple of abominable lovers, how bored they must be. (Not!) Go to the bar, and find out that this time your uncle is going to help you out. Warp to the northern Faron Woods. Transform back into human Link and run to the spot where as a wolf, Midna teleported you to the Sacred Grove when hunting the Master Sword. Your uncle is standing there, this time with a golden cucco. Pick up the cucco and look down the chasm your uncle is staring into. In front of Link and on your left is a platform coming out of the side of a tree. Float to that platform, and look on your left again. There is a second platform to float to. After getting there, stare to the right side and see another ledge. Use the golden "friend" to float to here as well, and continue the journey to the Sacred Grove using the cucco instead of Link's wolf form. Upon entering the Sacred Grove, your friend the Skull Kid is back to haunt and annoy you. He calls out more zombies and disappears into the depths of the forest, yet again. Conform to the same game as before... following his light, listening for the sound of his horn, and chasing him through the woods until he stops at a specific grove and draws out the battle in a single clearing. After you hit him a few times, he opens up a new passageway. Run into the new area, moving a block to enter the caves below you. There's another pedestal, so put your sword inside of it and pull it out to make a statue disappear. You'll also create another warp by fighting five, instead of three, shadow monsters at once. After the fight climb up the cliffs opposite to where you came in, and there's an open passage in front of a door. Open the door, and enter the black and white void to find yourself in an ancient Temple of Time. Run straight forward from where you are to find another pedestal... stick your sword in to create a shimmering stairway that leads into the stained glass window. Walk through the window to enter the next dungeon. 23. The Temple of Time ---------------------- At first this was my least favorite dungeon, but after I had gone through it a couple of times and realized what it actually was, I started to like it quite a bit. This dungeon is an eight floor dungeon, and you just need to head to the top once and then back to the bottom floor a second time. This isn't that bad, considering you have to move up a floor in order to even leave the first room. On the seventh floor you'll find the boss key, and right along with that key on the top level you'll find the miniboss, dungeon item and the statue that you have to bring to the first floor. So how do we go about doing this? Walk into the first room and the missing statue that I was just talking about will be brought up by Midna. If you turn on your wolf sense, you can even see where the statue ought to be. In human form, look on either side of the miniature balcony at the far end of the room. On one block is a switch, on the other is a pot with a hole in it. Pick up the pot and put it on the switch, causing a platform on the opposite side of the room to raise. Climb up the platform and head up the stairs to find Ooccoo. Keep going to find two unlit torches. Lighting the torches causes a chest with a small key to appear. Take the key and unlock the only locked door in this room at the top of the staircase. There is a spider in this room... get used to them too, because they're everywhere. Place a pot on the switch in this room to open the gate in front of you. Just as a heads up, hitting the giant bells with your Ball and Chain will release a fairy, so refill your health or bottles if you need to. There's also a chest right next to the entrance of this room that has some arrows in it. Continue down your path until you get blocked again. Another brief fight will commence... after the battle look around. Up on a ledge there's a switch, hit it with your arrows, and the wall blocking your path will move out of the way. The landing at the top of the stairs is filled with enemies. Kill the lizard warriors you find along with the armos statue to make the dungeon map appear. Also you can find a chest with rupees on one side of the room. The door to the next room is blocked by a gate, and on either side of the gate are two switches. Carry a pot to each switch to open the gate, and go through the door to enter the next room. The next room is very large, with three floors total. As far as monsters goes, it has lizards and beamos statues placed along the outside of the room. The middle of the room looks like a miniature ranch, with a plethora of spider broodlings milling about. There's a staircase that wraps up around one wall that leads to the second floor of this room. Make your way to that staircase, killing monsters as you go. When you climb the staircase, you'll find a large section of it that fell away. Use your spinner to ride the track along the wall, and once you're on the second floor, follow the path that leads to the middle platform. Push the wall that sticks out of the middle to move the platform to the bottom floor. Once there, kill all of the baby spiders to drop the electric barrier that keeps you from getting to the middle. Then pick up the iron pot and carry it back to the elevator. Push the wall on the elevator counterclockwise to move back to the second floor again. Circling the outside of this elevator are two spin traps moving opposite of one another, which you have seen already. However now it's a little bit more difficult to avoid, because there are two switches that are on a platform that branches off of one side of this middle level platform, and you've got to carry both pots to those switches. So, carry the iron pot you got from the first level to the first switch, then continue moving around the outside until you come to another platform that branches off the middle that has the second pot you need. Carry it to the second switch, and after you place the second pot on top of it, stand on the white rectangle near the wall... that rectangle will act as an elevator and carry you up the wall. Enter the door at the top of that "elevator". In the next room are two armos statues. Kill them to make the treasure chest containing a small key appear. Take the key and go back into the previous room, and work your way around the elevator to the north end of the room where a locked door lay on the far wall. Unlock the door and go into the next room. This next room has a series of golden rings set into some of the walls, with a switch at the far end of the hoops. This room also has lizard warriors and beamos statues. The switches move the walls in this room, and every time you want to move forward, you've got to hit a switch. Get out your bow to help hit switches and kill beamos statues, and make your way through the room. As a general rule, if you come to a wall, hit a switch to move that wall. This dungeon has a nasty habit of making you do the same odd task fifty times, even if you got the point the first time around. As you pass by, the southern end of the room has a treasure chest that contains the compass inside of it. I believe you have to move the walls five or six times to get all the way through this room. Not to mention, by the time you get to the far end of the room, lizard knights start appearing, so get used to walking up to them with your sword sheathed to take advantage of some of your sword skills. (Helm Splitter also works well) At the far end of the room is a door... go through it to the next room. The next room has a large staircase that leads to a mighty golden balance. Around the room are tons of spiders, spiders everywhere. Killing them all gives you a chest of fifty rupees... if that doesn't seem worth it to you, find the metal pot and carry it up the stairs and to the balance. When you get on the right side of the balance, throw the weight you are carrying up to the other side. The balance will even itself out some, so climb onto the other side, and scramble up to the door that leads to the next room. The circular room you are now standing in has spin traps circling around the beamos statue standing in the center of the room. Use your bow to kill the statue, and run around the room clockwise until you reach the landing with the lizard warriors. Kill them and move on to find a tiny maze with giant, rolling spikes. Weave your way in and out of the paths of the spikes, making your way to the ledge on the southern side of the room. There's a bladed pendulum swinging from side to side, so avoid getting hit by it as you maneuver to the small key that is hidden in the chest on the ledge. Now make your way northeast through the maze and pick up the iron pot you find. At the end of the maze is a switch in front of an electrical barrier. Place the pot on the switch to make the barrier disappear. Head up the stairs, and you're already at the highest point of this dungeon! About halfway there... There is a locked door at the far end of the room, with baby spiders and armos statues littering the place. Killing all of the monsters once again garners you with 50 rupees, so if your wallet is full, just unlock the door and enter the room to the miniboss. ------------------------ Mini Boss - Iron Knuckle ------------------------ Classic iron knuckle style, this guy hits hard and takes away several hearts per hit. He'll block most of your attacks and swing his sword at any opportunity you give him, so at least for the beginning of the fight, try not to give him any! (ie. Jump attacks) Stabbing with your sword works well, but I've noticed that Helm-Splitter works the best while he still has armor on. After knocking the iron knuckle around a few times, his armor will begin to fall off. When the iron knuckle has lost all of its armor, it'll throw its sword at you and pull out a rapier. The monster has become much faster and much more limber, and can still block your attacks fairly effectively with its sword. Use Back Slice or Mortal Draw to get easy hits in on him, and after a few hits the boss will finally go down. After beating the boss, a treasure chest appears. This chest contains the Dominion Rod, which will allow you to bring statues to life. See the statue at the far end of the room from the door you came in? Yes, that's the statue that is missing from the first floor of this dungeon. Those squares with the bells above them are actually teleports for the statue, so bring the statue to life and walk it to the first teleportation square. Now, exit this room and go through the door to the western room. In the previous room, reanimate the statue and walk him to the metal gate. Press B to make the statue strike the gate with his hammer, and then keep walking into the previous room. Take the pot in this room and place it on the switch on the floor to lower the rectangular elevator near the hallway that leads out of this room. Walk the statue over to the elevator, and then deactivate him. Now, take the pot off of the switch and the elevator will rise again. Climb up to the statue, bring him to life, and have him follow you down the hallway. At the bottom of the hallway is another electric barrier. Make sure that you are behind the statue, and have him walk across the barrier to the switch on the other side. Deactivate the statue and cross the barrier, then bring him back to life. See how sweet this is going to be? The one plus side, keep in mind, is that this level is fairly short. The statue will block the spikes rolling around in this maze, so always keep behind the statue as you make your way backward through the maze. Once on the other side of the maze, walk down the stairs to make it back into the circular room with the spinning traps. Smash all spinning traps into oblivion using the statue's hammer, then walk the statue to the elevator in this room and deactivate him. Place the pot onto the switch in here to raise the elevator, and walk the statue onto the teleportation square. You're now back in the room with the balance. Unfortunately for you, this room is a royal pain in the neck. Walk the statue to the left side of the balance, and throw both of the pots on the left side onto the right side. Some equations: 1 Link = 2 pots 1 statue = 1 Link + 2 pots 1 statue = 4 pots For now, climb onto the right platform to even it out, then activate the statue and walk him over to the right platform. Throw both of the pots that you have onto the left platform. Based on the equations above, you've got two more pots to collect. Look to the ledge on the wall next to you, and find the pot sitting on the ledge above you. Use the Dominion Rod to bring it to life, and walk it over to the balance. When it falls off of the ledge, throw it to the left side of the balance. Now, jump off of the balance entirely, and make your way to the southern part of the room. There's a ledge above you that you can Clawshot to, and on top of that ledge is another pot. Pick it up and jump off of the platform, carry it up to the balance and throw it to the left side. The balance will even out as long as you aren't standing on the right side, so use the Dominion Rod to bring the statue to life, and walk him down the stairs and to the warp point. Once the statue is gone, it is time to take a momentary pause from babysitting the statue and get the boss key. Stand on the ride side of the balance where it is closer to the ceiling, and Clawshot to the platform in the middle of the room and make your way to the eastern wall. Ride the tracks along the wall to get to the door at the upper part of the room, and enter the door to the next room. In this next room there are four switches that are above a closed gate that leads to the boss key. Two metal pots are right next to the switches, so carry them onto two of the switches at first. Above you is a ledge that has the third pot... summon it down with the Dominion Rod and look to the helmasaurs on the bottom floor. Use the Clawshot to pull off the mask from one of them, and use the mask to weigh down the fourth switch. Drop down to the opened gate and open the chest to receive the boss key. Retrace your steps back to the balance room, and go through the door and walk down until you reach the fifth door and find where the statue was warped to. You'll be back in the room with all of the moveable walls... this is the last part of the level that might offer up any difficulty at all. First hit, the first switch you can find to move the walls around. Now, move the statue past the electric barrier. Moving to the uppermost part of the room, head around the walls and open the chest there to get a piece of heart. Now move back to the bottom part of the room, and animate the statue again. You're going to have to move him from the other side of the wall so he can warp underneath another bell, a journey you cannot make with him unfortunately. You'll have to move a wall twice during this trip, and in order to hit the switch you will have to deactivate the statue. Now you're going to be back in the first half of the room with the golden hoops again. Kill the beamos statues and make your way back through this room, moving walls for yourself and the statue, and eventually leading him to the next warp point. Continue moving through the room you are in, and hit the very last switch to move the wall in front of you, and enter the southern door to find where the statue has moved to this time around. You're back in the circular elevator room. Get on the elevator and push the wall counterclockwise to get to the highest level where the statue is waiting. Activate him and bring him to the elevator, then push the wall clockwise twice to lead yourself to the bottom floor. Once there, kill all of the baby spiders to drop the barrier, and walk the statue to the northernmost part of this room. Use B to break down a gate. There's a warp on the opposite side of this gate, but if you want to first, there's a Poe behind a breakable gate that you'll need to use the statue for as well. Choose to get the Poe or not, the choice is yours. Warp the statue out of this room, then exit this room on the left side of the minimap. Walk down the path in the next room and Clawshot over the gate you find yourself at. Find the statue in this next round room, and walk him to the gate at the bottom of the path. Momentarily deactivate this statue, and Clawshot over this gate as well. Find the pot lying around in this room to open the gate, then walk the statue to the warp point in here, warping it out of this room. Exit this room and backtrack, finally, to the entrance hall of the Temple of Time. Here you will find the statue at its warp point once again, just waiting to be led to its proper place on the opposite side of the door. When both statues are finally in place, the wall in front of you will rise. This room is a massive mess of traps and pits everywhere. Make your way over the first pit and past the initial traps, and ignore the first pot you see! There is a switch at the end of this room, but there are pots that are much closer to the switch. At the far end of the room you'll see the switch, and right next to it should be two pots. Place one of the pots on the switch and the metal gate leading to the boss door should lower, while a second gate raises. Jump across the pit and past the now-opened gate, and turn around to animate the metal pot behind you. Lead the pot into the chasm that separates you from the rest of the Temple behind you, and the two gates will switch back to their normal positions. Make your way to the bottom of the ramp you're standing on, and kill the two spiders at the bottom. There are pots for refilling your health on either side of the boss door. When you're ready, open the boss's chamber and step inside. ------------------------------- Temple of Time Boss - Armogohma ------------------------------- Ugh... a hideous spider for a boss... *shudders* Well, luckily Armogohma isn't all that difficult... something that I thought was interesting was that the spider boss in OoT at the end of the first (Great Deku Tree) dungeon was named "Gohma", I guess he got a title upgrade. Regardless, the boss starts at the top of the screen, and they zoom in on his body (ugh again) and show a weak point on his back. It will crawl back and forth across the ceiling, where beams of light shine through from the ceiling. So, when he crosses a spot, you can tell where he is. Every once in awhile the eye on his back will open, and charge a massive laser. The laser's light will light up the entire room bright red. When he does this, the laser will follow you around and hit you repeatedly. Get out your bow and time where the spider will stop, and when the eye opens up, fire an arrow into the eye. When the eye is hit, the boss will fall onto the ground, inevitably in front of a statue. Bring the statue to life with the Dominion Rod, and press B to smash the spider. After being hit for the first two times, Armogohma will crawl back onto the ceiling, and then release a bunch of eggs that will drop onto the ground. If you have Great Spin and full health, stand in the middle of them and take all or almost all of the eggs at once. If not, mass murder with the regular spin attack and finish off whatever broodlings survive. Rinse and repeat with the same tactics, and after the third smash of the massive statue hammers, and the boss will die, leaving behind a... ...not full heart container quite yet. Actually, there's a second, rather humorous part to this battle. After the third strike, Armogohma's eye is left behind, and several of her broodlings are holding it and running around the room. Either chase them down and hit the eye with your sword once, or fire arrows at it. Either way, kill the eye and the third Twilight Mirror piece and that heart container are all yours. 24. Rescuing the Forgotten Village ---------------------------------- Upon leaving the Temple of Time, a short cutscene with Ooccoo will commence, and after the bird flies away, Link will notice that the Dominion Rod is worthless. Warp to Hyrule Castle Town. As you run toward the entrance toward the town, you'll get a useful (*gasp!*) letter. Apparently you're needed in Kakariko Village. Ignore it for now, and run to Telma's Bar. She'll tell you that you need to reunite with Shad, who is inspecting something at Kakariko Village. Head out of the bar and then warp to the village. Right next to where you warped into town is Renado's House... this is also the same house that has the statue you moved when collecting the tears earlier in the game. Enter the house and Renado will give you a note that needs to be taken to Telma. Drop into the hold, and look for Shad. He's inspecting a statue that is set into the wall. After talking to Shad there's nothing else that you can really do, so exit Renado's house entirely and warp by to Hyrule Castle Town. Run to Telma's bar and deliver her the letter. Telma will give you a letter of blackmail, basically... the bar tab that the local doctor has apparently been accumulating over the recent years. Exit the bar and head around to the left side of Hyrule Castle Town, right next to the gate that leads out of the city. Show the paperwork to the doctor, and he'll remark on how not only is he sad that the statue was taken from him, but it reeked horribly. Reek means you have a scent to follow! Turn into your wolf form and inspect the doctor's office. At one end of his building you'll find a crate that can be moved. Push it aside to reveal a scent floating above the floor. Learn the scent from the medicine and exit the building. The scent will lead back to Louis, the cat, who tells you that he took the statue but a pack of wild dogs stole it from him. The pack left the city, and prowls around at night around the gates of the city. Stroll outside of Hyrule Castle Town at the area specified by Louis, and after dark a large pack of the monsters will surface out of the ground and attack you. If you have Great Spin, use it here... the pack spawns in a semicircle around Link and its great reach and power is a perfect way to start the match. After a quick and easy battle, grab the statue and warp to Kakariko Village. Show the statue to Ilia, who will recall more of her memory. Hopefully you've restored the Great Eldin Bridge, because I hadn't at this point, and there's no warp point anywhere NEAR where you have to go if that bridge isn't restored yet. The point you have to go is at the far northern end of Hyrule, not counting Zora's Domain. Warp to the Eldin Bridge, or ride Epona from the eastern side of Hyrule, and head toward the mark on your map. You'll find a cave with a Goron standing outside of it. Talk to the Goron and he'll open the cave for you, and warn you about what is to come. Inside you'll find a ruined village that's fallen into complete disrepair. Get out your bow... hopefully you have the hawkeye. If you do, use it to pick off the monsters around here. There are 20 total, so search buildings once you've cleared the streets. There's nothing particularly difficult about this part, but I will give a precautionary note: There's a howling stone in this area, but DON'T summon the wolf-form of the skeleton warrior until AFTER you've cleared this area of all twenty enemies. Reason why? If you howl, you'll be transported to another screen, and when you come back, all twenty monsters will have returned. This means anybody you've already killed is alive and kicking again. Again, this part isn't hard, but it is a complete waste of time to have to rekill everything in this area. When you've cleared the area, Impaz unlocks her door and exits her house. Congratulations, you've just saved who may just be the last remaining Sheikah, which leaves the possibility that this ruined town is what is leftover from the old Kakariko Village found in Ocarina of Time. 25. Filling the Ancient Book ---------------------------- After the ensuing cutscene, take the charm Impaz gives you back to Ilia in Kakariko Village. She will completely regain her memory, and after a short chat will give you her charm. This works just like the horseshoe grass has worked all throughout the game: it summons Epona at will! You could have used this all throughout the game, but they chose to wait to give it to you now! Yay! Head back to the ruined village, and show your rod (now now, be mature) to Impaz and she'll recognize you as the great hero. She'll give you an Ancient Sky Book in return. Warp back to Kakariko Village and drop down to Shad and show him the book. He will take the book and accidentally power up the Dominion Rod, then leave to try to locate other statues within Hyrule. You need to find a total of six locations that all have statues within them. All are marked on your map, and four can be seen on you map without zooming in on any regions. Four are on Hyrule Field, one is in Gerudo Desert, and one is located in Faron Woods. Underneath every statue is an archaic inscription that'll fill more of the Ancient Sky Book. Interestingly enough, there's also a chest filled with 100 rupees also nearby, that requires moving each statue in a special way to open it. Here are the following locations of the statue: 1. First, run/warp to the eastern side of Hyrule Castle Town. There are two red dots on your map right next to each other, which is where we are going to head to first. The northernmost dot is located on the side of a mountain. There are two ledges, one with the treasure chest, and the other with the statue. Activate the statue and have it fall to just below the vines hanging off of the top of the cliff. Clawshot the vines and fall onto the top of the statue. Now turn and face the ledge and jump onto it, collecting your first page. 2. Head south close to the location of the Lake Hylia Bridge. Follow the minimap mark to find yourself in an old coliseum-like area. The statue is on a pillar at the bottom of the stairs. Pull the statue off and walk it so it's halfway between the stairs and the pillar. Jump from the stairs to the statue to the pillar to collect your second page. 3. Warp to Gerudo Desert. Once there, head for the red dot on your minimap. You'll come to a bunch of sandstone blocks lying in convenient locations... perfect for you to use to get the pages for your book. Bring the statue to life with the Dominion Rod and have it fall between the circle and the only tumble of blocks that you can climb on. Climb up the brick pile and hop across the statue to reach the third circle. 4. Warp to the Great Eldin Bridge. On the northern end, on the right side of the exit, is a pile of rocks with another statue on top of it. Kill the monsters flitting about so they're not bothering you, then pull the statue back so you can collect the next page. 5. Head south now, skimming the western wall. Head for the red dot on your minimap, and look for some ledges on your right side for the second to last statue... using your minimap it should be impossible to miss. 6. Warp to northern Faron Woods and head to the oil merchant's shop. Run to the northeast (spot the minimap) and look for a wall that you can bomb open. Behind the wall is the last statue. 26. Shad's Guide to the Sky --------------------------- Take your now-completed book back to Shad in Kakariko Village. He'll read it and the middle part of the statue will disappear. Shad becomes shamed in himself, and leaves the room. Activate the statue and head behind it to find the Sky Cannon. Shad will come in to pester you again. Tell him to leave, then use Midna to warp the giant cannon to Lake Hylia. If you don't have 300 rupees on your person, stop and take the time to collect them now. The easiest way I can think of personally is to collect golden bugs and give them to Agitha. After you have the necessary amount, or provided that you already do, talk to Fyer, the guy that runs the cannon shop, and accept his offer of 300 rupees to fix your Sky Cannon. Watch as almost a week goes by as your cannon gets fixed. When you're ready, use your Clawshot to enter the cannon. Right before it fires, Ooccoo will jump in behind you with his head for an offspring, and you'll be launched toward the Sky Palace. 27. The Sky Palace ------------------ Once you land, Ooccoo will talk to you until a giant dragon, Argorok, flies by. He freaks and runs into a building directly ahead of you, jittery and hoping that all of his fellow birdlings are doing okay. Behind you is another sky cannon that will fire you back into Lake Hylia, so if you want to ever get back onto the ground again, there's the way to do it. Follow Ooccoo into the shop that is to your left of the pool of water that you landed in. Inside you can buy a few items, and Ooccoo will add herself to your inventory, so feel free to do so if you choose. (Coincidentally, this shop is the warp point if you choose to use her) Exit the shop, run back to the pool of water, and run to your left instead. There's a large building looming out of the wind, so you're going to make your way to the front door of that building. Deku babas line this path, and to make it worse, it is very windy outside. In fact, as a general rule, if at any point you are venturing around outside, there's going to be wind, so keep your iron boots handy and ready to equip so you don't run the risk of being violently thrown from the path that you're standing on. Above the door is a switch. Hit it with your Clawshot to open the door in front of you, and enter. This room is kind of a mild taste of what the rest of the dungeon will hold for you. All of the Oocca flitting around can be used just like you'd use a cucco. Look at the floor across the gap that separates the ledge you're standing on to the one you need to get to. The dark blocks will sink when you step on them. Luckily in this room, they'll sink fairly slowly. Pick up the bird meandering about next to you, then glide across the gap and get to safe grounds. Look up and to your right, there will be a pillar there that is covered in vines. Grab the pillar with your Clawshot and pull yourself to it. Crawl around the side of the pillar until you're above safe ground, then drop and pick up another Oocca. Look to the northern end of the room, opposite of the side that you came from. You'll see another door across that gap as well. Jump and glide to it, then enter the door and go into the next room. In the next room you'll find a few monsters. Kill them and wind your way to the door on the southern side. After exiting the door you'll find yourself outside. Next to you is a hole in the shape of a gear. Get on your spinner and repeatedly press B to make a bridge appear in the distance. After it appears, walk to the drop off on the edge of the balcony you're standing on and Clawshot to the vines across from you. Climb up the vines and follow the path that leads across the bridge you just made appear. Remember to keep those iron boots handy, and make your way to the door at the far end of the bridge. The next room is full of ledges that you can jump across. Follow them until you can reach the mark on the ceiling good for your Clawshot. Hook onto it and drop to a chest containing a small key. Turn around and Clawshot back across this pit to the door of the room. Exit the door and cross the bridge again, making your way toward the door that leads to the main center chamber. When you do reach the door, Argorok, a giant dragon, smashes the bridge behind you, making it impossible to go backward into the room you just came from. Using the vines on the pillars to move across the room, you want to make your way to the door on the western end of the minimap this time. Go through the door to yet again, find yourself outside. One or two monsters will jump out at you, so just kill them and look for a spinner mark in the floor again. When you do find it, make another bridge appear. Follow the path to the bridge and cross it to reach a locked door. Use the small key you found to open the door, and head inside the building. The next room has several fans blowing across the surface of the floor into pits... this is truly where the joy of this level kicks in. Take the path on your left side first, and look for a crystal switch that's toward the right side of the room that you can hit. You can't fire arrows into the wind that's blocking the switch, so use your Clawshot instead. Now turn around and take the right path. When you reach the first fan, walk past it by putting on your iron boots to avoid being thrown off of the level. When you pass the fan, take your boots off and look for the vine-covered pillar on the other side of the pit. Grapple it, and enter the door on the west side of this room. The next room just contains a chest with the dungeon map inside of it. Turn around and exit the room. Clawshot the pillar on the right side of the room again, and use your iron boots to pass the fan once again. Now walk across the dark blue bricks that used to have the fan blowing across their surface. On the other side, enter the southern door to the next room first. This room is a series of ledges with fans blowing from underneath the blocks straight upward. Hop across them, following the left path. Along your way you'll find a tile monster peeking out from underneath the floor across from a wind storm. Resurrect old dungeon knowledge and rip out your Gale Boomerang and toss that monster into a pit. Keep crossing the pits, waiting for the wind columns that occasionally shoot up to subside before jumping again, otherwise you could get thrown into a pit. On your left side you'll eventually come to another door. Enter it to get into the next room. The next room has a circular arena in the middle. Kill the monsters that pop out, and look along the southern wall for vines that you can grab to climb onto a platform. Now, look toward the ceiling for a ball that you can grab with your Clawshot. Attach yourself to it, and the ball will drop, and turn on a fan that blows a steady current across the level. Grab another Oocca, and jump into the current to be blown to the northern end of the room, which coincidentally has a door to the next room that you need to get into. Pick up another Oocca in the next room, and leap from your ledge. There's a wall with a giant hole in it that is your target. You're not gonna make it, not gonna make it, wait! Glide into the blast of air that appears and get carried way up into the air, and fly through the hole in the wall. Land on the ledge on the other side of the wall, and Clawshot the ball-switch above your head. This turns on another fan. Pick up the poor Oocca again, and glide into this second draft, which pushes you through another hole in the wall on your right side. Land on the other side of the hole and head through the door. You'll now find yourself in a massive, circular room that has ledges leading all the way around it, with huge fans blowing air into holes in the wall. Monsters are flying about, and doorways can be found everywhere. Oocca birds are placed on certain ledges, including the one you're on. Look above you to see another switch above you on your right side. This switch doesn't budge, so put on your iron boots to offer the extra weight. The switch opened a door on the western wall of this room near the bottom, so that's where we've gotta make it to. Drop down and take your boots off, and pick up the Oocca next to you. Make your way, slowly, from ledge to ledge, until you find the door that opened. The only advice I have is that instead of trying to time your jumps with the huge drafts of air being blown through the center of the room, avoid them completely and make it to the next ledge. At the bottom of this room lies the door you just recently opened. Enter the room to find yourself facing the miniboss. ------------------------- Mini Boss - Shield Dragon ------------------------- This boss really isn't much of a "miniboss", since you fight several shield dragons throughout the remainder of this game, sometimes two at a time. Regardless, the boss flies around with its guard down. Just Z target him and pull out your Clawshot. Eventually the dragon will put up his shield, at which point he's going to charge you. Don't wait for it to happen, just Clawshot the giant lizard to you and attack him as much as you can before he regains composure. After he does, he'll put up his shield on the ground and fight up close and personal. I can never get any attacks off when he's down on the ground, so just wait a few moments and he'll fly up into the air again. After a few rounds of this back and forth banter between the two of you, he'll die and your reward: a second Clawshot. Now you're practically spiderman, and are going to have to move as fast at certain points in this level as well. Clawshot to the switch hanging in this room, and it'll open a grate above your head. Pull out your second Clawshot and shoot to the vines within the hole, and crawl up and out of this room. There's a door on the eastern side of this room... head through it to reach the previous room. Make your way up through this massive room, moving steadily upward. When you get high enough up, you'll see a hanging ball switch. Hit it with your Clawshot, then lower yourself so you're even with the doorway. There are marks that you can hook onto in the doorway, so grapple them and get pulled to the door. Go through it into the next room. You're now in a room with giant hanging poles that have targets on them. Be warned, when you connect to the poles they start to slowly fall. Grapple them and target the next pole, making your way eastward across the room. When you finally land again, open the treasure chest next to you to find the compass, and go through the door. There are grappling marks underneath the large bridge in front of you, so make your way under the bridge, knocking Deku babas off of the ceiling with your second Clawshot. When you make it to the far end of the room, go through this next door and find yourself back in the main chamber yet again. Now it is time to make it to the door on the eastern side of the room. Grapple the vines on the pillar next to the door and enter it. You'll be back outside, winds blowing and all. Look up to see another floating propeller hanging in the breeze... in fact, there's quite a few of them leading to the next part of the palace which is way in the distance. Also up here to keep you company are some birds that will attack you if you don't move fast enough, so don't get slowed up. Grapple the first propeller, then just use Z to target the next floating propeller. When you reach the far side of the pit, fall into the grass and enter the door into the next area. Run to your right and forward and look to the northernmost target that you can reach with your Clawshot. Hit it, and make your way from pillar to pillar until you reach the far ledge. Land, then look to your north and Clawshot another target. Now in front of you should be a grating that you can hit, drag yourself across the pit to that grating as well. Now next to you should be a hole in the wall... climb through it and knock the monsters off of the ceiling using your second Clawshot, and grapple the target implanted on the ceiling. Cut the chain some slack, and hit the nearby switch to open another grating that lies across from you. Through the opening you just created is another target... grapple that target and look above you. Here's another series of marks you can grab with your Clawshots, so make your way upward until you can finally reach a ledge. There's a door right next to you, so enter the next room. This room has an arena in the middle of it, with another Deku baba plant monster that you first fought in the Forest Temple. Kill the Deku babas on either side of it, then toss a bomb into the middle of the plant to kill it. There's another breakable pole above you with a target on the side of it... grapple the pole and immediately look to your left and up. There's a pillar with ivy strung around it, grapple the ivy and pull yourself up. If you want to brave it, there's a skinny path that leads around the right-hand side of the wall that has keese and Deku babas lining it, and they guard two chests: one that is filled with arrows, and the other that contains a piece of heart. From the top of the column look up to find another pole you can latch onto. Climb poles until you reach another set of vines you can grapple, then hit the mark that is in the dead center of the room. Drop from that center target down to a couple of enemies. After killing them, head across a bridge that leads off of this platform to the next room. This next room has some more floating propellers, but this time they're mobile. Clawshot the first propeller and rise up next to it to allow you to pass over the first wall of this area. There's another propeller moving to the left on your minimap that clears a second wall. Latch onto that one, and then drop onto the ledge on the opposite side. Wait for the Poe propeller to head to your right, and latch onto it and cut enough slack on the chain so you can pass underneath the wall so you don't get knocked off. Now on your left is another propeller, so latch onto him and provide the appropriate slack in your Clawshot chain to pass underneath this wall as well. You'll land on a ledge with a door on it. Enter the door. (Note: There is a Poe that you can get to from this room, if you would like to head out of your way a little. Follow the "Poe propeller" that I refer to in the previous section in the opposite direction and clip onto another propeller that will take you to a secluded island across a chasm.) In the next room there are a bunch of propellers. The "propeller path" will split, so take the path that leads south and to your left. It will lead to a door that has a piece of heart inside of it. Exit the door and Clawshot across the propellers to cross the chasm yet again... when you make it back to the platform, drop down from the ledge and enter the door on the western side of the map. You'll see a very massive circular column rising into the sky. Look to your right and you should see some vines that you can grapple onto. Do so, and pull yourself up with the Clawshot. Turn into your wolf form and circus-style tightrope walk across to the ledge wrapping around the center column. Run to the end of the ledge and change back into your human form, and kill the spiders on the wall. Now, when you climb the vines, you have two choices. To your right is the path that you are supposed to take to complete the level. If you go to your right, a series of ropes will lead you to platforms with a Poe hovering over one of them. Also this path passes two treasure chests filled with rupees... one of them is red, the other is purple. (20 and 50) Going right at the top of the ivy, you'll drop onto another ledge that is connected to some rock platforms by more rope. Turn into your wolf form, and cross the rope. At the other side I would suggest turning into your human form and spin attacking the birds to death. Attacking as the wolf requires Link to jump forward, even if you are just doing basic attacks, so this drastically increases your chances of falling off of the platform. Should you kill the birds? I would suggest it, because they can (and will) knock you off of the rope if you leave them alone. The rope path will lead past two or three platforms with birds resting on top of them, and then back to the center column where an unlocked door is resting at the top of the ledge. Open the chest in this room to get the boss key. Clawshot the switch above your head, and use your iron boots to weigh it down. After you do, Clawshot the target above you and lower yourself into the hole in the center of the room. In the room below you, look for the grating above the fan, and connect yourself to it. Now, Clawshot the switch next to you and use your iron boots to weigh it enough to flick, turning on a fan. Now, drop down and head through the northern door. You're looking over a vast expanse of chasm, with propellers rotating in the breeze. Pull your bow out and waste as many arrows as you feel you need on the birds flying around. Whenever you feel safe, Clawshot across the pit by connecting to the side of each massive propeller as it slowly turns. At the other side of the chasm, drop onto the ledge below yourself and head into the next door. The next room has two shield dragons inside of it. Just try not to remain in between them, and you shouldn't really have all that hard of a time with them. After killing them, grapple the fan grating above you and then hit the switch that's above the ground. Another fan will turn on, and you'll have propellers to move between. Follow the propellers to the top of the tower. When you get to the very top, you'll see another switch. Hit the switch and the propeller that you're hanging on will start moving toward the ledge that leads to the boss's chamber. When the propeller gets close to the ledge it is moving toward, Clawshot the target above the boss's door, and drop onto the ledge below you. Here it is... the entrance to the chamber that holds the last piece of the Twilight Mirror. Sharpen your blade, check your equipment, do whatever you need to do, then open the door and prepare for the boss battle. ------------------------- Sky Palace Boss - Argorok ------------------------- Argorok is easily one of my favorite bosses in this game. True to form, he isn't that difficult, but he is fun. After walking through the boss door, you find yourself outside. (It'll take some Clawshot action to get up to him) Head up to the top-most platform where the dragon awaits. You'll find him plenty ready for you, flying around what looks like the arena Cell constructed in DBZ. There are four huge towers flying skyward on every corner of the arena... and even better, the wind is howling. Notice that this platform is a giant rectangle, so that two towers are very close to each other (relatively speaking) at each end of the rectangle. Use your double Clawshot to zigzag up the towers from one side to the other, and when you get to the top turn to face the dragon. The dragon will ready a huge stream of fire, so right before he spits at you, attach yourself to the tower opposite of where you are now. The fire will miss, and Argorok will need a couple of moments to regain his strength. Aim and attach to his tail with the Clawshot, then put on your iron boots. The added weight will drag Argorok to the ground, where you can abuse him. After doing this a couple of times, he'll throw a tantrum and throw up a bunch of floating, spinning propellers that you can latch onto with your Clawshot. And latch on you will! Climb the towers again, and when you get high enough, attach with your Clawshot to the first propeller. Argorok will spit a stream of fire at you, so to keep ahead of the flame, Clawshot as fast as you can from one propeller to the next. Eventually Argorok will tire out and you'll find yourself behind the boss. Target the weak spot on his back and let yourself get pulled onto his back. Once on, press A a few times to watch Link stab Argorok in the back with his sword. As a precautionary note, you have to do this twice, and the second time around, the dragon tries to trick you. When you make it to the propellers at the top and outrun the fire blast the fire time, Argorok will immediately shoot a second burst of flame, this time moving in the opposite direction (counterclockwise) instead. After the second burst of flame you may circle around Argorok and Clawshot to his back. After the second time, Argorok goes down with a mighty roar and is dead once and for all. 28. Twilight Mirror Completed ----------------------------- After fighting Argorok, a short cutscene commences where Midna points out the excruciatingly obvious that the Twilight Mirror is now completed. Clawshot into the bottom of the Sky Cannon, and get fired straight toward the ground. If there is anything you wish to do, such as collect the last of Link's sword abilities (provided that you somehow missed one of the howling locations, or just never bothered to meet him), want to max out your arrows, get that last bomb bag, etc, feel free to do so now. It is probably no secret to you that you're approaching the end of the game. Whenever you're ready, warp yourself back to the Mirror Chamber at the northern end of Gerudo Desert. Another cutscene will take place, and massive jigsaw pieces concerning the storyline will be put into place. The Mirror of Twilight will be completed, and a door that leads to the realm of Twilight will open. 29. Palace of Twilight: Sol --------------------------- Midna will open with light conversation concerning the locales. Talking to them does you no good, so turn your attention to the world around you. You're now in the Twilight Realm, but because of your special connection to the goddesses (and with the help of Midna) you can pass through the Twilight Realm in your human form. There are three main paths that you can take... one to your left, one to your right, and one in the middle. The left path has an impassable chasm, while the middle path has black fog that keeps you from passing further up the path. So, head down the right path and enter the tower at the end of the path. As a heads up, the first two paths both consist of similar towers. Both have an orb at the end that you must get out of the tower without it being taken away from you. Both towers also only consist of a few rooms, and before getting the orb at the end, you must fight a replica of Zant. The towers are filled with shadow monsters of all types, including birds, squids and shadow monsters... just so you are prepared. Enter the first room of the east tower to find a black fog inside of a room filled with enemies. This fog is found everywhere throughout this world, and is created by Zant. The fog itself will turn human Link into his wolf form, so just be cautious whenever you see it. Kill all of the monsters in this room to make a chest containing a small key appear. Get the key and move to the northernmost part of this room, and look for a place to Clawshot. Double Clawshot your way to the top ledge, and go through the locked door. The next room has a teleporting shadow squid inhabiting the black fog in the middle of the room. Approach and kill him to cause the compass (southern chest) and another small key (northern chest) appear. The compass is guarded, so if you feel that its contents are useless, by all means don't pick it up. Some more double Clawshot action is required to reach the ledge at the northern end of the room again. Open the locked door and enter the next room. ------------------------ Mini Boss - Phantom Zant ------------------------ An arena is created in the next room, just for you! Yay! A fake Zant will appear, and in standards set by wizards years before his time, he'll teleport around the room firing energy blasts at you. Even better, he'll occasionally summon very large groups of monsters to fight you at a time. These monster groups range from shadow keese to shadow babas to shadow monsters themselves. Whenever Zant isn't expelling energy from the netherworlds or summoning monsters to fight you, he'll be teleporting randomly around the room. Stay relatively close to the center of the circle, and use Z to continuously look around yourself, and wait until you see the phantom Zant stop to cast a spell. When he does stop, move as quickly as you can to him and attack him with your sword. Rinse and repeat this pattern until Zant's fake self fades away. After killing the fake Zant, your attention is turned to the pedestal at the top of the room via shifted camera angles. Approach it and you find out the pedestal is really a giant metal hand holding a shiny orb called the Sol. Midna requests that you bring it outside the Eastern Tower. Be prepared, once you take this orb, you must guard it like it's your child, because the hand continuously follows you around and tries to steal the Sol back from you. If you lose the Sol to the hand, you've got to start all over. Honestly, the hand doesn't move very fast, and you've always got plenty of time, so don't sweat this part. Arrows will also temporarily stun the hand, so keep that in mind. Finally, just like the Wallmasters from previous Zelda games, you can see the shadow of the hand as it is following you. This is useful, because you can position the Sol right underneath it, wait for the hand to fall, and as it falls move out of the way, pull out your sword, and attack the hand. This technique will be useful at least once or twice to buy time, so remember it. Hit the hand with your sword to make it drop the Sol, and pick it up and run to the next room. You can open doors while holding the Sol, which is a relief. Wasting no time, jump to the fog in the center of the room, still holding the Sol. The Sol expels this black fog, so clear a path and place the Sol in the circle in the center of this room. Stairs will appear, so run up them quickly and climb the ledges at the end of the room. Turn around and Clawshot the Sol to carry it back to where you are standing. Turn around and face the southern door, and leap to it. The next room has nothing special, just a truckload of shadow monsters flitting about. Make a run for it with the Sol held high, and don't worry about having to make stairs appear or anything special of the sort. Once you exit the tower, you'll notice that if you carry the Sol next to one of the massive shadow monsters walking around, they'll transform into their true Twilight selves. Turn all of the monsters back into people of Twilight, and then move to the center platform. You'll notice two circular engravings on the floor, so place the orb on one of them. A platform will appear to your left. Get on the platform and let it carry you to the entrance of the western tower this time. Enter the tower and prepare to hunt for the second Sol. This room is filled with shadow keese and moving platforms. The first moving platform is accessible by using your Clawshot. Hook yourself to the mark on the ceiling, and lower yourself onto the first moving platform. Kill keese with arrows, and make your way to the other side of the room, where a shadow squid will try to impede your process. Kill the monster to make a chest containing a small key appear. Get the key and open the northern door to the next room. The next room has Clawshot marks on either wall lining the sides, with another huge batch of totally awesome black fog in the center of the room... filled with enemies! Enter the fog, cutting a nice swath through their ranks. After murdering another batch of squids, a chest will appear on one of the ledges lining the sides of the room. Clawshot to the northernmost platform, then turn around to face the marks in the wall. Clawshot back and forth until you reach the southern end of the room containing the newly-summoned small key chest. Another chest, containing the dungeon map, can be found on one of the ledges as well. After collecting the goods, Drop down and Clawshot back up to the northern ledge and unlock the door to the next room. ------------------------ Mini Boss - Phantom Zant ------------------------ An arena is created in the next room, just for you! Yay! A fake Zant will appear, and in standards set by wizards years before his time, he'll teleport around the room firing energy blasts at you. Even better, he'll occasionally summon very large groups of monsters to fight you at a time. These monster groups range from shadow keese to shadow babas to shadow monsters themselves. Whenever Zant isn't expelling energy from the netherworlds or summoning monsters to fight you, he'll be teleporting randomly around the room. Stay relatively close to the center of the circle, and use Z to continuously look around yourself, and wait until you see the phantom Zant stop to cast a spell. When he does stop, move as quickly as you can to him and attack him with your sword. Rinse and repeat this pattern until Zant's fake self fades away. Yes, you face him a second time. He's a little more summon- crazy this time around, so be prepared for fighting the shadow babas quite a bit this time around. Attack the hand and pick up the Sol, then turn around to enter the room behind you. There are a host of monsters waiting for you already, so kill them and drop the Sol to make stairs to the ledge in front of you appear. Run up them and turn around to Clawshot the Sol back to you. Enter the southern door. Once in the next room, wait around until the hand drops. Hit the hand with your sword to stun it and buy a little extra time, then immediately pick the Sol back up and leap to the center of the room. This time around, you've going to have to work pretty darned fast. While ignoring all monsters that might exist in here, drop the Sol into the circle on the ground and watch the walls and staircase appear. Run up the stairs and fire an arrow at the hand which will probably already be on the move again. Get to the northern ledge again and Clawshot south across the room as fast as you can possibly go. When you finally make it to the southern ledge, the hand should nearly be above the Sol. Clawshot the Sol to you, and run through the door. The next room is hardly without challenge. A platform appears just for you, so step on it and ride it to the door that leads out of the tower. Once out, ride the other moveable platform to the center platform, and place the second Sol in the only available spot left. Now stand for a cool cutscene, which involves making the Master Sword shiny. Now you can cut through all the black fog with the Master Sword, and you don't have to try to avoid it to stay in human form! As an added bonus, just about every monster in the Twilight Realm will now die in a single hit. Run up the stairs to your north until you reach the black fog that is practically falling in a large curtain. Slash several times with your sword right at its edge, and end in a spin attack. Be careful not to stand so close that you fall off of the edge! The curtain will momentarily recede, at which point you can jump across the pit and continue running up the stairs. When you reach the doors to the northern tower, steel yourself then head inside. You're almost to Zant... Once inside the first room, slash apart the fog with the Master Sword to find two orbs and two circular markings in the floor. Place the Sols on the markings to create a staircase. At the top of the stairs is a mounted Sol. Attack the Sol with your sword and stand on the platform that appears in the floor. The platform will carry you across the room to a ledge with a few shadow squids. Take a hand in bringing their race closer to extinction, then open the chest that appears as a result to obtain another small key. Next to the battlefield is a ring of three uncharged, mounted Sol orbs. Stand in the center of them and spin attack, and another platform will appear underneath you. This platform will carry you even higher into the air and across the room, and lead you eventually to a locked door. Using the small key you just got out of the chest, open it and enter the second room. The next "room" is actually a large expanse of open space. You're standing on a large balcony, and in front of you is another large ledge. At the far end of the ledge is an immense wall of fog, as well as a door that leads to the next room. On either side of the chasm that separates the balcony and the ledge are a couple of mounted Sols that can be activated with your sword to create platforms to move from one side of the pit to the other. First, start out by moving to the opposite side of the pit, and kill all of the shadow squids that you find. Cross the chasm back to the balcony you just came from and kill the last of the squids to make another chest appear. This chest has the small key that opens the door at the far end of the room, so cross the chasm a third time. However, head to the wall of fog first. Spin attack to make a momentary rip in the curtain of fog, and cross to the other side. More shadow monsters attack you, so kill them and Clawshot up the ledges to find a chest containing the boss key at the top. Drop back down the ledges and cut the curtain again with another spin attack. Hop across the fog curtain and open the locked door next to you. The next room is very, very large. To kick off the fun, a barrier appears around you and shadow monsters drop down. Wipe them out the same way you've been killing them the entire game, and keep in mind that they will bring each other back to life. After the barriers disappear, cut your way through the fog in front of you to reach four mounted Sol orbs. Spin attack to create a platform, which will carry you upward. Several platforms will appear when you reach the top, so turn around and face away from the wall and jump onto the platform that will now be directly in front of you. It will ride until two more ledges appear, so take the left one. This platform will rise and lead you to a solid ledge. Jump onto this solid ledge. Now, another platform will bring you across the room. Take out your Clawshot, and hit the mark above the platform that you are moving toward. Another shadow squid will meet you, so kill him. Look toward the ceiling... there's another target for the Clawshot. Aim and latch onto it, then drop yourself onto another moving platform. This platform will again start crossing the room. While it does, pull out your Clawshot and look toward the ledges it is heading toward. Another squid will be hovering above them, firing projectiles at you, so hope none of them hit and knock you off the platform. When you are within range, hook the mark above one of the platforms and drop down to kill the shadow monster. Another chest will appear, holding yet another key. Surprise surprise... get on the last platform and ride it to the top of the room. Jump to the locked door, unlock it and go through it. This is the last room before reaching Zant. As you enter, a large barrier will go up all around you, and waves of shadow monsters will pour toward you. Hack your way through wave after wave of monsters... don't bother resorting to any special tactics, because the light in your Master Sword makes swordplay the most effective tool while fighting most of these creatures. After winning the battle, the barrier drops. Approach the last closed door, and unlock the chains with the boss key. Enter the next room to face the fake king of Twilight, Zant. ----------------------------------- Palace of Twilight: Sol Boss - Zant ----------------------------------- Zant is an unhealthy mixture of many of the bosses that you've already fought throughout the game. He will dance around and a light drum will set the background percussion, and the scene will change. The scene that is flashed is a certain room home to a boss you've already killed before. Zant will take on the personality of that particular boss, at which point you must fight him in exactly the same fashion as you did before. The scenes are as follows: 1.) Diababa - Throw your Gale Boomerang at Zant and he'll drop, open to a flurry of attacks from your sword. The only threat he will pose is throwing blasts of energy at you. 2.) Goron Mini Boss - Zant floats above the level causing Link to lose balance and firing energy blasts at you. Wait until he is tired and attack him back with your sword yet again. 3.) Morpheel - Equip your Zora's Tunic and Iron Boots, and fall to the "ocean" floor. Here Zant will hide behind a giant metal grating, which he will open and occasionally shoot out some energy blasts. Wait until the grating opens, and then use your Clawshot to draw him close. After hitting him several times with your sword, he's had enough and changes the scene yet again. 4.) Monkey Mini Boss - Wooden pegs practically sprout out of the floor and Zant jumps from peg to peg, shooting more of his annoying energy blasts. Wait until he comes to a complete stop, and then roll into the pole to knock him down. Once he falls, abuse him with your sword. 5.) Blizzeta - A giant fat Zant is now rolling around a massive skating rink, and you've got to hit him with your ball and chain. Fight him just like you fought Blizzeta, dodging him and his attacks. When he turns into a small version of himself, hit him with either your sword or ball and chain, and repeat a few times before he gives up trying to mimic old bosses. After the Blizzeta form, Zant will summon a desert scene, where he dons Arabian Nights-type clothing and pulls out two cutlasses. He will then appear and reappear around you, doing one of two things: The first is where he will appear and repeatedly attack you, at which point you should just throw up your shield until the fury is over. Another thing he's accustomed to doing is spinning very rapidly in circles with his blades held out. When the storm of spinning is almost over, use that chance to get as many hits in as you possible can before Zant regains composure and starts the attacks again. This ending part of the battle becomes very repetitive, but is not difficult at all if you can just have patience. After hitting him for the umpteenth time, Zant expires and the battle is over... congratulations, you saved the Twilight Realm! 30. Hyrule Castle ----------------- After the battle with Zant ends and you collect the last heart container you can get for fighting a boss, warp back to Hyrule Castle Town. Enter the city and run to its northern end, where the bridge that leads to Hyrule Castle is blocked off by the massive, golden pyramid. At the entrance to the pyramid, the Fused Shadows automatically react with Midna, and a nifty cutscene occurs that results in the pyramid being destroyed. Cross the stone bridge and push open the great, wooden gates to find yourself within the walls of Hyrule Castle. The walls of the castle enclose themselves around the center keep (tower) of the castle in a very large circle. All you need a small key to enter the keep itself, so let's look around for that eh? The path on your left won't meet the path on your right, because there's a wall on the opposite side of the middle tower that makes sure of that. The dungeon map is located on your left, but is practically useless in this dungeon. So, we're going to head to the right. Before you can even enter the door on the right wall, a yellow barrier will appear around you and monsters will begin pouring out from all over the place. Kill them all to make the barrier disappear, and run through the northeast door to make another barrier appear. Fight more monsters, then continue running down the path. You'll reach a locked gate. On the right side of the gate you'll see a chain laying in the grass that you can pull to open the gate. Head through the gate and step onto a mighty square, stone platform that looks suspiciously like an arena. And arena it is... another yellow barrier forms, and this time the mighty ogre that you fought outside of the Arbiter's Grounds appears again. He still wields his ax... and each hit from that might weapon will take away several hearts at a time. Look for openings and cut the leader down. After tearing the crap outta him, he will acknowledge your strength, and give you the key he's holding. A short cutscene later, and you're standing in the grass alone. Backtrack to the locked doors that lead into the center keep, or the inner walls of Hyrule Castle itself. Once inside, another yellow barrier will appear. Kill all of the monsters that come out at you, and the camera will focus in on a treasure chest that appears on a balcony. Run up the few stairs that are at the bottom of that balcony, and pull out your Clawshot and look above you. Overhead there's a chandelier that you can latch onto. Grab it and drop down to open the treasure chest. Inside there's a compass. Turn and look to the left side of the balcony and up at the ceiling. There's another chandelier you can grab, so pull out the Clawshot again and hook onto it. Now let some slack out of the chain and drop a couple of feet, and pull out your second Clawshot. There's another chandelier next to you, so latch onto the third network of candles and fall to a door. Open the door and enter the next room. A barrier falls around you and an iron knuckle. Kill the knight and a treasure chest appears on the ledge in front of where you entered the room. On your left are two unlit torches. On the right side of the room is a basin of oil for your lamp (you can refill whenever you want for free!) and a lit torch. There's a ledge that is in front of the ledge with the chest on it. Stand BETWEEN those two ledges, then use your Gale Boomerang to put out the lit torch. The spot on the floor you're standing on will rise. Open the treasure chest to get a purple rupee, and then look around. There's a hallway to your left, and a hallway to your right. Either way will suffice, and if you're hardcore enough you'll take both routes. However, you don't have to go down both hallways. If you go down the hall to your left, you'll create a shortcut that allows someone who just entered Hyrule Castle to immediately get through much of the castle. If you head down the right path, you can get 250 rupees as a reward. If you want, read ahead to see what you'd have to deal with in either case. Left Path --------- Keep going past the chest and down the hallway to its left side, through the door you come to and into the next room. Here is a dark room with four unlit torches, and a painting on the left wall. Shoot the rope to the paining to reveal the order that you have to light the torches in with your lamp. To save you time, here is the order, with "1" being at the upper-left corner of the room: 1 4 3 2 The door at the opposite end of the hall will be open. Be warned that the instant you light a torch, a huge gathering of keese will awaken because of the light and attack you. Just stand underneath them and spin attack... the torches in this room only go out if you light them in the wrong order. In the next room are two very easy to beat monsters. Kill them both to unlock the doors on your right and left. The door on the right leads back to the center chamber. Enter the door and hit the switch. This will drop a chandelier that can be hit with the Clawshot from the floor of the main chamber and allow you to reach the chandelier above this balcony. Basically this shortens the path throughout the castle. The door on the left of this hallway leads outside. Right Path ---------- You've chosen the path to the right of the treasure chest. Run down the hallway until you reach the door at the end. Open it and enter the next room. At the end of the hall is a locked door with two monsters standing outside of it. Kill them, and then stand in front of the door and look behind you. See the paintings on the wall? All of the paintings are held up by string, string that can be shot with your bow and arrow. Behind each painting is a switch. If you hit the wrong switch, several chu jellies will fall from the ceiling. However, now that you are standing directly in front of the door looking backward, I'm going to ask you to cut the rope to the second painting on your left and hit the switch you find there. The door behind you will be unlocked. The next room is a long hallway, with that's right, TWO iron knuckles standing at the end. Run down the hall and take them both on at once. After the die, a door on the right side of the hall and one on the left side both are opened. The door on the right just leads back to the central chamber. If you are in need of rupees for any reason, that'd be your sole purpose for returning, because directly through the door is a chest with 50 rupees, and a switch right next to it. Press the switch and chandelier hop to get to a chest with a whopping 200 silver rupee prize. Just so you know, however, to get the 200 rupee chest you have to start back from the beginning of the level again. (The iron knuckles remain dead, don't worry.) If you've already completed the left hallway, then the shortcut allows you to skip back to the end of the dungeon anyway, so maybe you'd want to do that first if you haven't already. Regardless of which door you went through, eventually you will wind up heading outside. You'll find yourself on the parapets of Hyrule Castle, with a long path that winds around the center keep and outward to two towers on either side of the castle. One side has the boss key, the other side has a small key. If you went down the right hallway, you'll exit the castle right across from the boss key. If you went down the left hallway, you'll exit the castle right next to the small key. When you get the boss key, several monsters run at you for blood. However, unexpected help comes, and one explosion and a short cutscene later, all the baddies that were swarming Link are now dead. Wave to your friends and get your boss key. Getting the small key doesn't bring any help, but the monsters are easy enough that you could only lose hearts due to complete carelessness. After collecting both keys, head up the winding path to the locked door on the side of the keep. Unlock the door and go inside. This is the last time you get to breathe fresh air before fighting the end boss, so take it in now. Oh, and as a precautionary side note, if you don't want to have to go through the entire Hyrule Castle dungeon every time you fight the end boss, I would save your game now. Otherwise when you beat the game, you will have to. (I made that mistake) In the next room turn into your wolf form and throw on your sense. Kill the ghost rats that immediately latch onto you, and look in front of you. There's a ghostly apparition pointing forward across some blocks, and directly across where he is pointing is another ghost. Basically, if you step on the wrong blocks in this room, you'll fall and have to not only start the room over, but you'll lose a heart. So follow the old ghost's gaze and run until you get to the next ghost. And follow each ghost and run in the direction (or jump the pit) that they are pointing. Be sure not to step on a block that their gaze isn't looking across, because chances are it will fall. After carefully stepping your way across the room, you'll come to a broken staircase at one end of the room. Turn back into your human form, and jump across the pits until you reach the next circular room. There you will find that another barrier appears around you. Kill the monsters to dispel the barrier, and run to the next staircase. Apparently carpenters haven't been here to fix the staircases in years, because this staircase is basically nonexistent. Use your double Clawshot to hook onto the torches lining the walls, and make your way to the next platform. There, another barrier will come up and a mirror fight of the previous platform will arise. Kill and move onto the next staircase, which has become even more ridiculous than the last. Now there are spinner tracks on the wall, with three spin traps moving up and down the walls. Use your spinner to make it to the top of the staircase. Once you get to the landing, look down the hallway. Two locked doors are up here... the one at the far end of the hall is locked with a small key. On the left wall is the key to the boss room. And in front of the door is a lone iron knuckle. Run up to the knight and a last yellow barrier lights up, and the battle begins. Fight the iron knuckle to the death, and once he's dead, unlock the door leading to the end boss of the game. ----------------------------------- Hyrule Castle Boss 1 - Puppet Zelda ----------------------------------- After the initial cutscene the battle begins with Zelda chasing after you. She has three separate attacks: The first is one where she points the sword she's wielding at you and chases you through the air with it, locked onto your character. Just jump out of the way to avoid this attack, it's not too difficult. The second attack is one where she sears an inscription of the Triforce into the ground underneath you, and a huge explosion erupts from the markings. Whatever you're doing when you see this marking appear beneath your feet, drop your Z targeting and roll/rump out of the way as quickly as possible! The third attack is directly out of OoT. Zelda will fire a circular blast at Link, at which point you've got to swing your sword to reflect the blast back at her. After playing baseball with her for awhile and her receiving many blasts to the face, she goes down and Ganon loses control of her. ---------------------------- Hyrule Castle Boss 2 - Ganon ---------------------------- Ganon is a mighty beast that resembles one of the boars in this game that's been raised on steroids. He'll run in circles around the room initially destroying parts of it, then suddenly race right at you. When he does that, take out your bow and fire at his head, then scramble out of the way. When you do, he'll fall over and leave his underbelly exposed. Run up to his body and attack the white X on his stomach. After taking a bit of abuse, he'll start running in portals. Random portals will being opening all over the room, glowing red and then fading out. Once this happens, continually turn to find as many of the portals as you can at once. The instant you see a portal turn blue and then purple instead of fade out, draw your bow and face the portal, because that's the one Ganon is coming out of. Knock him over and beat him up a couple o' more times, and he'll pitch a fit and begin falling from out of the air. His head will be invulnerable now, so Midna gives a little hint that beast could fight beast. Switch to your wolf form, and fight him back. Remember tossing goats around at the beginning of the game? Well those skills will come back to haunt you... face Ganon as he bears down on you, and right before you two collide, press and hold down A to toss him aside and then attack his stomach. After several hits, the battle seems to be over... (Note: You can fight Ganon in your wolf form throughout the entire battle if you wish. Just resort to the "goat throwing" tactics throughout the entire battle) --------------------------------------------- Hyrule Castle Boss 3 - Gannondorf (Horseback) --------------------------------------------- ...NOT! Now Midna is no longer in the battle, and Gannondorf is standing in front of you and Zelda on horseback. This particular battle is quite easy, and I don't remember ever actually getting hit by anything. Gannondorf will ride around (On a dark countryside/backdrop no less, you might want to turn up the brightness on your TV if it is particularly dark) and summon mounted skeletal warriors to take you on. Chase him down and Z target him to get Zelda to draw a light arrow on her bow. Get close with Epona, and Zelda will shoot a light arrow at Gannondorf. If she hits, he'll start to glow... at this point get in close and hit him with your sword. After getting hit Gannondorf will completely change directions and make following him initially quite difficult. ----------------------- Final Boss - Gannondorf ----------------------- This is Gannondorf's last form. He's wielding a huge, bright blade this time, and there are no special tricks, nothing to make the battle all that much easier. This form might give people a little bit of trouble, because unlike the previous end bosses, there's no special trick to beating him, just fine swordplay. Don't bother using either Draw, Shield Attack or Helm Splitter on Gannondorf... because if you get too close, he'll just kick you to keep you at bay. Don't make unnecessary movements either. He's faster than he looks, if you do a jump attack, he'll hit you in the lag that it takes for you to stand back up from striking. Sometimes Back Slice will work nicely, and if you can hit Gannondorf once or twice, sometimes you may even get a spin attack in. However, he'll counter and parry all of your moves, so my best advice for this battle is to put up your shield and wait for Gannondorf to make a move, and attack in the opening he leaves. After getting several good, solid attacks in, use your finishing move on Gannondorf, and enjoy the ending sequence, you beat Twilight Princess! Congratulations! +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ E. Items +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ The items section is split into three categories: weapons/armor, items found in general, whether it be things you find in dungeons or in the field, and secret weapons. Weapons/Armor ------------- Wooden Sword: The first sword that you get is given to you in the very beginning of the game by your uncle. A Link to the Past anyone? Ordon Sword: Found in the Ordon Village under twilight, it is inside one of the villager's houses sitting on a couch. The Master Sword: Like most previous Zelda games, the Master Sword is found during your quest. Being the most powerful sword to be wielded, it has the same look kept from OoT and same color kept from the original Legend of Zelda for the NES. Ordon Shield: Also found in Ordon Village when it is covered in twilight. It is a wooden, flammable shield that should not be taken into the Goron Mines. Hyrulian Shield: Can be bought from Kakariko Village after removing the Twilight after completing the Goron Mines. The Hyrulian Shield is resistant to fire. Hero Tunic: Worn by the mystical hero that is chosen by the Gods. It looks damned good on you doesn't it? Zora Tunic: A blue suit that almost looks mechanical, and certainly makes Link look silly. This tunic allows Link to breathe underwater. Magic Armor: Glowing armor that when worn, removes rupees from your inventory when hit instead of taking away hearts. The armor becomes bulky and difficult to wear around once you run out of money. General Items ------------- Slingshot: Bought from the shopkeeper in Ordon Village. The first case of bullets you get for the slingshot hold 50 seeds. Lamp: Given to you by the old man that lives outside of the cove that leads to the Forest Temple. The lamp is used to light torches and fires, and needs oil to stay lit. The oil runs out fairly quickly, but there are places where you can pay for oil to replenish your lamp. Fishing rod: Made for you by the kid in Ordon Village and given to Link by his mother. Just a basic rod without a reel that pretty much is just used to get the job done. Bottles: They're back! Found in various ways throughout the game, you can store faeries, milk and potions to be used later on. There are four bottles altogether, and they are found in the following locations: 1) Given to you in the beginning of the game for finding the shopkeeper's cat. It comes half full with milk. 2) Buy the second bottle from the lantern shopkeeper, who sells it to you filled with oil for your lantern. 3) Obtained from Jovani after giving him twenty Poe spirits. 4) Walk to the far side of the bridge in the lure fishing area and cast your line into the water. After some trial and error, Link will eventually hook a bottle and pull it up. This is probably the only bottle that would be difficult to find without outside help. Gale Boomerang: Won after wiping the bright-red butt of the monkey leader in the Forest Temple. This boomerang carries with it the power of wind, and you can have it lock onto five specific targets in succession. Bombs/Bomb Bag: Your first bomb bag is bought from the crazy bomb expert in Kakariko Village for 120 rupees after you complete the Goron Mines. It is absolutely essential that the bombs are bought before further progress is made in the game. Bow/Arrows: The bow is found in the Goron Mines, and is given to you by one of the three elder spirits. Hawkeye: In addition to adding bombs to arrows, it is possible to use this item in conjunction with the bow to create a "sniper rifle" out of your medieval weapon. After you beat the Goron Mines, head to the top of the Kakariko Village and complete the archery challenge. Malo mart will now sell the Hawkeye for 100 rupees. Clawshot: Found within the Water Temple. The Clawshot behaves like every hookshot in every previous Zelda game that had a hookshot, except for in this game the Clawshot can't hook onto chests. Iron Boots: Received from the mayor of Ordon Village before climbing Death Mountain for the first time as human Link. Iron boots let Link sink easily in water and walk slowly, and can sometimes be used to press switches. They also can magnetize on the blue energy fields found predominantly in the Goron Mines. Ball and Chain - This mace is received when beating the dark knight in Snowpeak Ruins. It can destroy all sorts of furniture, ice blocks, you name it. It also has an attack equal to that of the Master Sword. (I believe so at least, if not, let me know) As an added plus, things such as ice blocks, barricades and other obstructions in the game can be destroyed with this item. Spinner - Found in the Arbiter's Grounds after beating the miniboss. The spinner allows you to attach to tracks on walls and ride them around, open events provided the correct indentation is in the floor, or you can even cause damage to enemies with it. Dominion Rod - The main item found by Link at the Temple of Time. It throws a little ball of light that can animate statues. Frog Lure - Obtained after beating all eight rounds of the minigame at the Fishing Hole... this lure makes it more plausible to catch Bass and Hylian Loaches, yay! Secret Items ------------ Heart Pieces: If you find five of these, you will gain a full, new heart. Golden Bugs: There are 24 of these critters lying around Hyrule. Run up to them and press A to pick them up. Collecting bugs can garner Link larger rupee bags... see the secrets section for more information. Poe Souls: The Poe ghosts are back again. They can only be seen with the sense of wolf Link... see the secrets section for more information on soul collecting. Great Fairy Tears: Difficult to find, but incredibly useful. These rare items restore all of Link's hearts and give him a temporary boost in his strength. Rupees: Money used in the realm of Hyrule. Rupee values are as follows: Green - 1 Blue - 5 Yellow - 10 Red - 20 Purple - 50 Orange - 100 Silver - 200 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ F. Enemies +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Deku Baba/Baba Serpents - They're the flowers from Ocarina of Time, and they're just as annoying. They pop out of the soil and attack you... a few hits with the wooden sword though and they're toast. They drop pods that if you throw into a wall or break with your sword, contain nuts that can be used as ammunition for the slingshot. The pods themselves may also be used as weapons you can throw, which can also save on ammunition as well. Keese - They fly around and try to run into you. Keese are everywhere within the game, and may be either on fire or covered in ice. As would be expected, fire Keese can and will burn wooden shields, while ice Keese freeze Link for a short time. Bokoblins - Returning from Windwaker, the club-wielding goblins are back to annoy. It takes a few steady sword strikes to bring them down, but there's nothing special about these baddies. Just take them down one at a time. Baby Spiders - Baby spiders usually are crawling on ladders or vines. Use the slingshot to knock them off. Spiders - Far larger, far uglier monsters that spin webs that require the torch to burn and inhabit wet, dark areas. Strike the spiders when you find an opening, which is usually best with the stab. Use Link's finishing move to kill them in the end. Baby Shadow Monsters - The first monsters that you find when you enter the shadow Hyrule. They only take one hit to kill, so waste them quickly before they drain you of health too fast. Shadow Monsters - These are like their smaller cousins, except they travel in groups of three and the last two must be killed together. If one of the three is ever left alive, it howls and then rejuvenates the other two. Shadow Squid - I only call these shadow monsters "squids" because they look almost exactly like the miniboss of the ghost ship in Mario RPG, for those people that have played through that game. Anyway, these floating heads are only found in the Twilight Realm. They teleport around and fire shadow balls at you. It is possible to use Shield Attack to reflect the energy back at them, but it is probably easier and faster in most cases to just kill them with conventional techniques. Shadow Crows - Just like the crows on Lake Hylia from OoT, these crows stay atop of Hyrule Castle and chase you down. They lock on, and if you're getting nervous just do Link's circular attack to knock them back. Two hits and these birds are toast. Ogres - The mounted beasts that guard bridges and attack Link on their pig-like steeds. Dodongos - Fire-breathing lizards that target Link, stop all of their movements and fire a long blast of flame. Their tails are their weakness, so move around behind the dodongos to hit them from the rear. Another easy way to one-hit KO dodongos is to shoot an arrow into their open mouths as they prepare to breathe fire. Torch Slugs - Another returning monster, flaming slugs inhabit the Goron Mines. They crawl on the floor or on ceilings, causing a pain for Link to travel virtually anywhere. A single strike from your sword will kill them, but make sure you kill them ahead of time, lest they fall from the ceiling and knock Link into a pool of lava. Poe - Ghosts that haunt Light Hyrule at night. In your wolf form it is possible to use his "sense" ability and see the Poes, and you can only kill them with the wolf equivalent of the finishing move. As a note, in the Arbiter's Grounds you face a special type of Poe, who looks like a white grim reaper and either attacks with weapons or a lantern. They turn purple right before they attack, so you may use that to time attacks with wolf Link, but that is unnecessary. Just latch on them and press A until they die. ReDead/ReDead Knights - Returning from OoT, ReDeads look far creepier and not as brown. Posing as skeletal corpses with flesh hanging on their bones, they still freeze Link with their horrifying presence. They carry swords, and will swing them at you once you're frozen. To completely avoid their paralyzing gaze, take a few steps back and waste them with arrows. (Or another weapon with range, such as the Ball and Chain) Apparently ReDeads have been known to be called "ReDead Knights", maybe because of the large cleaver they have on their person? Regardless, it is just a heads up that you may see them referred by this name at some point. (It's always good to be prepared) Skeletons - One-hit kill monsters that are found in various places throughout the game. They're easy to kill, but can be annoying in just the right spot... and that's what Twilight Princess normally uses them for: annoyances. Stalfos - Skeleton knights that can only be finally killed with bombs. Link's special sword abilities come in handy fighting them, especially using Shield Attack to create openings. Stab them with your sword a few times to make them fall to the ground, then drop a bomb on them to kill stalfos for good. There's a FAR easier way to kill stalfos without actually fighting them. Firing a bomb/arrow combo at him is good for a one-hit KO. Sand Larvae - Found in the Arbiter's Grounds, these giant bugs burrow under the sand until they get close to the player and hop out at them, and jump around for a bit before returning to their dunes. After they pop out of the sand, put up your shield, strike them once, then use the Clawshot to pull them close and finish them off. Locusts - Also found within the Arbiter's Grounds, these bugs jump out of the sand and slow Link down, making it more difficult to walk through sand pits. Use the spin attack to throw them off... they don't take down any health, so don't worry about hearts. Jellyfish - Giant, floating monstrosities that inhabit water areas. They periodically generate electricity, so try to avoid them. You may kill them with the Clawshot, but try to avoid attacking them while they're sprouting electricity, eh? Tektites - Spider monsters found in Zelda games dating back as far back as I can remember. They can walk on water and come in a couple of different flavors of color. They're persistent, annoying little buggers that almost always come in groups and are found in almost every dungeon in the game. Clams - Laying down on the floors throughout the water temple and other lakes and pools throughout TP, the clams charge you, momentarily leaving an opening for you to stab something in. Conventional attacks won't work here... you need to stab them when they leave an opening spot with your sword, because any other type of swing will hit their shell instead. Helmasaur (Previously known as Helmaroc monsters) - Bugs with helmets on their heads that scurry around and try to run into you. Get behind them, which can be annoying in the presence of other enemies as well, to stab them from behind. Ghost Rats - Rats that can only be seen with the sense in wolf Link form. This means that in terms of where they appear, they don't show up until the Arbiter's Grounds. What's a helpful way to know if you're covered in ghost rats? You're walking very slowly, and cannot find any other reason or cause for the phenomena. Skeletal Hounds - This beasts are responsible for a certain theft, something that you will recover much later on in the game. They're quite easy to kill, but are always in large packs. Darknuts - Statues that come to life when you get near to them... get behind them to hit their backsides, and after a few strikes they start spinning around before they explode. They will chase you around and attack with their hammers. Lizard Warrior - Very prevalent in the world of Twilight Princess, these monsters are found in just about every dungeon. Donning little armor and wielding only simple knives, take them down with any means you see fit. (They're excellent practice to fool around with sword techniques!) Dragon Warrior - Lizards decked out in the very best of armor and difficult to kill. Use either Helm Splitter or Draw to make your battle against these monsters much easier. Chu Jellies - Chus can combine with each other to make themselves bigger. Hitting a large Chu will split it into two small Chus, and the smallest are killed by your sword and drop jelly. The jelly can be picked up in bottles and eaten, which have various effects based on color: - Red Jelly: Restores eight hearts - Purple Jelly: Has random effects ranging from curing health to taking away a heart - Yellow Jelly: Can be used to restore lantern oil - Blue Jelly: Fully restores all hearts - White Jelly: Fully restores all hearts, and raises Link's strength for a short period of time Bubble Bugs - Little bugs that hop into large bubbles of water and roll into Link. They can be either killed by firing waterbomb-arrows at the bug, or pulling it out of the water with the Clawshot and finishing the bug off with your sword. (Note: Regular bombs on the bomb/arrow combo just diffuse in water) Piranha - Piranha are found within the Water (Lakebed) Temple waiting for the player to fall into its depths. Locations of piranha vary, but the main area to watch out for is the pool of water within the central chamber of the dungeon. Ice Lancer - Tall ice monsters found in the Snowpeak Ruins. They throw giant ice spears that look like icicles at you, and will occasionally even be so bold as to parry your attacks. Look for openings and take them down... they're nowhere near as annoying as anything that runs around with a sword and shield. White Wolfos - Found on the slopes of the mountains leading into the fifth temple, they run in circles just out of Link's reach, then turn and charge when they get a chance. Frost wolves are usually found in groups of two or three. Freezard - Ice crystals that zoom around on top of ice, and when hit rebound off of walls like pucks on an air hockey table... the only difference is, when they run into you, Link gets trapped in a block of ice for a few seconds. Plenty of these are to be found in the Snowpeak Ruins. Iron Knuckles - Found predominantly in Hyrule Castle, these monstrosities still take the cake as one of the most annoying monsters you fight in the game. They start out looking like the Tin Man, dressed to kill under a mighty pile of armor. Find weak points in these knights between their hiding behind their shields and swinging their swords to attack. Stabbing with your sword works well, but I've noticed that Helm-Splitter works VERY well while they still have armor on. After knocking the iron knuckles around a few times, their armor will begin to fall off. When the iron knuckle has lost all of its armor, it'll throw its sword at you and pull out a rapier. The monster has become much faster and much more limber, and can still block your attacks fairly effectively with its sword. Use Back Slice or Mortal Draw to get easy hits in on him, and after a few hits the enemy will finally go down. +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ G. Bosses +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ ---------------------------- Forest Temple Boss - Diababa ---------------------------- The boss starts out as two very large Deku Baba plants ("di" means two, if that explains this boss's name) hovering above a pool of water. There are bomb monsters lying around the place. Lock onto the plants, and pull the bombs to you. Run up to the shore and the Baba plants will try to eat you... throw the bombs into their mouths. After blowing up both plants, they will sink into the lake and the true boss will come out. It has both arms, but a very large, very angry center to the plant that opens with an eyeball that protrudes. All of the bomb plants at this point are gone, but the red- butted baboon returns, carrying bombs with him. Stand out of the plant's reach, and lock onto the bomb the monkey carries first and then the body of the monster. When the bomb hits, the plant will fall and expose the eye of the plant. Hit it with your sword until the Diababa regains control, and continue until Diababa is dead. As a side note, the first time Diababa is knocked down, it will spit a purple acid at Link in a zigzag pattern. It is fairly easy to dodge this acid, so do so if you can. ------------------------ Goron Mines Boss - Fyrus ------------------------ The boss battle takes place in a circular room with pillars near the walls. There's a large beast chained up on the opposite side of the room from you, with shackles on his ankles and wrists. The following cut-scene shows him breaking free (big surprise!) and the battle begins. Make sure you have the "Hero's Bow" equipped and the "Iron Boots" equipable (on the D-pad). As soon as the battle begins, pull out your Hero's Bow and shoot him in the jewel on his forehead. He will hold his head and run around. Run at him and when you are close enough to the chains, equip the iron boots and grab a chain. (If you are near a chain, you should have an on-screen option with the A-button). Once you are holding the chain, tighten it by backing up in the opposite direction from the one Fyrus is pulling. This will cause the boss to trip and fall. Drop the chain with A-button, unequip the iron boots, pull out your sword, and run toward his head. Z-target the jewel on his forehead and have at it. You will get about 3-4 good swipes in before the boss stands up and shakes it off. The only real moves that you need to watch out for are an area attack of fire that the boss throws out at you, as well as a sweep he makes with the chain. The chain can be avoided by rolling... but just hope you aren't near him when he expels the fire. Honestly, you should be okay as long as you stay FAR away from him when he isn't stunned by your bow. (Thanks to LeeConsig for writing this out) ---------------------------- Water Temple Boss - Morpheel ---------------------------- Link starts with his head bobbing at the top of what seems to be a large column of water. Dive into it, (if you wait too long, Midna comes up and complains) and keep diving... and diving... in fact, just put on your iron boots. When you hit the bottom, you see a tentacle sticking up from above the ground. The boss emerges its head, and the fight begins. Basically if you get too close to Morpheel, he'll throw out his tentacles and grab Link and eat him. If he does eat you, which might happen a couple of times, he will spit you out of his mouth. Take off the iron boots at this point! Otherwise you'll sink back down into his mouth. He also expels explosive fish to come at Link after the first time you damage him. But this is nothing serious, since they move slowly. To deal damage, Z target the eyeball inside of his tentacle, and then uses the Clawshot to drag it close to you. Swing your sword; you will only get one hit. After about two or three hits, the boss pulls himself out of the sand and starts swimming around knocking over pillars throughout the room. Take off your iron boots and start chasing the boss. When you get close to his head, Z target the eyeball and hook it with your Clawshot to drag you close. Start stabbing it when you get on top of him, and after a few stabs he'll shake you off and keep swimming. Honestly, I didn't get hit the entire time he swam around, and I was kind of confused as to what the danger was around me. Regardless, after a few hits Morpheel runs into the wall and all the water drains out of the tub. You get a piece of heart and the last Fused Shadow. --------------------------------- Arbiter's Grounds Boss - Stallord --------------------------------- This boss is nothing short of EPIC! Of course the use of the spinner is going to be a must, so have that equipped. Depending on what type of player you are, this may or may not be your first challenging boss. You find yourself in a large, round room with spinner tracks running along the edge of the room. When the boss appears, immediately head to the tracks and clip onto them with your spinner. Beware of the spin traps that work their way around the room, attempting to knock you off of the track. When you see one coming, dislodge yourself from the track and either reconnect or attack the boss. Your target is the base of the boss's skull. His spinal cord is his weakness, so your job is to ram the spinner into his spine by jumping the moment before you slam into the bone. Stallord will be kind enough to release fire from his mouth, as well as summon skeletons from the ground to block your advance. After you hit him the first couple of times, you may find it difficult to get to his spine due to the sheer number of skeletons he's pulling out of the ground. Be careful, your spinner will lose momentum if you don't spend time riding the track, so if it is clear that you won't reach his spine, retreat to the wall and prepare to move in a second time. After three hits, he pitches a fit and raises the ground in the middle and creates a much larger arena, and his head takes flight. Now there are several sets of tracks... a spiral track that moves up the middle of the room, and many layers of horizontal tracks that line the outside wall. So, this means that it is impossible to gain height by staying on the track around the outside wall. Use your spinner and fit it into the middle track. Use it to gain height, but watch for spin traps that are moving down the track. Right when they get near you, use B to jump to the other track, then quickly jump back. You want to get as much height as possible before the boss appears next to you, because you can count on falling a little ways every time you try to jump from track to track. Before long Stallord's floating skull appears before you. He'll fire a couple of fireballs at you, so jump tracks when he does. After a couple of shots, he'll float right next to you and point his face at the wall to shoot at you. Jump at him, and use the spinner to deal damage. You'll fall back down to the ground after hitting him. Start up the spinner and repeat the process. After a few hits, Stallord finally goes down. ------------------------------ Snowpeak Ruins Boss - Blizzeta ------------------------------ Blizzeta begins the battle by encasing herself in a large block of ice. The entire room will look like a skating rink... pull out the Ball and Chain and hit the ice block with it. She'll bounce around the room like an oversized freezie. It's pretty easy to hit her because she's such a large target, and I killed her first form so fast I'm not entirely sure what she's capable of. I know that she does at random points in the battle expel freezies from her block, but if you hit her with the Ball and Chain they disappear. After taking several hits from your mace, she'll have herself covered in a large coffin of ice and rise into the air, summoning very large icicles as she flies. She attacks at this point in a pattern: first she will drop all of the icicles flying around her on Link in a line, so just run/roll away from her as the icicles are dropped behind you. You can destroy the icicles with your mace if you choose to, so get rid of them with the spare few moments that you have. The icicles will be pulled back into the air, and Blizzeta will drop all of the icicles in a ring around you instead. Roll out of the way and immediately turn around when this happens, because her coffin of ice falls moments later, in the center of the ring. Pull out the Ball and Chain and swing it at her ice block. Repeat this three times and the ice coffin will break, and you'll get the second mirror piece and another heart container. ------------------------------- Temple of Time Boss - Armogohma ------------------------------- Ugh... a hideous spider for a boss... *shudders* Well, luckily Armogohma isn't all that difficult... something that I thought was interesting was that the spider boss in OoT at the end of the first (Great Deku Tree) dungeon was named "Gohma", I guess he got a title upgrade. Regardless, the boss starts at the top of the screen, and they zoom in on his body (ugh again) and show a weak point on his back. It will crawl back and forth across the ceiling, where beams of light shine through from the ceiling. So, when he crosses a spot, you can tell where he is. Every once in awhile the eye on his back will open, and charge a massive laser. The laser's light will light up the entire room bright red. When he does this, the laser will follow you around and hit you repeatedly. Get out your bow and time where the spider will stop, and when the eye opens up, fire an arrow into the eye. When the eye is hit, the boss will fall onto the ground, inevitably in front of a statue. Bring the statue to life with the Dominion Rod, and press B to smash the spider. After being hit for the first two times, Armogohma will crawl back onto the ceiling, and then release a bunch of eggs that will drop onto the ground. If you have Great Spin and full health, stand in the middle of them and take all or almost all of the eggs at once. If not, mass murder with the regular spin attack and finish off whatever broodlings survive. Rinse and repeat with the same tactics, and after the third smash of the massive statue hammers, and the boss will die, leaving behind a... ...not full heart container quite yet. Actually, there's a second, rather humorous part to this battle. After the third strike, Armogohma's eye is left behind, and several of her broodlings are holding it and running around the room. Either chase them down and hit the eye with your sword once, or fire arrows at it. Either way, kill the eye and the third Twilight Mirror piece and that heart container are all yours. ------------------------- Sky Palace Boss - Argorok ------------------------- Argorok is easily one of my favorite bosses in this game. True to form, he isn't that difficult, but he is fun. After walking through the boss door, you find yourself outside. (It'll take some Clawshot action to get up to him) Head up to the top-most platform where the dragon awaits. You'll find him plenty ready for you, flying around what looks like the arena Cell constructed in DBZ. There are four huge towers flying skyward on every corner of the arena... and even better, the wind is howling. Notice that this platform is a giant rectangle, so that two towers are very close to each other (relatively speaking) at each end of the rectangle. Use your double Clawshot to zigzag up the towers from one side to the other, and when you get to the top turn to face the dragon. The dragon will ready a huge stream of fire, so right before he spits at you, attach yourself to the tower opposite of where you are now. The fire will miss, and Argorok will need a couple of moments to regain his strength. Aim and attach to his tail with the Clawshot, then put on your iron boots. The added weight will drag Argorok to the ground, where you can abuse him. After doing this a couple of times, he'll throw a tantrum and throw up a bunch of floating, spinning propellers that you can latch onto with your Clawshot. And latch on you will! Climb the towers again, and when you get high enough, attach with your Clawshot to the first propeller. Argorok will spit a stream of fire at you, so to keep ahead of the flame, Clawshot as fast as you can from one propeller to the next. Eventually Argorok will tire out and you'll find yourself behind the boss. Target the weak spot on his back and let yourself get pulled onto his back. Once on, press A a few times to watch Link stab Argorok in the back with his sword. As a precautionary note, you have to do this twice, and the second time around, the dragon tries to trick you. When you make it to the propellers at the top and outrun the fire blast the fire time, Argorok will immediately shoot a second burst of flame, this time moving in the opposite direction (counterclockwise) instead. After the second burst of flame you may circle around Argorok and Clawshot to his back. After the second time, Argorok goes down with a mighty roar and is dead once and for all. ----------------------------------- Palace of Twilight: Sol Boss - Zant ----------------------------------- Zant is an unhealthy mixture of many of the bosses that you've already fought throughout the game. He will dance around and a light drum will set the background percussion, and the scene will change. The scene that is flashed is a certain room home to a boss you've already killed before. Zant will take on the personality of that particular boss, at which point you must fight him in exactly the same fashion as you did before. The scenes are as follows: 1.) Diababa - Throw your Gale Boomerang at Zant and he'll drop, open to a flurry of attacks from your sword. The only threat he will pose is throwing blasts of energy at you. 2.) Goron Mini Boss - Zant floats above the level causing Link to lose balance and firing energy blasts at you. Wait until he is tired and attack him back with your sword yet again. 3.) Morpheel - Equip your Zora's Tunic and Iron Boots, and fall to the "ocean" floor. Here Zant will hide behind a giant metal grating, which he will open and occasionally shoot out some energy blasts. Wait until the grating opens, and then use your Clawshot to draw him close. After hitting him several times with your sword, he's had enough and changes the scene yet again. 4.) Monkey Mini Boss - Wooden pegs practically sprout out of the floor and Zant jumps from peg to peg, shooting more of his annoying energy blasts. Wait until he comes to a complete stop, and then roll into the pole to knock him down. Once he falls, abuse him with your sword. 5.) Blizzeta - A giant fat Zant is now rolling around a massive skating rink, and you've got to hit him with your ball and chain. Fight him just like you fought Blizzeta, dodging him and his attacks. When he turns into a small version of himself, hit him with either your sword or ball and chain, and repeat a few times before he gives up trying to mimic old bosses. After the Blizzeta form, Zant will summon a desert scene, where he dons Arabian Nights-type clothing and pulls out two cutlasses. He will then appear and reappear around you, doing one of two things: The first is where he will appear and repeatedly attack you, at which point you should just throw up your shield until the fury is over. Another thing he's accustomed to doing is spinning very rapidly in circles with his blades held out. When the storm of spinning is almost over, use that chance to get as many hits in as you possible can before Zant regains composure and starts the attacks again. This ending part of the battle becomes very repetitive, but is not difficult at all if you can just have patience. After hitting him for the umpteenth time, Zant expires and the battle is over... congratulations, you saved the Twilight Realm! ----------------------------------- Hyrule Castle Boss 1 - Puppet Zelda ----------------------------------- After the initial cutscene the battle begins with Zelda chasing after you. She has three separate attacks: The first is one where she points the sword she's wielding at you and chases you through the air with it, locked onto your character. Just jump out of the way to avoid this attack, it's not too difficult. The second attack is one where she sears an inscription of the Triforce into the ground underneath you, and a huge explosion erupts from the markings. Whatever you're doing when you see this marking appear beneath your feet, drop your Z targeting and roll/rump out of the way as quickly as possible! The third attack is directly out of OoT. Zelda will fire a circular blast at Link, at which point you've got to swing your sword to reflect the blast back at her. After playing baseball with her for awhile and her receiving many blasts to the face, she goes down and Ganon loses control of her. ---------------------------- Hyrule Castle Boss 2 - Ganon ---------------------------- Ganon is a mighty beast that resembles one of the boars in this game that's been raised on steroids. He'll run in circles around the room initially destroying parts of it, then suddenly race right at you. When he does that, take out your bow and fire at his head, then scramble out of the way. When you do, he'll fall over and leave his underbelly exposed. Run up to his body and attack the white X on his stomach. After taking a bit of abuse, he'll start running in portals. Random portals will being opening all over the room, glowing red and then fading out. Once this happens, continually turn to find as many of the portals as you can at once. The instant you see a portal turn blue and then purple instead of fade out, draw your bow and face the portal, because that's the one Ganon is coming out of. Knock him over and beat him up a couple o' more times, and he'll pitch a fit and begin falling from out of the air. His head will be invulnerable now, so Midna gives a little hint that beast could fight beast. Switch to your wolf form, and fight him back. Remember tossing goats around at the beginning of the game? Well those skills will come back to haunt you... face Ganon as he bears down on you, and right before you two collide, press and hold down A to toss him aside and then attack his stomach. After several hits, the battle seems to be over... (Note: You can fight Ganon in your wolf form throughout the entire battle if you wish. Just resort to the "goat throwing" tactics throughout the entire battle) --------------------------------------------- Hyrule Castle Boss 3 - Gannondorf (Horseback) --------------------------------------------- ...NOT! Now Midna is no longer in the battle, and Gannondorf is standing in front of you and Zelda on horseback. This particular battle is quite easy, and I don't remember ever actually getting hit by anything. Gannondorf will ride around (On a dark countryside/backdrop no less, you might want to turn up the brightness on your TV if it is particularly dark) and summon mounted skeletal warriors to take you on. Chase him down and Z target him to get Zelda to draw a light arrow on her bow. Get close with Epona, and Zelda will shoot a light arrow at Gannondorf. If she hits, he'll start to glow... at this point get in close and hit him with your sword. After getting hit Gannondorf will completely change directions and make following him initially quite difficult. ----------------------- Final Boss - Gannondorf ----------------------- This is Gannondorf's last form. He's wielding a huge, bright blade this time, and there are no special tricks, nothing to make the battle all that much easier. This form might give people a little bit of trouble, because unlike the previous end bosses, there's no special trick to beating him, just fine swordplay. Don't bother using either Draw, Shield Attack or Helm Splitter on Gannondorf... because if you get too close, he'll just kick you to keep you at bay. Don't make unnecessary movements either. He's faster than he looks, if you do a jump attack, he'll hit you in the lag that it takes for you to stand back up from striking. Sometimes Back Slice will work nicely, and if you can hit Gannondorf once or twice, sometimes you may even get a spin attack in. However, he'll counter and parry all of your moves, so my best advice for this battle is to put up your shield and wait for Gannondorf to make a move, and attack in the opening he leaves. After getting several good, solid attacks in, use your finishing move on Gannondorf, and enjoy the ending sequence, you beat Twilight Princess! Congratulations! +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ H. Minigames +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Goat Herding - The object of the game is to get the goats to run inside of the gate. They run from Epona, so charge around them from behind and chase them toward the open building. Once you have them running in a straight line toward the open door, press A to hurry them along. Flush and repeat. Note: The first time you herd goats, you are being timed, even if the game doesn't tell you that you are. Fishing - Cast the line into the water by pressing B and dropping the remote so the line falls into the water. After a fish catches the line, it will sink into the water. As the line is as low as it goes, pull the remote up and hold it vertical into the air. Link will keep pulling and pulling, and eventually pull the fish out of the water. Sumo Wrestling - Press left and right to move left and right. Pressing A will drive Link in to grab his opponent, and holding left or right on the analog stick and pressing A at the same time will have Link slide into his opponent from different directions. Pressing down and A right as your opponent drives at you will cause Link to duck, giving him a free shot to drive into him. This game is much like rock, paper and scissors. To win the player must push his opponent out of the ring. Parrot's Flying Challenge - When you remove the twilight from Lake Hylia and complete the Water Temple, using the reeds that used to call the shadow bird down will instead call down a parrot who will transport you through the long cave. The idea is to collect as much fruit as possible when flying through the cave, and to collect as much of the same type of fruit in a row. There are three different types of fruit on the course, and every time you pick up another of the same type of fruit in a row, the number of points you get for that fruit is doubled. So basically, your job is to collect as many strawberries as possible successively, because those provide the large majority of the points needed to win the game. Get 10,000 points to win! A heart piece! The Cucco's Flight - When the twilight disappears to Lake Hylia and Link has access to the cannon in the middle of the lake, fire him up to the house in the cliffs. There, pay the guy at the door 20 rupees to have him let you jump off. There are giant rupees in the sky that give you the amount that their color represents if you run into them... but there's something better for you instead. There is a set of platforms near the cannon house that looks like stairs rising out of the water. On each platform is a treasure box. The idea is to drop off of your cucco onto one of the platforms with the treasure chest. The highest platform has an orange rupee, while the second platform down holds a piece of heart. Fishing Shop - At the "Fishing Hole" is a board game with successive levels. After clearing out the twilight at Lake Hylia you can enter this place... turn right to start the minigame. The details of this minigame are explained upon playing it, quite clearly, but there are successive levels that must be completed to win the entire game. After beating every level of difficulty, the player is awarded with the Frog Lure. STARS Minigame! - At Hyrule Castle Town, on the right side of the map, you'll find a tent with a man inside standing next to a cage. After a rather eccentric introduction, you'll be introduced to a game where you collect a bunch of floating orbs. There are two stages to this minigame. The first time you may even bother to try to beat it is when you get the Clawshot. Upon entering the cage, use the Clawshot to hook to the cage and collect the orbs while flying from platform to platform. Lo and behold! Collecting the orbs using a "star" pattern with the Clawshot will allow Link to finish the minigame at least 15 seconds early. Come back for round two after getting the double Clawshot. Head back to the minigame, this time following the star pattern for the second time, but ignoring to pause on platforms. This second version is only slightly more challenging than the first, but still a piece of cake. Beating the minigame for the first time, Link is awarded with a quiver that holds 60 arrows. Completing the minigame for the second time will get you a quiver that holds 100 arrows. +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ I. Secrets +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ 1 - Special Abilities Link gains special abilities found by the skeletal man disguised as a white wolf. Besides the first ability which is given to you upon entering the Forest Temple, you must find the rest. To find each ability it is a two-step process. First, you must be in wolf-form, and find these black and gray obsidian statues with a hole in the middle and howl back the song it plays for you. The very fashionable idea behind this is that there is wind blowing through the hole in specific patterns. After howling with the white wolf, a location is shown that Link must visit in human form. When you visit those areas as a human, you are taught the new abilities. The abilities are learned in a specific order, so it matters not what location is visited in what order. The following abilities can be obtained: 1) Ending Blow Is given to you before entering the Forest Temple. When an enemy is lying on the ground, Z target them and press A to leap into the air and come down on the enemy, sword first. 2) Shield Attack Jab with the nunchuck to push out with your shield. 3) Back Slice While Z targeting an enemy, press either left or right on the analog stick and A twice to jump and roll behind the enemy. Once you do, swing the remote to leap into the air spinning and striking with your sword simultaneously. 4) Helm Splitter This is probably one of my favorite moves... begin the attack by using your shield attack on the enemy. If it is successful, press A while still holding the Z target to leap in the air, and mid front-flip Link will stab the opponent in the head. 5) Mortal Draw Okay, this IS my favorite move... it's straight out of the draw-kill method of samurai swordplay. With your sword in its sheath, wait until an enemy approaches and then press A to draw your sword and slice the enemy at the same time, resulting in a one-hit KO. Excellent! 6) Jump Strike Hold Z and A together to prepare for a jump strike, charging the strike while you do it. When you let go of A, Link will strike with his sword two or three times IN THE AIR before coming down and landing his jump strike and dealing blastwave damage at the same time. 7) Great Spin When Link has full health and you perform the spin attack, this time the spin attack's range increases, its strength increases, and it expels cool looking red energy at the same time. Combine this with the magic armor and 200 or so rupees to make Link too awesome for words. The following statue/wolf locations are found at: 2) Statue Location - On the path between Kakariko Village and Death Mountain Human Location - The lake where Ilia gives Epona a bath near Ordon Village 3) Statue Location - Outside the Sacred Grove in Faron Forest Human Location - Outside the southern gates of Hyrule Castle 4) Statue Location - Lake Hylia, next to the tall tower that is found in the southern corner of the map Human Location - Right before the entrance to the Bokoblin camp in the Gerudo Desert. 5) Statue Location - Upper Zora River, on the bit of land jutting out into the river. Human Location - Along the eastern wall of Hyrule Castle Town. He's sitting on a wall that is reachable from a bunch of vines that leads to the wolf. 6) Statue Location - Snowpeak Mountain... right before you find the Yeti, right next to the warp point really, is another statue. Human Location - The location of the wolf is in Kakariko Village's graveyard. 7) Statue Location - In the abandoned village where you have to rescue the old woman by killing the 20 monsters. The statue is on the right side of town, next to where the "leader cucco" is later in the game. Human Location - The northern part of Hyrule Castle Town, just before the door into Hyrule Castle. If the giant prism still has Hyrule Castle sealed away, the wolf is standing just outside the pyramid. 2 - Kakariko Village/Lake Hylia Warp In the Zora Graveyard there's a small pond that has a bombable rock wall in its depths. Using a water bomb, Link can open a portal that instantly teleports himself to Lake Hylia. 3 - Finishing Stance After clearing out a large number of enemies by doing either a jump or spin attack, OR by using one of the sword techniques taught to you by the skeleton warrior, and immediately sheath your sword, Link does the finishing stance he takes after beating end bosses of levels. Pretty bad***, I must say. 4 - Fragment from the History of Hyrule The identity of the skeleton warrior is revealed to you after finding all of your skills: He is the Hero chosen by the Gods time and time again. The Zelda series does follow a storyline, (which Nintendo themselves admitted to) and the games take place in a specific order. Windwaker actually takes place AFTER all of the Zelda games, while The Legend of Zelda is at the beginning of the Hyrule storyline. So, while there is no "true", original Link except the Link found in the NES versions of the Zelda legacy, all of the heroes found afterward on the timeline are to be almost considered as direct reincarnations of the characters that follow. Twilight Princess says that the main character of THIS game, whatever you choose his name to be, wears the clothes and is endowed with the spirit of an ancient hero that once saved the realms, thus referring to the essence of Link instilled in every hero found in each game within the Zelda series. So check this out: When you get the final technique, Great Spin, the skeleton that has been training you gives you the following speech: "Although I accepted life as the hero, I could not convey the lessons of that life to those who came after. At last, I have eased my regrets." Conclusion, Link can only pass on his own skills to the next hero blessed by the goddesses, or himself reborn. Following are just a couple of the statements directly responsible for the above assumptions: Windwaker makes a statement that directly supports this theory at the very beginning of the game, saying: "There was once a hero clad in green who fought back evil..." Another connection can be made that links (no pun intended) the skeleton warrior (Link) to himself... he tells you the first time that he meets you that he is the last of his people, and that the skills he is teaching you are passed on from back into his bloodline. A Link to the Past refers to the Link in that particular game as the last descendant of the seven knights that defended the Royal Family, and one that carries the abilities of their bloodline. Besides the courage he carries from his ancestors, it is remarked that he also carries their abilities. About the proposed timeline spanning the entire Legend of Zelda legacy... this one is more difficult to put together because there is no completely agreed-upon timeline. Nintendo has established that almost every game features a different Link. After receiving some input, the best timeline I was given was as follows: Link 1 - The Legend of Zelda - Zelda II, the Adventure of Link (1 year later) Link 2 - A Link to the Past (Far after Link 1's adventures) - Link's Awakening (Immediately following LttP) - Oracle of Ages/Seasons Link 3 - Ocarina of Time (Far after Link 2) - Majora's Mask (Following Gannondorf's banishment) Link 4 - Twilight Princess Link 5 - Windwaker (Roughly 1000 years after TP) I proposed another timeline, that could also be a possibility as far as finding as few flaws as possible are concerned (but is essentially the same): Link 1 - The Legend of Zelda - Zelda II, the Adventure of Link (1 year later) Link 2 - Ocarina of Time (Far after Link 1's adventures) - Majora's Mask (Following Gannondorf's banishment) Link 3 - A Link to the Past (Far after Link 2) - Link's Awakening (Immediately following LttP) - Oracle of Ages/Seasons Link 4 - Twilight Princess Link 5 - Windwaker (Roughly 1000 years after TP) Some things to note on the differences between these two timelines: - Both Ocarina of Time and A Link to the Past both announce that Link is the last of his bloodline, descending from a long line of Knights. So while the skeleton warrior says that he is the last of his bloodline, either Link from OoT or LttP could have come before Twilight Princess chronologically. - A note on Ganon: The original Link dealt with a beast version of Ganon, who is reincarnated from game to game. The later Zelda games have Link dealing with a person named "Gannondorf", who is out to steal the Triforce of Power. While the second timeline says that LttP comes after Gannondorf was sealed away, he was transformed in LttP by the Triforce to "Ganon", and his original identity is never truly given. LttP never has Ganon leave his place in the Sacred Realm, where he was sealed with the Triforce. Thus, the first time Ganon would have ever broken out of the Sacred Realm would be shown later on in Twilight Princess, when Gannondorf attacks the sages. So, in the case of either timeline, Gannondorf made his first appearance in Ocarina of Time... whereas in the first timeline Link was still fighting "Ganon", not Gannondorf turned into Ganon by the Triforce. The four swords games are not included in this timeline, but I will leave the following note by Geoff Thew concerning those games themselves, as well as the lands that all of the games take place in: (some of this was edited) "The three Four Swords games do take place in an alternate version of Hyrule... although it is possible that they only take place in the distant future. (Hence the reason I didn't add them to the timeline) All of the [Zelda] games take place in the same world. Oracle of Seasons and Majora's Mask take place outside of Hyrule, but it is still within the same world. Windwaker takes place on "the islands", or high above Hyrule." 5 - Heart Piece Locations As a note about heart containers, two can be found in every dungeon... there are also two containers in Kakariko Village as well. 1) In the cave within Faron Forest where you find the small key. Light the torches on either side of the key's chest to make the heart piece appear. (These next two heart piece locations are taken nearly word-for- word by Frozenfire, and are the two heart pieces found in the Forest Temple.) 2) In the Forest Temple, in the room with the spider bombs and the bomb eating plants, go to the upper level and put the bomb in the upper bomb eating plants mouth, then jump across. and on your right you will see a wall with two spiders on vines, destroy the spiders and jump across to the vines, climb up the vines then on your right. There should be a spider bomb and a gap, throw the spider bomb across the gap and the bomb eating plant will explode. Now it will open up a space on the lower floor with a chest and a spider bomb and inside the chest is, well you guessed it, a heart piece. 3) When you get the boomerang in the Forest Temple, the room to the far east has a room with tile monsters, a tile monster bridge, and a monkey on a cliff above. You must blow out the torches with your boomerangs wind gust and steps will drop to get to the monkey. This will then open up a room and inside this room is a chest with another heart piece. 4) Kakariko Village has a piece of heart in the Light Spirit's spring. Drop to the bottom of the pond with the iron boots and Zora's tunic and bomb the rock in the water. Walk through the opening to find the heart piece. 5) Also by the spring is a rock formation that can be bombed with the arrow/bomb combo. Blow apart the rocks and summon the heart container with the Gale Boomerang. 6) Atop one of the highest points in Kakariko Village is Talo who challenges Link to a test of skill with the bow and arrow. If you complete the task without using aiming assistance, Talo awards you with a piece of heart. 7) The northwest corner of the room just outside of the first elder you meet in the Goron Mines. See the Walkthrough for more details. 8) Above the chandelier in the main room of the Water Temple. 9) If you rent a boat at the Fishing Hole, row to the center of the lake with the rock jutting out of Lake Hylia. Cast into the water and use your fishing rod to pull up a piece of heart. 10) Outside of the Arbiter's Grounds, where you find the monster holding the key to the gate, is the steaming, cooking carcass of a boar. Hack open the pig meat to find another piece. 11) In the Arbiter's Grounds, you'll find a chest on the left side of the staircase in the third room into the dungeon that has the four torches of blue flame that contains a piece of heart. 6 - Item Upgrades Additional bomb bags: The second bomb bag is found by helping Iza unblock the river in the Lanayru Province. The third bomb bag is found in the throne room of Zora's domain. Bomb the rock underwater by the throne. Double the capacity of bomb bags: Score 25 points on Iza's Rapid Ride. Wallet Upgrades: Give Agitha a golden bug to get the 600 rupee wallet. To receive the 1000 rupee wallet, you must find and give her all 24 golden bugs. Quiver Upgrades: The STAR mini game in the Hyrule Castle Town has both of the quiver upgrades. The first upgrade can be gotten with just the Clawshot, but the double Clawshot is needed to score high enough to win the second Quiver upgrade. First upgrade - Gives a quiver of 60 arrows Magic Armor: Head to Malo Mart and inside there's a Goron accepting donations to rebuild the bridge outside the western part of Hyrule Castle. It takes 1000 rupees to complete the repairs. Once the repairs are done, walk outside of Malo Mart and talk to the elder Goron. He will give you a bunch of hot spring water. Run northeast on your minimap to the western bridge, avoiding monsters the whole way there. Don't bother to stop and fight them, just run. When you get to the bridge, toss the spring water on top of the Goron. He will be "rejuvenated" and open a hot spring shop south of the town square in Hyrule Castle Town. (You also get a piece of heart for this) Head back to Malo Mart and go inside of the building and donate 200 rupees to buy out the shop on the left side of Hyrule Castle Town's town square. If you go inside of the shop, they sell the Magic Armor for 598 rupees. (Note: If you don't complete the "hot spring" miniquest, the donation required is 2000 rupees instead of 200 rupees...) 7 - Controlling a Cucco Remember the old Zelda games where (LttP, OoT, LA, etc.) attacking a cucco would send flocks of them after you to bring pain? Well not anymore! Repeatedly attacking a cucco now gives you momentary control over the fowl! Press A to jump as the cucco, and to revert back into your human form, then walk into ANY object. (a person, Link, rocks, buildings, you name it) 8 - Throwing Goats! If you ever find yourself frustrated in Ordon Village for one reason or another, why not head to Ordon Ranch? Approach goats and press A at the right time to toss them over and annoy the heck out of them. Does it do anything special? Not really... but neither does controlling a cucco. +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ J. Glitches +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ There have been some updates concerning these various glitches. First and foremost, the only glitches that I have successfully tested myself is the glitch that bypasses the moveable wall in the Goron Mines and the glitch concerning the Cave of Ordeals. I have NOT tested the game-ending glitches myself, so I post these in hopes to warn the Zelda players out there that may or may not run into them. To start off, there has been a recent development that should be taken note of: THE ELDIN BRIDGE GLITCH IS NOT REAL! TSA, Zelda speed run extraordinaire, has had this glitch tested from every angle he could think of. If you would like, search his website up on the net. (I apologize for not having his link offhand) The others, as of yet, I am unsure of their authenticity, but beware the possibility of their existence. 1. Game-Ending Glitches Great Eldin Bridge glitch - Recently thought to be a glitch that ends the game once the player crosses the Great Eldin Bridge after completion of the Goron Mines. The thought was that if you saved and quit your game after crossing the bridge but before entering the Twilight of the Laranyu province, that the game would start Link off in Kakariko Village with an unpassable chasm ahead of the player. This glitch has been proven false. A second glitch that doesn't allow the player to quit until the event is played through supposedly happens on your way to the Sky Temple to collect the fourth mirror piece. Some storyline aside, Link will be asked to enter a cannon to get there, with the door behind him blocked with a man saying that you aren't allowed to leave. If the game is saved and quit there, the man disappears upon reloading the game. To avoid the glitch, don't save and quit the game until after passing through this event. There is a third glitch that may or may not be true. (Spoilers to those who haven't made it to Zora's Domain for the first time) When the player first enters the Twilight at the Laranyu Province, the man at the bottom of the lake will direct the player's attention to a monster that is bugging him. The monster will summon a giant bird when attacked, which Midna pacifies and the player will eventually use to fly to Zora's Domain. Saving and quitting after talking to the man but before attacking the monster may result in the monster not being there when the game reloads. 2. Miscellaneous Dungeon-ending glitch for the Cave of Ordeals: It is possible that fighting chu jellies too close to the door to the next room can force the player to start the cave from the beginning. When attacking chus, they split apart if they are too large a blob. If fighting close to the door leading to the next room, it is possible for a chu to split and for one half of itself to wind up stuck behind the opposite end of the closed door from Link. This makes it impossible to kill the chu, and thus, impossible to complete the dungeon. (You must reload from your last save point) The Goron Mines glitch is one where you pull out the wall for the first time and have to hop across the lava pits to make it to the door before the wall replaces itself. Pull the wall all the way out and then roll as fast as you can toward the space between the moving wall and the stationary wall it is sliding toward. Roll repeatedly through the gap, and you'll get stuck, and if you do it right, as the wall moves it will pull you through. Continue through past the moving wall with plenty of time to spare and enter the next room. This next glitch is hard to describe because I myself have not done it successfully, nor have I tried it more than once or twice, so I am going to copy and paste the exact submission, sent by Jessurun: "Arbiter's Temple: Room with the Big Key where you need the Spinner to get it: I got stuck in that room with the two doors, the gear in the middle of the floor, and the opening with the big key chest on the other side of the quicksand. I turned into a wolf, fell into the quicksand, and just kept attacking until I got around the pillar and to the other side. Then I climbed up onto the ledge where the chest sits and got the key earlier than I was supposed to." If anyone is able to back this theory up, please let me know. +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ K. Version History +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ 1.05 - Enabled the initial posting of the FAQ online, started a skeletal form of the full FAQ which went through the first two sections, wrote the Overview and also included some of the items found at the beginning of the game. 1.12 - Added Minigames, updated the Walkthrough up through the fifth section, and added all of the items and monsters found through that point. 1.33 - Updated the FAQ up through the Forest Temple, and then added the first part of the Water Temple in as well. Also, the beginning was rewritten to make more sense, the Secrets section was added, the Boss section was added, along with several errors and problems fixed throughout the FAQ. 2.04 - Added the introduction found in the game manual, as well as the controls section. The hole was half filled, updating the guide up to the Fire Temple, as well as extended the end of the guide to include the Water Temple and then some. 2.07 - A little bit was added to the walkthrough, as well as a couple of minor changes were made. 2.20 - Added ASCII art to the title, updated the point to where I have made it personally in the game, and added much information to just about every section but the walkthrough. 2.27 - Closed the hole in the FAQ left by the Goron Mines, as well as completed the walkthrough for the Arbiter's Grounds and the Snowpeak Ruins. Several mistakes were fixed throughout the FAQ... and I also added some more monsters, minigames, items, bosses and heart piece locations to the FAQ. Finally, the glitches section was added. A mighty update this was indeed. Version a - The Goron Mines were unfinished, as well as the Walkthrough following the mines, preceding the Water Temple and following the Arbiter's Grounds. Version 2.27 (Complete) - Updated about 12 hours later, this version contained all holes filled in, and carried the Walkthrough up to the Snowpeak Ruins, as well as other minor changes made as well. 7.75 - Completed the entire walkthrough and bosses section. Also changed was the "Fragments" article with more accurate information. The third bottle was replaced with the correct info on where to find it; other problems of this nature were dealt with throughout the FAQ. +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ L. Legal Information +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ This FAQ was written solely by me, and thus I feel I deserve some credit for writing and posting this FAQ. If you would like to post this FAQ on your website, I won't be incredibly stingy about sharing, but I do ask that you give me credit for writing the guide, and please ask me permission first. The following websites have been given my permission to post this guide: - http://www.gamefaqs.com/ - http://www.gamerhelp.com/ - http://www.zeldac.net - http://www.teamanti.com/ - http://www.cheatcc.com/ - http://www.supercheats.com/ - http://www.gamerevolution.com/ - http://www.twilight-princess.org/ - http://www.1up.com/ - http://mycheats.com/ - http://www.wiigamecheats.com - http://www.a21guides.com/ - http://www.cheathappens.com/ - http://www.cheatplanet.com/ - http://www.solojuegos.com/ - wiihome.proboards7.com Copyright 2006 by Jeremy Jusek +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ M. Special Thanks +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Always CJayC/GameFAQS for initially hosting my FAQ. I wouldn't be able to share game knowledge without these forums. :P Rory Atkison, who drew out the ASCII title that heads this FAQ... a lot of work went into it, and it was his first shot at trying draw out a title like this, woot! Magna Merik, who sent me a ridiculous amount of information, which includes but certainly isn't limited to: monster names, minigame results and locations of heart pieces. Frozenfire, who has helped me a great deal with the writing of this FAQ. Heart piece locations, many English corrections and monster information are some of the things that he has helped me with. LeeConsig, for giving me correct instructions on the fishing for Twilight Princess, as well as writing out the boss information for Fyrus. Sunni Brar, who sent me the sequence of jumps required to solve the puzzle right before receiving the Master Sword, along with a steady stream of things to update, including (but not limited to) info concerning monsters, items I left out of the items section and minigame information. Geoff Thew and Bob Messing who both provided me with, and pointed me in the right direction of, a workable, largely errorless timeline that could be used to explain the Legend of Zelda legacy. GaijinSteve who inspired me to write the section on glitches found in the game, as well as being the person who informed me of both of the currently known game-ending glitches. Nathan Dove, for sending me information regarding the parrot and cucco minigames, as well as a few other tidbits of helpful info for the FAQ. Thanks to Roberto Sanchez for correcting the guide on Link's special swordsman abilities along with errors in the FAQ and valuable information on secrets within the game. Frozenfire for writing out heart piece locations, as well as pinpointing a few reoccurring errors in the FAQ. Tim Van Gerner for motivating me to write out a section outlining the controls of the game. Samuel Luke for a bit of information that was finally included in version 2.27a. (But had been sent in awhile earlier) Thanks go to Patrick Shaw, Chrono, Dianne James (zanyzora), Tyler Wilde, Dennis, Jye, Aaron Busch, Tim Tackett, Chris O'Rorke, Dave, Braedon, Richard Li and Craig Tesch for asking their permission to host this guide. Sam Jessurun for contributing a couple of other minor glitches found within the game. Elena, who translated the walkthrough portion to Spanish and posted it on solojuegos.com My roommate Mike and BlueFire14 for always keeping me up to date on new release information... I would have never looked up the trailers and download the information that I did without their endless browsing of forums. BlueFire14 also, a second time, for sending me the link concerning TSA's denouncement of the Eldin Bridge glitch. Martin F for notifying me about the glitch concerning the Cave of Ordeals. For help with correct monster naming, I'd like to thank Aaron Romanick and Ken Prothero. For little additions that have helped me along with what I have accomplished thus far, I have to thank Jibraeel, Timothy Harvey, Orge, Goombella, Aaron Rowe, Corey Naish, Robert Tran, Cole Sutra, Justin Dunlop, Steven Panek, Wilhelm, Marc07, Letsgopens13, Wes Alvaro and Perullo. Nintendo and the countless of faces required to piece together graphics, the programming, music and translate the entire lot that made it possible for me to even play Twilight Princess... ...and finally, last but not least, I would like to thank ocremix.org and the various artists therein, Nightwish, U2, Aerosmith, Genesis, Queen, Genitorturers, and many other musicians who made sitting down and writing for hours on end bearable.